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This service has been created specifically for display in the National Map and the chosen symbology may not suit other mapping applications. The Australian Topographic web map service is seamless national dataset coverage for the whole of Australia. These data are best suited to graphical applications. These data may vary greatly in quality depending on the method of capture and digitising specifications in place at the time of capture. The web map service portrays detailed graphic representation of features that appear on the Earth's surface. These features include the administration boundaries from the Geoscience Australia 250K Topographic Data, including state forest and reserves.
This report is a contribution to the 2016 State of the Environment Report prepared by the Commonwealth Department of the Environment. It presents a summary desciption of benthic habitats and communities within submarine canyons, including statistics on the number and regional disrtibution of canyons. An assessment of the current state and trend of canyon ecosystems is also provided.
Marine Infrastructure links northern coastal areas with Asian markets and thus is fundamental for the development of Northern Australia. Marine science can play key roles in the planning and development of coastal infrastructure and optimisation of shipping operations that underpin growth and productivity. The Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) operates two coastal observing systems in Darwin Harbour and the Beagle Gulf which supply information on wind, waves, tides and suspended sediments to Darwin Port in near real time. The systems also drive numeric models that tell us about how waves, tides and sediment circulate within the Harbour throughout the year. Adoption of the model outputs by industry has led to around a 50% improvement in ship accessibility to some infrastructure in Darwin Port. The modelling could be expanded to include other northern regions slated for infrastructure development, and is multi-purpose in the respect that it provides information that is crucial to understanding the impacts of dredging on water quality. Multibeam sonar acoustic seabed mapping creates spectacular three-dimensional images of the seafloor which increase the accuracy of models, and provide high quality information for navigation. Obstacles to shipping and pipelines such as reefs and sandbanks are clearly evident in these images, as are culturally significant features such as shipwrecks. A program to map Darwin and Bynoe Harbours is currently underway, and was made possible through offset funds provided by INPEX to Northern Territory Government Department of Land Resource Management, and co-investment from Geoscience Australia and AIMS. This comprehensive program has already revealed seabed features that were previously unknown. Moreover, it provides core data sets for Environmental Impact Assessments which reduce development costs to potential investors. The program highlights how industry and government can form effective partnerships to deliver products that will help with the successful sustainable development of Northern Australia.
World Political Boundaries. The world boundaries dataset is comprised of free data sources from around the web. Made with Natural Earth (http://www.naturalearthdata.com/). Contains the Admin 0 - Countries cultural layer.
This USB has been produced for promotional purposes and will be handed out (free) at domestic and international conferences. The USB contains a selection of reports, flyers, maps and data. Products are grouped into 4 categories: Reports and Brochures, Mineral Deposits, Surface Geology and Geophysical Data, and Data Visualisation Tool.
Geoscience Australia and the CO2CRC operate a controlled release facility in Canberra, Australia, designed for simulating subsurface emissions of CO2 by injecting gas into a horizontal well. Three controlled release experiments were conducted at this site during 2012-2013, over 7-9 week periods, to assess and develop near-surface monitoring technologies for application to carbon dioxide geological storage sites (Feitz et al., 2014). A key well-established technique for characterizing surface CO2 emission sources from controlled release sites or natural CO2 seeps is soil flux surveys. The technique is often considered as the benchmark technique for characterizing a site's emissions or as a baseline for comparing other measurement techniques, but has received less attention with regards to its absolute performance. The extensive soil gas surveys undertaken during Release 1 (Feb-May 2012) and Release 3 (Oct-Dec 2013) are the subject of this paper. Several studies have highlighted factors which can have an effect on soil flux measurements, including meteorological influences such as air pressure and wind speed, which can increase or suppress soil fluxes (Rinaldi et al. 2012). Work at the Canberra controlled release site has highlighted the influence groundwater has on the spatial distribution of fluxes.). In addition, there are several different methods available for inverting soil flux measurements to obtain the emission rate of a surveyed area. These range in complexity from planar averaging to geostatistical methods such as sequential Gaussian simulation (Lewicki et al. 2005). Each inversion technique relies on its own subset of assumptions or limitations, which can also impact the end emissions estimate. Thus deriving a realistic estimate of the total emission rate will depend on both environmental forcing as well as the applied inversion method. An in-house method for soil flux interpolation has been developed and is presented. A cubic interpolated surface is generated from all the measurement points (Figure 1), from which a background linear interpolated surface is subtracted off, leaving the net leakage flux. The background surface is prepared by identifying all background points matching a certain criteria (for this release experiment distance from release well was used) and interpolating only over those points. In these experiments, soil flux surveys were collected on a predefined grid, using an irregular sampling pattern with higher density of samples nearer to the leak hotspots to provide higher spatial resolution in the regions where flux changes most rapidly (Figure 2). The same release rate of 144 kgCO2/day was used for both experiments. It was observed that the surface flux distribution shifts markedly between experiments, most likely a function of seasonal differences (2012 was wet; 2013 was dry) and resulting differences in groundwater depth, soil saturation and the extent of the vadose zone.. The depth to the groundwater measured at monitoring wells in proximity to the release well was 0.85-1.2 m during the 2012 (wet) release whereas it ranged from 1.9-2.3 m during the 2013 (dry) release experiment. The horizontal well is located 2.0 m below the ground surface. This paper explores the performance of soil flux surveys for providing an accurate estimate of the release rate, using a series of soil flux surveys collected across both release experiments. Emission estimates are generated by applying several common inversion methods, which are then compared to the known release rate of CO2. An evaluation as to the relative suitability of different inversion methods will be provided based on their performance. Deviations from the measured release rate are also explored with respect to survey design, meteorological and groundwater factors, which can lead and inform the future deployment of soil flux surveys in a monitoring and verification program.
The coverage of this dataset is over the WestNarranLake region . The C3 LAS data set contains point data in LAS 1.2 format sourced from a LiDAR ( Light Detection and Ranging ) from an ALS50 ( Airborne Laser Scanner ) sensor . The processed data has been manually edited to achieve LPI classification level 3 whereby the ground class contains minimal non-ground points such as vegetation, water , bridges , temporary features , jetties etc . Purpose: To provide fit-for-purpose elevation data for use in applications related to coastal vulnerability assessment, natural resource management ( especially water and forests) , transportation and urban planning . Additional lineage information: This data has an accuracy of 0.3m ( 95 CI ) vertical and 0.8m ( 95 CI ) horizontal with a minimum point density of one laser pulse per square metre . For more information on the datas accuracy, refer to the lineage provided in the data history .
2D seismic vibroseis reflection data were acquired in the South Gippsland region of Victoria in June-July 2015 as part of a collaborative project between the Geological Survey of Victoria and Geoscience Australia. The purpose of the survey was to gain an understanding of the geometry and internal structure of the Cretaceous Strzelecki Group that includes up to 100m of volcanics (Older Volcanics) and the underlying Palaeozoic basement of the Melbourne Zone. The depth to the basement varies across the four transects from 400 m to 7 km maximum. The survey was designed to image shallow near surface groundwater targets and basin down to 7 km depth as well as deeper crustal structures. The potential deterioration of seismic data quality due to the presence of the shallow volcanics also required investigation. The Fairfield Zland cableless Nodal system was used with 15 m spacing of point receiver nodes rather than the cable acquisition system previously used by Geoscience Australia with an array of 6-geophone strings with 20m spacing. The advantages of using the nodal system are (a) more flexibility in design of the survey, especially in rugged terrains, or urban areas, and (b) significantly easier deployment of the equipment with much less downtime. A number of tests were carried out prior to the acquisition program to compare various sweep parameters and to optimise the acquisition parameters for a range of targets, both shallow and deep. These tests included linear sweeps with expanded bandwidth and non-linear customised high-dwell sweeps. High fold seismic reflection data (nominal fold 600) were collected to improve signal to noise ratio using two 50,000 lb vibroseis units for the source array. In an attempt to overcome the shallow volcanic layer issue data were recorded to long offsets up to 10 km, and not less than 4.5 km where the roads in the area were crooked. Despite the effort of collecting the high fold data and long offsets, the quality of seismic data was significantly degraded due to several reasons including acquisition issues, and, more likely, geology of the region that is not easy to image using conventional seismic techniques. Attenuation appears to have had a substantial effect on seismic data quality, resulting in a loss of energy. The most significant issue seems to be a high level of noise observed in the data, especially at far offsets. This noise is more likely related to environmental noise in the region and due to nodes not being fully buried. However, the seismic data previously acquired in the same area using a cable system also exhibits poor data quality. This suggests a `geological factor as a major issue for good quality imaging of the crust in this area. During the acquisition stage some general issues with the current nodal system were experienced, such as delays and problems of data harvesting and re-construction of shot gathers. This created a problem with real time monitoring of the data quality and resulted in difficulties in modifying acquisition parameters or calling shutdowns due to poor weather conditions. One example of lack of real time monitoring was a leap second event that caused timing errors that was identified only a few days after the event. The data processing is currently being undertaken and is expected to be completed in June 2016. The advanced processing stream includes Pre-Stack Time and Depth Migration, DMO, Common Reflection Surface and Post-Stack Migration processing. The preliminary results show good images of the basin in the shallower section but little reflectivity observed in middle and low crust.
The Southern Thomson Project was established to develop a better understanding of the geology and mineral potential of the southern Thomson Orogen. One way in which the Southern Thomson Project is improving this understanding is through the collection of seismic refraction data at 16 greenfields sites to assess the cover thickness (i.e. the amount of regolith and sedimentary basin cover overlying the basement geology). Seismic refraction data was collected using a standard linear array with 48 geophones and a 40 kg propelled weight drop as the energy source. An estimate of the cover thickness was produced from the refraction data using the time-term inversion method. This resulted in the creation of a three-layer model for each site, which accounts for the layers associated with the regolith, sedimentary basin cover and the basement geology.
In April 2015 Geoscience Australia (GA) acquired 908 km (full-fold) Gippsland Southern Margin Infill 2D Seismic data using Gardline's M/V Duke. The survey is designed to better resolve the Foster Fault System and provide better integration between the GDPI10 survey and the existing surveys in the central deep. The data underwent pre-stack depth migration with a deghosting algorithm during processing. The dataset includes intermediate processing products as well as final preSTM and preSDM and associated velocities.