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  • Review of 2009 Acreage Release

  • This map shows the boundary of the Maritime Security Zones for each port for the purpose of the Maritime Transport & Office Security Act 2003. 5 sheets (Colour) June 2009 Not for sale or public distribution Contact Manager LOSAMBA project

  • White micas from the Penninic units of the Urtier Valley, in the Western Alps, have been dated by the 40Ar/39Ar step-heating method. A strong correlation is observed between measured ages, mica composition and deformation fabrics. Samples characterized by a single mineral reservoir yielded relatively flat age spectra, allowing to estimate an age of 44.4±0.4 Ma for the formation of phengite-bearing fabrics in eclogite-facies conditions (SHP) and an age of 42.0±0.4 Ma for the microstructurally younger muscovite-bearing shear fabrics, which formed in greenschist facies conditions (SZgr1). Several micaschist samples are characterized by the overprint of the phengite-bearing SHP fabric by a younger muscovite-bearing fabric (FU) that is axial planar to tight upright folds that post-date the SZgr1 shearing event. BSE images reveal that the different generations of syn-kinematic micas are not exclusively tied to their respective fabric, but muscovite is commonly found also in the SHP microlithons, while relict phengite is often transposed into the new FU axial planar fabric. All the samples containing these two generations of white micas yielded convex-upward spectra, which, following considerations based on the 36Ar/40Ar Vs 40Ar/39Ar plots, have been interpreted to indicate mixing of two argon reservoirs of different ages, related to the older phengite and the younger muscovite visible with optical and electron microscopy. This method allowed to estimate a maximum age of ca. 36.5 ± 0.5 Ma for the folding of the shear-related structures. The ages estimated for SHP and SZgr1 in the study area are consistent with those obtained in other parts of the Penninic units with other geochronological techniques. Therefore, the post-crystallization loss of argon from the phengite associated with SHP and the muscovite defining SZgr1 is negligible, despite evidence indicating that conditions of T=480-510 ºC were reached during the later upright folding event.

  • Map showing Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction in the Timor Sea on a blue imagery background made from data collected from research vessels and/or derived from satellite imagery. For internal use as at 27 sept 2009.

  • Map produced for the Australian Government Solicitor in July 2009 showing the Torres Strait Regional Claim. Produced for the use of AGS in the their provision of advice regarding native title.

  • Geoscience Australia undertakes classification of biophysical datasets to create seabed habitat maps (termed 'seascapes') for the Australian margin and adjacent sea floor. Seascapes describe a layer of ecologically meaningful biophysical properties that spatially represents potential seabed habitats. Each seascape area corresponds to a region of the seabed that contains similar biophysical properties and, by association, potential habitats and communities. The lack of available standardised biological data at the national scale precludes the integration of biological information into the derivation of national seascapes. By focusing on a much smaller scale over tens of kilometres near the Glomar Shoals in Western Australia, referred to as 'local scale', available biological data were integrated into new derivations of seascapes and results compared with seascapes without these data. Using physical data as described in Whiteway et al. 2007 (GA Record 2007/11) and demersal fish data obtained from the 1967 Russian Berg-3 survey, we have derived four new local sets of seascape to compare the effects of integrating biological data: 1) Standard seascapes using only physical data, 2) Seascapes with an additional biology layer based on the Shannon diversity index, 3) Seascapes with an additional biology layer based on the Simpson diversity index, and 4) Seascapes with an additional layer of randomly-generated data. At the 'regional-scale' we derived two sets of seascapes: 1) Seascapes with an additional biology layer based on the Shannon diversity index that encompasses the entire Berg-3 survey area in northwest Australia, and 2) Standard seascapes using only physical data for the same area. This datsets is the local scale Glomar Shoals seascape produced without a randomly generated biological layer.

  • part page item on matters related to stratigraphy. This column discusses: the ratification of the definition of the Quaternary time period; the value of type sections; and the dropping of the name Kulyong Formation

  • On 24 June 2009, Territories West - Attorney-Generals Department emailed Geoscience Australia an updated version of the shape files to the Town Planning Scheme. These are lazone.shp and rcode.shp. The data came with numerical codes for the lazones and without English descriptions for the zone types. GA decoded the lazones to field zones based on prior data. A listing of the resultant lazone fields follows: Alias Type Precision Width---------------------------------------------------Shape FIELD_SHAPEPOLY 8 0Zone FIELD_CHAR 2 40Lucode FIELD_DECIMAL 4 0Zonecat FIELD_CHAR 0 2Key FIELD_CHAR 14 0Area FIELD_DECIMAL 18 5Perimeter FIELD_DECIMAL 18 5Lga_num FIELD_DECIMAL 4 0Scheme_typ FIELD_CHAR 2 0Scheme_no FIELD_CHAR 4 0Addcode FIELD_CHAR 4 0Restcode FIELD_CHAR 4 0Alabel FIELD_CHAR 1 0Rlabel FIELD_CHAR 1 0Lazone_ FIELD_DECIMAL 0 9Lazone_id FIELD_DECIMAL 0 9Specaddcod FIELD_CHAR 0 4Slabel FIELD_CHAR 0 1 After the field zone was joined as the legend the coded data became self evident and shows areas of: Commercial, Facility, Future Urban, Horticulture, Indian Ocean, Industrial, Mining, National Parks, Public Open Space, Public Purposes, Residential, Roads, Tourist and Vacant Crown Land. For a few zones the code was unfamiliar and were left lank.The prior version of the TPS was supplied in 1998. R-Code and lazone differences are noted in the 2009 version.

  • This map shows the boundary of the Maritime Security Zones for each port for the purpose of the Maritime Transport & Office Security Act 2003. 3 sheets (Colour) July 2009 Not for sale or public distribution Contact Manager LOSAMBA project