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  • The Bulong vermiculite deposit, situated 20 miles east of Kalgoorlie was discussed with members of the West Australian Mines Inspection Branch. The geology, quality, and production potential of the deposit are discussed in this report.

  • A preliminary geological examination of an area at the northern extremity of Gungahlin district was carried out for the purpose of determining with fair approximation the area occupied by slate apparently suitable for brick-making. The geology of the area and the suitability of the site for a brick pit are discussed in this report. A geological sketch map of the district is included.

  • A collection of cores was sent by the Zinc Corporation for the purpose of magnetic orientation of bedding planes. The collection consists of seven pieces mostly of short length. The results of the magnetic tests, and recommendations for future testing, are discussed in this report.

  • At the request of Mr. G. Lindesay Clark, Deputy Controller of Minerals Production, estimates have been made of the grade of ore likely to be delivered to the mill during the next two years under conditions of half-scale production. The methods of estimating tonnage and grade, as well as the resultant estimates, are discussed in this report.

  • Salt is harvested from the surface of Lake Cowan, approximately 8 miles east of Widgiemooltha. This report follows a visit to the lake in July, 1945, and comprises notes on geology, salt deposits, grade, and harvesting.

  • Weilmoringle No. 9 Bore is situated about 60 miles northeast of Langbien's Bore. The results from a micro-examination of samples taken from 1650 feet down to 1742 feet are given in the report.

  • Greenwood's Camp area is situated approximately 1/2 mile east-northeast of the East Painter Camp at the junction of Heighty Creek and an un-named creek along which runs the camel pad to the Mount Painter divide. A reconnaissance survey of the area was made during which a number of small torbernite occurrences were discovered. The area was later mapped in more detail by E. Broadhurst and K. Llewellyn and during the course of their examination the No. 5 prospect was discovered. As a result of his examination Broadhurst recommended that a Geiger-Muller radiation survey should be made of those parts of the area which he considered most likely to contain torbernite or other uranium minerals. The survey under review was carried out as a result of this recommendation. The geology of the area, technical matters, and the results of the survey are discussed in this report.

  • Results from the micro-examination of samples from 2254 to 4554 feet down, No.2 Bore, Boronga. The series examined is in continuation of that reported upon 30th May, 1942.

  • The Pannikin Mine is situated on the south side of the Hart's Range about 7 miles southeast of Mount Riddock and about 9 or 10 miles a little south of east from Schaber's homestead. The Elbow deposit is about 1 1/2 miles south-southwest from the Pannikin. The two deposits, and another smaller one in the same locality, were visited on 22nd October, 1944. The accompanying plan of the Pannikin was made with compass and tape. The report comprises notes on the two mica deposits. Accompanying sketch plans of the Pannikin and Elbow deposits are included.

  • Report on mine maintenance, costs, equipment, employment, reserves, and workings.