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  • This web service delivers metadata for onshore active and passive seismic surveys conducted across the Australian continent by Geoscience Australia and its collaborative partners. For active seismic this metadata includes survey header data, line location and positional information, and the energy source type and parameters used to acquire the seismic line data. For passive seismic this metadata includes information about station name and location, start and end dates, operators and instruments. The metadata are maintained in Geoscience Australia's onshore active seismic and passive seismic database, which is being added to as new surveys are undertaken. Links to datasets, reports and other publications for the seismic surveys are provided in the metadata.

  • <div>The Varzin Passage to Merkara Shoal&nbsp;bathymetry survey was acquired for the Australian Hydrographic Office (AHO) during the period 4 Sep 2023 – 12 Apr 2024. This was a contracted survey conducted for the Australian Hydrographic Office by Fugro Australia as part of the Hydroscheme Industry Partnership Program. The survey area encompasses an area in Varzin Passage to Merkara Shoal. Bathymetry data was acquired using a LADS HD+, and processed using CARIS HIPS and SIPS, and QIMERA processing software. The dataset was then exported as a 30m resolution, 32 bit floating point GeoTIFF grid of the survey area.</div><div>This dataset is not to be used for navigational purposes.</div>

  • The Layered Geology of Australia web map service is a seamless national coverage of Australia’s surface and subsurface geology. Geology concealed under younger cover units are mapped by effectively removing the overlying stratigraphy (Liu et al., 2015). This dataset is a layered product and comprises five chronostratigraphic time slices: Cenozoic, Mesozoic, Paleozoic, Neoproterozoic, and Pre-Neoproterozoic. As an example, the Mesozoic time slice (or layer) shows Mesozoic age geology that would be present if all Cenozoic units were removed. The Pre-Neoproterozoic time slice shows what would be visible if all Neoproterozoic, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic units were removed. The Cenozoic time slice layer for the national dataset was extracted from Raymond et al., 2012. Surface Geology of Australia, 1:1 000 000 scale, 2012 edition. Geoscience Australia, Canberra.

  • This service delivers airborne electromagnetics (AEM) derived conductivity grids for depth intervals representing the top 22 layers from AEM modelling in the West Musgrave region ( The grids were generated from the AEM conductivity models released as part of the Western Resource Corridor AusAEM survey (, the Earaheedy and Desert Strip AusAEM survey ( and several industry surveys ( from the West Musgraves region. The AEM conductivity models resolve important subsurface features for assessing the groundwater system including lithological boundaries, palaeovalleys and hydrostatigraphy.

  • This service delivers airborne electromagnetics (AEM) derived conductivity grids for depth intervals representing the top 22 layers from AEM modelling in the West Musgrave region ( The grids were generated from the AEM conductivity models released as part of the Western Resource Corridor AusAEM survey (, the Earaheedy and Desert Strip AusAEM survey ( and several industry surveys ( from the West Musgraves region. The AEM conductivity models resolve important subsurface features for assessing the groundwater system including lithological boundaries, palaeovalleys and hydrostatigraphy.

  • This service delivers airborne electromagnetics (AEM) derived conductivity grids for depth intervals representing the top 22 layers from AEM modelling in the West Musgrave region ( The grids were generated from the AEM conductivity models released as part of the Western Resource Corridor AusAEM survey (, the Earaheedy and Desert Strip AusAEM survey ( and several industry surveys ( from the West Musgraves region. The AEM conductivity models resolve important subsurface features for assessing the groundwater system including lithological boundaries, palaeovalleys and hydrostatigraphy.

  • The magnetotelluric (MT) method is becoming more widely used in the geoscience community as it becomes increasingly recognised as a useful exploration tool. However, while the analysis and inversion tools available to the MT community have increased over recent years, the software available to work with these tools is still somewhat limited and often costly in comparison to some of the more mature techniques like gravity, magnetics and seismic. The MTpy python library is open source software that aims to assist MT practitioners in carrying out the processing and analysis steps that need to be carried out with MT data and in working with the various inversion codes that are available. However, MTpy still contains coding issues, bugs and gaps in functionality, which have limited its use to date. We are currently developing MTpy to rectify these problems and expand the functionality, and thus facilitate the use of MT as an exploration technique. Key improvements include adding new functions and modules, refactoring the code to give better quality and consistency, fixing bugs and adding new Graphic User Interfaces. Abstract prepared for the Australian Exploration Geoscience Conference (AEGC) 18 -21 February 2018, Sydney, NSW. (

  • Here we present 3D resistivity models of the lithosphere beneath an area of southeast Australia, derived from the Australian Lithospheric Architecture Magnetotelluric Project (AusLAMP). AusLAMP aims to collect long period magnetotelluric (MT) sites in a 55 km spaced array across Australia. With most of southeast Australia complete, we are now armed with a tool to understand the architecture of the entire lithosphere across large areas. The AusLAMP data presented here were collected by several organisations. Geoscience Australia (GA), the Geological Survey of South Australia, the Geological Survey of New South Wales, the Geological Survey of Victoria, and the University of Adelaide all contributed staff and/or funding for collection of the data; AuScope and GA contributed instrumentation. Our resistivity models from these data encompass the Paleo-Mesoproterozoic Curnamona Province, the Neoproterozoic Flinders Ranges, and the Cambrian Delamerian Orogen, encompassing eastern South Australia and western New South Wales and western Victoria. The Delamerian Orogen marks the transition along the eastern margin of Proterozoic Australia from a passive to an active continental margin, and has potential for a range of mineral systems. The Curnamona Province is also prospective, with strong similarities and a large mantle conductivity anomaly joining it to the Gawler Craton, which hosts a world-class IOCG belt. Preliminary resistivity models indicate a highly conductive crust in the Curnamona Province. Within the Delamerian Orogen, the lithosphere is mostly resistive, with isolated conductive anomalies from around 10 km down to the lower lithosphere. The Murray Basin that hinders mineral exploration over the southern parts of the Delamerian Orogen is imaged as a widespread shallow conductor. Subduction-related crustal enrichment during the Delamerian Orogeny, identified by xenolith and seismic studies of eastern South Australia has, in part, been overprinted by the signature of recent volcanism in the form of the Newer Volcanic Province (NVP). The NVP, previously imaged by MT in Victoria, is now imaged in its full onshore extent. The new resistivity models will enable us to identify lithospheric scale structures and test tectonic models about the evolution of southeast Australia. Presented to the American Geophysical Union (AGU) conference 9 – 13 December 2019, San Francisco (

  • Integrated datasets (airborne magnetic and gamma-ray spectrometric imagery, Landsat Thematic Mapper imagery, a digital elevation model, and water-bore logs) have contributed to an investigation of Cainozoic geology and hydrogeology, and their ecological impact on the habitat of a vulnerable species of marsupial, in a -2600-km2 area of semiarid central Australia in and around the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park. They show that a heterogeneous basement topography of domes and basins with 100 m of vertical relief (a buried 'mini-Kata Tjuta') underlies the Dune Plains, an extensive tongue-shaped sand plain between Kata Tjuta, Uluru, and Yulara. A significant feature of this buried landscape is a palaeodrainage valley, now the setting for a compound bedrock-Cainozoic-sediment aquifer system which is a major source of water supply for the inhabitants and tourists of this World Heritage Area. Major faults traverse the basement beneath the Dune Plains area, and a local elevation of bedrock causes a subsurface constriction near Yulara; both these features are important aquifer influences. The palaeovalley was originally a closed valley with discrete depocentres in which lacustrine and alluvial-fan sediments accumulated. Later, a river evolved, and flowed north to Lake Amadeus, not eastward as previously mapped. North of Yulara the palaeoriver spread out in a broad deltaic braid plain to the lake. The braid plain has received recent episodic floodwaters that have disrupted the Quaternary dunefields. Groundwater calcrete, and a sheetwash landscape unit composed of red earth, are important Quaternary geological units. The sheetwash landscape unit forms broad, gently sloping aprons around outcrops and supports banded mulga shrub land. During rainfall, surface run-off from this unit constitutes a distinctive 'sheetflow recharge' mechanism that maximises water conservation and infiltration for the underlying aquifer. The sheetwash landscape unit appears to have an important bearing on the ecosystem of the mulgara, a vulnerable marsupial that inhabits the Dune Plains. Whereas mulgara populations elsewhere in the Park contract during droughts, the Dune Plains population historically has survived. The transitional zone between the sheetwash red earth-mulga shrubland and the adjacent sandplain-spinifex association coincides with this core mulgara habitat. The hydrodynamic processes of the sheetwash unit carry concentrated nutrients to this zone, at the base of the slope, where infiltration occurs; these processes may be favourable to the mulgara's survival in the Dune Plains. Research into the soil, water, and nutrient cycles and processes in the sheetwash red earth-mulga shrubland and its adjacent transitional zone is recommended because of the interpreted importance of the surface and near-surface hydrodynamics to the distinctive ecosystem and to the recharge of the aquifer system. Further investigation of the locally complex hydrogeology is required, and a review of the groundwater resources in the Dune Plains aquifer system is recommended.

  • From the early 1960s through to the 1990s Geoscience Australia's predecessors conducted numerous remote field programs, mapping the geology of the Australian Antarctic Territory. Scientific observations, measurements, sample numbers, locations, and other anecdotal information, such as weather conditions and day-to-day life in the field during those early Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions, were faithfully and sometime painstakingly, recorded in that quintessential accessory, 'the field notebook', by field geologists. These handwritten field notebooks now reside in the Geoscience Australia library, and are publicly available for all to enjoy. Currently, the interested geologist or historian must physically visit Geoscience Australia to gain access to these irreplaceable and invaluable sources of scientific and other information. The Geoscience Australia library regularly receives requests from researchers to view field notebooks, as the raw data contained is of continued relevance and value to contemporary scientific research. In addition to the scientific observations, the notebooks record the realities of what everyday life in Antarctica was like. Among the scientific data are lists of food supplies, field logistics and planning, equipment requirements, comments on the dog sledge teams, and WYSSA (private telegram) messages home to loved ones. Increasingly, we are finding that family historians are keen to access their relative's field notebooks for inclusion in their own publications and family histories. In order to make these valuable records more accessible to the world and in line with Geoscience Australia's policy of ensuring that our geoscience data, information, and collections are discoverable, accessible and searchable as a public resource a digitisation project has been undertaken. Under the guidance and assistance of the Australian Museum's DigiVol program (, and with a loyal cadre of hardworking volunteers, we are digitising and transcribing all the Antarctic field notebooks for web delivery. Thanks to the hard work of our dedicated volunteers, our collection of almost 90 Antarctic field notebooks is well on its way to being released. Although the Geoscience Australia library has a comprehensive collection of Antarctic field notebooks, we do have some gaps which we are keen to fill. We¿d like to hear from anyone who has any Bureau of Mineral Resources, Australian Geological Survey Organisation, or Geoscience Australia Antarctic field notebooks that we could include in our project, to make the important information contained in them accessible to researchers from around the world.