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  • Hot Rocks in Australia - National Outlook Hill, A.J.1, Goldstein, B.A1 and Budd, A.R.2 Petroleum & Geothermal Group, PIRSA Level 6, 101 Grenfell St.Adelaide SA 50001 Onshore Energy & Minerals Division, Geoscience Australia, GPO Box 378 Canberra ACT 26012 Abstract: Evidence of climate change and knowledge of enormous hot rock resources are factors stimulating growth in geothermal energy research, including exploration, proof-of-concept appraisals, and development of demonstration pilot plant projects in Australia. In the six years since the grant of the first Geothermal Exploration Licence (GEL) in Australia, 16 companies have joined the hunt for renewable and emissions-free geothermal energy resources in 120 licence application areas covering ~ 67,000 km2 in Australia. The associated work programs correspond to an investment of $570 million, and that tally excludes deployment projects assumed in the Energy Supply Association of Australia's scenario for 6.8% (~ 5.5 GWe) of Australia's base-load power coming from geothermal resources by 2030. Australia's geothermal resources fall into two categories: hydrothermal (from relatively hot groundwater) and the hot fractured rock i.e. Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS). Large-scale base-load electricity generation in Australia is expected to come predominantly from Enhanced Geothermal systems. Geologic factors that determine the extent of EGS plays can be generalised as: - source rock availability, in the form of radiogenic, high heat-flow basement rocks (mostly granites); - low thermal-conductivity insulating rocks overlying the source rocks, to provide thermal traps; - the presence of permeable fabrics within insulating and basement rocks, that can be enhanced to create heat-exchange reservoirs; and - a practical depth-range, limited by drilling and completion technologies (defining a base) and necessary heat exchange efficiency (defining a top). A national EGS resource assessment and a road-map for the commercialisation of Australia's EGSs are expected to be published in 2008. The poster will provide a synopsis of investment frameworks and geothermal energy projects underway and planned in Australia.

  • This DVD product contains relevant material from Milestone 5 and Milestone 6 of the Palaeovalley Groundwater Project. It has been produced for distribution to the key Project Stakeholders such as the Steering Committee and Technical Advisory Group

  • Under the Community Stream Sampling and Salinity Mapping Project, the Australian Government through the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and the Department of Environment and Heritage, acting through Bureau of Rural Sciences, funded an airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey to provide information in relation to land use questions in selected areas along the River Murray Corridor (RMC). The proposed study areas and major land use issues were identified by the RMC Reference Group at its inception meeting on 26th July, 2006. This report has been prepared to facilitate recommendations on the Lindsay-Wallpolla study area. The work was developed in consultation with the RMC Technical Working Group (TWG) to provide a basis for the RMC Reference Group and other stake holders to understand the value and application of AEM data to the study area. This understanding, combined with the Reference Group's assessment of the final results and taking in account policy and land management issues, will enable the Reference Group to make recommendations to the Australian Government.

  • This record describes digital data compilation product, where several individual items are grouped for delivery on single CD-ROM. Content and number of items included in the compilation package can vary, depending on size of the individual items. The contents of this CD-ROM are as follows: Catalog # Title 34192 OZMIN national mineral deposits dataset with documentation 33468 OZMIN national mineral deposits documentation Record 2000/18 34735 Mineral Occurrence Location Database (MINLOC), digital package including documentation

  • This record describes digital data compilation product, where several individual items are grouped for delivery on single CD-ROM. Content and number of items included in the compilation package can vary, depending on size of the individual items. The contents of this CD-ROM are as follows: Catalog # Title 38819 OZCHEM Whole Rock Geochemistry of Australia Dataset with documentation 32986 OZCHEM Whole Rock Geochemistry of Australia GA Record 2000/12

  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • Documentation for the1993 release of Australian Proterozoic geochronology data from AGSO's OZCHRON database. Includes Rb_Sr, U-Pb conventional and SHRIMP ion probe U-Pb ages.

  • Alkaline rocks of Australia - Subset of Rockchem whole-rock database release 3. Contains 937 analyses of alkaline rocks from Australia.