From 1 - 10 / 868
  • Titles in this newsletter: Rig Seismic inivestigates Tasmanian margin Cambrian palaeogeographic maps published (Palaeogeographic Atlas of Australia) New Southwest Pacific geological map Block and possible terrane boundaries in the Mount Isa Inlier Towards an Australian time scale Epithermal gold, and foreland faulting and magmatism, Kalimantan, Indonesia Release of 'GDA', BMR's new whole-rock geochemical data analysis system Thermogenic gases in sea-floor sediments, offshore Otway and Gippsland Basins Palaeogeography, Sea Level, & Climate: Implications for resource exploration: 1988 BMR Research Symposium, 8-10 November, CanberraBMR publications, maps and data releases, and how to obtain them Recent publications and data releases Issue of Precambrian Research on the Early to Middle Proterozoic of Australia New Davenport Province Bulletin Release of BMR's whole-rock geochemical database 'PETCHEM' Estimation of oil discovery and production in Australia from undiscovered accumulations (onshore) New potential reservoir identified in Clarence-Moreton Basin Is CO2 involved in the migration of hydrocarbons from type-III kerogen? Comparison of Amadeus Basin with Sichuan Basin, southwest China Non-volcanic sources of diamond Non-volcanic sources of diamond: subducted eclogites and peridotite massifs? Use of aeromagnetic flight-lineprofiles: mapping lithologicaltrends in high-grade gneiss Ocean drilling results, S. Kerguelen Plateau New waterguns improveseismic resolutionaboard Rig Seismic Murray Basin Goundwater Project New National Resource Information Centre 'NRIC' Recent symposium, 'Deep Seismic Probing of Continents and their Margins' News briefs [supplement]

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