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This point dataset contains the Australian Coastal Maritime Navigation Aids including 'traditional-type' lighthouses and the newer solar powered automated lights.
Datasets purchased by GA from BoM to study wind speed instrument bias (see Record 2011/23)
This data package comprises the data used and developed for the Pacific Island Groundwater and Future Climates: First-Pass Regional Vulnerability Assessment project. The data contained included Original data sourced for the project, Final data produced by the project, MXD's of maps created, and scripts used within the project. Documentation from the project has been stored on TRIM at: Record Number P12/190.
We present a methodology for assisting with the citation of web service requests via provenance information recording and delivery. We decompose the representation of a web service request into endurant and occurant components, attempting to source as much information as possible about the endurant parts as organisations find these easiest to manage. We then collect references to those parts in an endurant `bundle', which we make available for citation.\\ Our methodology is demonstrated in action within the context of an operational government science agency, Geoscience Australia, that publishes many thousands of datasets with persistent identifiers and many hundreds of web services but has not, until now, provided citable identifiers for web service-generated dynamic data.
A fully four-dimensional (3D x time) object-oriented biophysical dispersal model was developed to simulate the movement of marine larvae over semi-continuous surfaces. The model is capable of handling massive numbers of simulated larvae, can accommodate diverse life history patterns and distributions of characteristics, and saves point-level information to a relational database management system.
From 1995 to 2000 information from the federal and state governments was compiled for Comprehensive Regional Assessments (CRA), which formed the basis for Regional Forest Agreements (RFA) that identified areas for conservation to meet targets agreed by the Commonwealth Government with the United Nations. This CD was created as part of GA's contribution to the East Gippsland CRA. It contains final versions of all data coverages and shapefiles, AMLs and Graphics files in ArcInfo (.gra), postscript (.ps) and Web ready (.gif) formats, and final versions of documents, maps and figures submitted for publishing.
Note: A more recent version of this product is available. This dataset contains spatial locations in point format as a representation of Electricity Transmission Substations in Australia. For government use only. Access through negotiation with Geoscience Australia
The South Australia Geoscientific Geographic Information System is a state wide integration of geological, geophysical, geochemical and cultural data. It provides the Geological Survey, Minerals & Energy Division, PIRSA, with its primary mechanism for distributing regional geoscientific information for exploration and research, via digital media. Datasets in this package are projected in Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Map Grid of Australia (MGA) coordinates relative to GDA94. The datasets are split into the three grid zones 52, 53 and 54, which span South Australia.
Dataset for the Gippsland Release area contains biostratigraphic, reservoir facies, and organic geochemistry from wells in the release region. This area is part of the Southeast Region.