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Titles in this newsletter: Au-Pt-Pd-U mineralisation in the Coronation Hill-El Sherana region, NT Fluid inclusion and oxygen-isotope evidence for low-temperature Au-Pt-Pd(+U) mineralisation at Coronation Hill, NT New results from the BMR Yilgarn granite database: implications for metallogeny, tectonics and lower crustal structure Magmatic and metamorphic evolution and economic potential of the mafic/ultramafic Giles Complex, western Musgrave Block, W.A. 1991 Eastern Goldfields seismic reflection survey Geological investigations in the Kimberley-Arunta region Giant sediment-hosted Pb-Zn deposits: what drives metal enrichment? Metal segregation by magmatic gases - first results from new fluid inclusion technique The Williams and Naraku Batholiths, Mt Isa Inlier: an analogue of the Olympic Dam Granites? New tectonic model for the Cobar Basin, NSW, points to new exploration targets in Lachlan Fold Belt Officer Basin project gets go-ahead Cape York Peninsula update Mapping in high-grade terranes: use of remotely sensed data and airborne geophysics BMR detects hydrocarbon pollution off Sydney
Titles in this newsletter: New clues to petroleum prospectivity of offshore Philippines Basins with AGSO surface geochemical (DHD) techniques Palaeomagnetism delivers a 'whopper' on the southeastern McArthur Basin Geometry of Gunnedah Basin and New England Orogen examined by AGSO deep seismic profile The role of position-located whole-rock geochemical data in exploration Contact relationships and structure of the Hinckley Gabbro and environs, Giles Complex, Western Musgrave Block, W.A. Chinese earthquakes to rock Australian buildings Zircon U/Pb chronology, tectono-thermal and crust-forming events in the Tomkinson Ranges, Musgrave Block, Central Australia Aquifers at risk: towards a national groundwater quality perspective Salt lake dynamics, wastewater disposal and evaporation basins New mapping in the Bathurst Sheet area - increased metallogenic potential Sequence stratigraphic interpretation of Bowen and Surat Basin successions, Taroom region, Queensland The magnetic anomaly map of Australia
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