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A collection of NetCDF files containing ground gravity point data that is organised by survey. The files are derived from the Australian National Gravity Database (ANGD), and formatted in such a way as to provide highly efficient, analysis ready data. The data covers the onshore Australian continent, and dates from 1947 until June 2019. Surveys acquired after June 2019 are not included in this collection, but are available via the Data & Publication search or the Geophysical Archiving and Data Delivery System (GADDS).
Gravity data measure small changes in gravity due to changes in the density of rocks beneath the Earth's surface. The gravity data collection contains both onshore and offshore data acquired on geophysical surveys conducted by Commonwealth, State & NT Governments and the private sector.
This the top-level collection record for all of Geoscience Australia's public vocabularies. The vocabularies are all formulated using the SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System) information model and delivered both as machine-readable Resource Description Framework (RDF) data and also as HTML web pages. Each vocabulary is delivered individually as RDF & HTML data and all vocabularies are linked to from both GA's vocabularies index static web page and also from the Australian National Data Service (ANDS)'s Research Vocabularies Australia (RVA) portal. All vocabularies, collections of concepts within vocabularies and individual concepts are identified with URI persistent identifiers of the form:{VOCABULARY-KEY}/{COLLECTION-OR-CONCEPT-NAME} This means that you can access all the information about a vocabulary, a collection or a concept directly by entering that URI into your web browser.
Benfield and Geoscience Australia intend to collaborate to improve their respective understanding of risks from natural hazards in Australia. The aim of this project is to exchange ideas, data and models in order to support the respective groups risk modeling expertise.
Geoscience Australia (GA) has created a unique collection of 3D structural and geological models and model inputs for Australia and its near shore regions. Currently the collection contains a variety of 3D volumetric models and surfaces that were produced for specific projects at regional to continental scale. The approximately 40 regional scale models in the collection cover roughly 1/3 of the Australian continent. The models capture 3D stratigraphy and architecture, including the depth to bedrock and the locations of different major rock units, faults and geological structures. The geologic models represent the integration of geophysical surveys, seismic surveys, borehole data, field geology, and geochemical data, the majority of which will now be available through this and other RDSI collections. In their current form, the 3D models provide a valuable input to simulations of geological processes. However, the plan over time is to use the HPC capability at NCI and the large storage volumes available to dynamically integrate the various models and geological, geochemical and geophysical derivative products to then create a unified 3D model for the entire continent. Separately and then cumulatively, these models will provide an important new basis for describing and understanding Australia's geologic evolution and resource wealth. Currently there are no international open standards for the development and storage of 3D geological models, which is why they are difficult to integrate or stitch into nationally integrated data sets. The lack of consistency of the models means that each has to be transformed into formats compatible with existing HP modelling and simulation software. It is hoped that through exposing these 3D geological models into a HP collaborative environment that this will foster and accelerate the development of international standards and tools necessary for the assimilation of 3D geological models into a variety of HP programs. <b> Note: This record has been superseded by eCat 144629:</b> - <a href=""></a>
Archive of the data and outputs from the Assessment of Tropical Cyclone Risk in the Pacific Region project. See GA record 76213.
This is the collection level record for the N.H. (Doc) Fisher Geoscience Library's Australian geological field notebooks. Digitisation and transcription of these notebooks by a dedicated team of volunteers via the Australian Museum's DigiVol Citizen Science platform is ongoing (subject to annual funding). The Australian field notebooks contain the geological observations recorded by geologists of Geoscience Australia (GA) and its predecessors during fieldwork across the country from the 1930s until paper notebooks were replaced by electronic devices. The intention of this work is to make the content of these unique historical artefacts more widely accessible to researchers and the public. At present, access to the majority of the field notebooks is only available by visiting the N.H. (Doc) Fisher Geoscience Library at Geoscience Australia in Canberra. However, individual records for the Australian notebooks can be found in the Library's online catalogue, at: <a href=""></a>.
This is the collection level record for the N.H. (Doc) Fisher Geoscience Library's 219 Papua New Guinea geological field notebooks. Digitised copies of the notebooks are being transcribed and validated by a dedicated team of volunteers from around Australia via the Australian Museum's DigiVol Citizen Science transcription platform. This project is being managed by Information Systems and Services Librarian Robert Blyth. The PNG field notebooks contain the geological observations recorded by Bureau of Mineral Resources and AGSO geologists during their field trips to pre- and post-Independence Papua New Guinea from the 1950s to the 1990s. Individual records for these notebooks are not yet available in eCat, but are in the Library's online catalogue (go to <a href=""></a>, click on Lists at top left and select PNG Field Notebooks). Processing of the image and transcription files is continuing, with the aim of making these available in eCat when this work is complete. The original field notebooks are held at the N.H. (Doc) Fisher Geoscience Library at Geoscience Australia, Canberra.
This is the collection level record for the N.H. (Doc) Fisher Geoscience Library's collection of Antarctic geological field notebooks. Digitised copies of the notebooks were transcribed and validated in 2016-2017 by a dedicated team of volunteers from around Australia via the Australian Museum's DigiVol Citizen Science transcription platform. This project was managed by Information Services Librarian Jane Black with support from Geoscience Australia's Antarctic Geoscience team. The Antarctic field notebooks contain the geological observations recorded by Bureau of Mineral Resources geologists during their trips to Antarctica between 1948 – 1980s. Files include a scanned copy of the original handwritten field notebook, transcription of the notebook’s contents transcribed by volunteers and validated by an experienced geologist, and a csv file of the transcription with Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) tags. The original Antarctic field notebooks are held at the N.H. (Doc) Fisher Geoscience Library at Geoscience Australia, Canberra.
An archive of data held in the original Corporate Data Store managed by a combination of GeoCat and GeoMet. It is envisaged that the data should be examined and either properly managed and catalogued or discarded. It was archive in 2010