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  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • The use of airborne electromagnetics (AEM) for hydrogeological investigations often requires high resolution data. Optimisation of AEM data therefore requires careful consideration of AEM system suitability, calibration, validation and inversion methods. In the Broken Hill managed Aquifer Recharge (BHMAR) project, the helicopter-borne SkyTEM transient EM system was selected after forward modeling of system responses and assessment of test line data over potential targets. The survey involved acquisition of 31,834 line km of data over an area of 7,500 km2 of the River Darling Floodplain, and was acquired by two systems over a 9-week period.. Initial Fast Approximate Inversions (FAI) provided within 48 hours of acquisition were used to target 100 sonic and rotary mud holes for calibration and validation. A number of different (Laterally and Spatially Constrained) inversions of the AEM data were carried out, with refinements made as additional information on vertical and lateral constraints became available. Finally, a Wave Number Domain Approximate Inversion procedure with a 1D multi-layer model and constraints in 3D, was used to produce a 3D conductivity model. This inversion procedure only takes days to run, enabling the rapid trialing to select the most appropriate vertical and horizontal constraints. Comparison of borehole induction logs with adjacent AEM fiduciary points confirms high confidence levels in the final inversion. Using this approach has produced quantitative estimates of the 3D conductivity structure that provide a reliable platform for identifying new groundwater resources and a range of MAR options, and developing new geological and hydrogeological conceptual models. Integration of the AEM data with borehole lithology, textural, mineralogical, groundwater and pore fluid hydrochemical and borehole NMR data has enabled maps of hydrostratigraphy, hydraulic conductivity, groundwater salinity, salt store and neotectonics to be produced.

  • Groundwater monitoring around the CO2CRC Otway Project CO2 injection site aims to (1) establish baseline aquifer conditions prior to CO2 injection, and (2) enable detection monitoring for CO2 leakage, in the unlikely event any should occur in the future. The groundwater composition was monitored at 24 bores around the site for nearly 2 years before injection started. The water samples were analysed for standard bulk properties, and inorganic chemical and isotopic compositions. In addition to sampling, standing water levels were monitored continuously in 6 of the bores using barometric loggers. The shallow groundwaters have compositions typical of carbonate aquifer-hosted waters, being fresh (EC 800-4000 S/cm), dominated by Ca2+, Na+, HCO3- and Cl-, cool (T 12-23°C), and near-neutral (pH 6.6-7.5). Most of the deep groundwater samples are fresher (EC 400-1600 S/cm), also dominated by Ca2+, Na+, HCO3- and Cl-, cool (T 15-21°C), but are more alkaline (pH 7.5-9.5). Time-series reveal that most parameters measured have been relatively stable over the sampling period, although some bores display changes that appear to be non-seasonal. Groundwater levels in some of the shallow bores show a seasonal variation with longer term trends evident in both aquifers.

  • This interim report documents progress against the Project Plan and Project Scope for the Broken Hill Managed Aquifer Recharge Project, Phase 1. Specifically, the report covers: (1) the investigative methodology being used for the Phase 1 Risk Assessment (2) details of key data (assessed/) obtained to meet the project outcomes (3) indicative findings to date. An assessment of pre-existing geospatial, hydrogeological, geophysical and borehole data in the Broken Hill area has identified 6 potential priority areas for further investigation. Initial investigations in these 6 priority areas support the general findings and recommendations of Lewis et al. (2008), and re-affirm the view that there is significant potential to develop options for the Broken Hill Managed Aquifer Recharge (BHMAR) project. In summary, the project is on track to deliver on the Phase 1 Risk Assessment as scheduled (by end February 2009).

  • Conceptual MAR targets in the Broken Hill region were identified in previous investigations (Lewis et al., 2008; Lawrie et al., 2009a). In the BHMAR Phase 2 study, the project team is required to make recommendations on the presence and suitability of potential MAR sites with an 80% confidence level. While this will be attempted through a combination of AEM, borehole analysis and seismic reflection data acquisition, AEM is the prime dataset required to map the aquifer targets in 3D.

  • Seawater intrusion (SWI) is a problem globally due to changes in catchment water balances and rising sea levels. The northern coastline of Australia is an area of incipient SWI hazard; however, there is limited understanding of the characteristics of SWI. This study undertook a regional TEMPEST AEM survey of the Darwin coastal plains over the Koolpinyah Dolostone (KD) aquifer, to inform understanding of SWI in this important urban and peri-urban water source. Calibration and validation of AEM data involved sonic and rotary mud drilling, borehole geophysical and geological logging, and laboratory analysis of lithologies, pore fluids and groundwater samples. The AEM data provide greater spatial detail of critical elements of the hydrostratigraphy, and map a complex SWI interface in 3D. A potential SWI hazard to the main producing aquifer has been identified, with SWI ingress through preferential flow paths mapped along structural corridors. There is also extensive leakage of saline groundwater beneath the tidal Adelaide and Mary River floodplains. The existing regional hydrogeological model requires major revision to incorporate the significant weathered zones and salt stores, more restricted extent of dolostone in the aquifer,, and preferential recharge zones and groundwater flow paths to the KD aquifer identified through this study. Assessment of SWI risk to the groundwater resource requires additional hydrodynamic data targeted using the AEM data, and incorporation of results within a predictive groundwater model. The study demonstrates the value of regional, AEM surveys in understanding SWI proceses in karstic aquifers, particularly in data-poor, inaccessible or environmentally sensitive areas.