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Geoscience Australia's World Wind Viewer is an application developed using NASA's World Wind Java Software Development Kit (SDK) to display Australia's continental data sets. The viewer allows you to compare national data sets such as the radioelements, the gravity and magnetic anomalies, and other mapping layers, and show the data draped over the Australian terrain in three dimensions.
Compute Moonrise and Moonset Times To use this facility you need to know the latitude and longitude of the location you want to calculate rise and set times for. There are several ways you can determine this:
This application provides quick-look images and download options of the MOD43 Nadir BRDF-Adjusted Reflectance (NBAR) Products generated by ACRES. These products are a composite, generated for MODIS spectral bands 1-7 at the mean solar zenith angle over a 16 day period. In addition to the NBAR composite products, the BRDF parameters for each band, the ancillary, and band quality information are also provided. Each NBAR composite product is in GeoTIFF format at 500 metres resolution. All of the files are compressed using gzip/tar as "*.tar.gz". For Windows gzip/tar support please try WinZip.
An application to calculate geomagnetic field values in Australia using the 2010 Australian Geomagnetic Reference Field model (AGRF) model.
aws-openquake is a Python (Boto3) script which installs, runs and downloads results from seismic hazard and risk software (OpenQuake Engine) on Amazon Web Services EC2.
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Geodetic Calculations - Vincenty's Formulae, Direct Method Given the latitude and longitude of a point (1) and the forward geodetic azimuth (1-2) and ellipsoidal distance to a second point (2), calculate the latitude and longitude of the second point and the reverse azimuth (2-1).
ANUGA is a software implementation of a hydrodynamic model which is specifically designed to model wetting and drying processes. ANUGA is a joint development project between Geoscience Australia (GA) and the Australian National University (ANU).
Australia's Satellite Utilisation Policy provides a vision for Australia's use of space and space-related technologies including providing strategies to enable Australia to meet its national priorities through space and to ensure Australia meets its future space-related education and innovation needs. The Policy emphasises the importance of space based navigation and timing as components of Australia's smart infrastructure and social, economic and national security. Annexed to the Policy is the National Positioning Infrastructure (NPI) Plan. This Plan proposes improved governance of the national positioning infrastructure, additional investment in ground infrastructure to deliver accurate and reliable positioning information to users across Australia and the development of a sovereign capability for GNSS product generation and integrity monitoring through an indigenous Analysis Centre Software (ACS). The objective of the ACS project is the development of a multi-GNSS, multi-frequency network processing platform. It shall deliver as output the numerical estimation and quality description of the network parameters for all available GNSS satellites and CORS network stations receivers that the users require to position themselves in a Precise Point Positioning mode in real-time (PPP-RTK). This presentation focuses on the development activity of the ACS and the research challenges of PPP-RTK