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As part of initiatives by the Australian and Queensland Governments to support energy security and mineral exploration, a deep seismic reflection and magnetotelluric survey was conducted in 2007 to establish the architecture and geodynamic framework of north Queensland. With additional support from AuScope, nearly 1400 km of seismic data were acquired along four lines, extending from near Cloncurry in the west to almost the Queensland coast.
The GIS is based on the "Mount Isa Inlier and Environs" 1:500 000 scale map (published in 1987), which was digitised and verified against geochemical and mineral deposit point data. A series of interpretative geological and geochemical coverages were derived from these map data and point datasets such as ROCKCHEM, OZCHRON, and MINERAL DEPOSITS. Geophysical byte images provide broad regional views showing the concealed extent of the province.
Legacy product - no abstract available
<5% missing nth west corner 22-1/G55-16/3
Legacy product - no abstract available
Legacy product - no abstract available
50% coverage east 22-1/D54-3/2 Contour interval: 10
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No product available. Removed from website 25/01/2019