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  • <div>The A1 poster incorporates 4 images of Australia taken from space by Earth observing satellites. The accompanying text briefly introduces sensors and the bands within the electromagnetic spectrum. The images include examples of both true and false colour and the diverse range of applications of satellite images such as tracking visible changes to the Earth’s surface like crop growth, bushfires, coastal changes and floods. Scientists, land and emergency managers use satellite images to analyse vegetation, surface water or human activities as well as evaluate natural&nbsp;hazards.</div>

  • No abstract available

  • Note that this Record has now been published as Record 2014/050, GeoCat number 78802

  • The Fitzoy Estuary is one of several macrotidal estuaries in tropical northern Australia that face ecological change due to agricultural activities in their catchments. The biochemical functioning of such macrotidal estuaries is not well understood in Australia, and there is a pressing need to identify sediment, nutrient and agrochemical pathways, sinks and accumulation rates in these extremely dynamic environments. This is particularly the case in coastal northern Queensland because the impact of water quality changes in rivers resulting from vegetation clearing, changes in land-use and modern agricultural practices are the single greatest threat to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. This report includes: 1 Aims and Research questions 2 Study Area 3 Climate and Hydrology 4 Geology 5 Vegetation and land use 6 Methods 7 Sampling strategy 8 Water column observations and samples 9 Bottom sediment properties 10 Core and bottle incubations 11 Data analysis 12 Results 13 Discussion 14 The roll of Keppel Bay in accumulating and redirecting sediment and nutrients from the catchment 15 Sediment biogeochemistry 16 Links between primary production, biogeochemistry and sediment dynamics: A preliminary zonation for Keppel Bay 17 Conclusions

  • A series of short field surveys in Jervis Bay, New South Wales, were undertaken by Geoscience Australia staff as part of the Surrogates Program in the Commonwealth Environmental Research Facilities (CERF) Marine Biodiversity Hub. The aim of the Jervis Bay field work was to collect accurately co-located physical and biological data to enable research into the utility of physical parameters as surrogates for patterns of benthic biodiversity in shallow soft-sediment habitats. In this report the survey design and sampling methods are described; selected field datasets are mapped and discussed; initial results of the laboratory analysis of seabed samples are presented; and there is a brief description of the upcoming analysis of covariance of the physical and biological datasets. The major outputs of the survey work to date are: 1. High-resolution multibeam acoustic datasets for priority areas along the open coast of Jervis Bay (Beecroft Head to Drum and Drumsticks), within the Jervis Bay National Park; and within the southern bay around Darling Road, and in the bay entrance. 2. High quality underwater video footage of benthic habitats in the Darling Road study area acquired with Geoscience Australia's shallow-water towed-video system. The video was used to characterise benthic habitat types, relief/bedform types, and biota occurrence. Characterisations were collected in real-time along bi-directional (six offshore and four alongshore) towed video transects, and were subsequently processed and mapped into three ArcGIS map layers. 3. A set of broad-scale (bay-wide) widely-spaced, co-located sediment and biotic (infauna) seabed samples from the bay's soft-sediment habitats (polychaete mounds, drift algal beds, sand flats, and sand ripple and wave habitats); 4. Sediment samples for geochemical, biogeochemical and sedimentological analyses. 5. A new acoustic doppler current profiler was successfully trialed, and is now being used to collect seabed current data in the Darling Road study area. 6. A progress report on the survey work was presented at the annual CERF Marine Biodiversity Hub's Annual Science Workshop in October 2008.

  • Geoscience Australia conducted a survey to measure the benthic nutrient fluxes in Wallis Lake, during February 2003. The objectives were to: 1. measure the nutrient (and other metabolite) fluxes across the sediment-water interface at sites in Pipers Creek, Muddy Creek, Wallis Creek and in the Central Basin of Wallis Lake; 2. describe key processes controlling the nutrient fluxes across the sediment-water interface at each of the four sites; and 3. determine the trophic state and assess the estuarine condition of the four selected sites in Wallis Lake. The results of this recent summertime survey were compared to the observations made during the winter survey conducted in June, 2000. Pipers Creek and muddy Creek were similar in that they were both poorly flushed and close to nutrient discharges. These sites are at risk of experiencing eutrophic conditions. Wallis Creek had a high carbon loading, however the presence of seagrass and high denitrification efficiencies means this site remains in a 'good condition. Similarly, the Central Basin remains in a 'good' condition despite an increase in the carbon loading between winter and summer.

  • The Australian National Coastal Vulnerability Assessment (NCVA) has been commissioned by the Federal Government (Department of Climate Change) to assess the risk to coastal communities from climate related hazards including sea-level rise, storm surge and severe wind from tropical cyclones. In addition to an understanding of the impact/risk posed by the current climate, we have also examined the change in risk under a range of future climate scenarios considering a number of periods up to the end of the 21st century. In collaboration with state and local governments and private industry, this assessment will provide information for application to policy decisions for, inter alia, land use, building codes, emergency management and insurance applications. The understanding of coastal vulnerability and risk is derived from a number of factors, including: the frequency and intensity of the hazard(s); community exposure and the relationship with stressors; vulnerability related to socio-economic factors; impacts that result from the interaction of those components; and capacity of communities, particularly vulnerable communities and groups, to plan, prepare, respond and recover from these impacts. These factors and resulting impacts from hazard events are often complex and often poorly known, but such complexity and uncertainty is not an excuse for inaction. Given these limitations, the NCVA has been undertaken using the best information available to understand the risk to coastal areas on a national scale, and to prioritise areas that will require more detailed assessment.

  • The impacts of climate change, including sea level rise and the increased frequency of storm surge events, will adversely affect infrastructure in a significant number of Australian coastal communities. In order to quantify this risk and develop suitable adaptation strategies, the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency (DCCEE) commissioned the National Coastal Vulnerability Assessment (NCVA). With contributions from Geoscience Australia (GA) and the University of Tasmania, this first-pass national assessment has identified the extent and value of infrastructure that is potentially vulnerable to impacts of climate change. In addition, the NCVA examined the changes in exposure under a range of future population scenarios. The NCVA was underpinned by a number of fundamental national scale datasets; a mid-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) used to model a series of sea level rise projections incorporating 1 in 100 year storm-tide estimates where available; the 'Smartline' (nationa; coastal geomorphology dataset) identified coastal landforms that are potentially unstable and may recede with the influence of rising sea level. The inundation outputs were then overlain with GA's National Exposure Information System to quantify the number and value of infrastructure elements (including residential and commercial buildings, roads and rail) potentially vulnerable to a range of sea-level rise and recession estimates for the year 2100.