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  • This dataset contains the sea surface temperature data derived from the MODIS Terra sensor, the chlorophyll data derived from the SeaWIFS satellite, and the K490 data derived from the SeaWIFS satellite. Ocean temperature is a useful indicator of the type of marine life that could be found at a particular location. Many marine plants and organisms have a relatively narrow range of tolerance for temperature, and will either perish or be out-competed where temperatures are outside their comfort zone. Chlorophyll a is a plant pigment which provides a measurement of the biomass (or quantity) of plants. In the water column, it is a measure of the suspended (or planktonic) biomass of single-celled microscopic plants. Chlorophyll is a commonly used measure of water quality. K490 indicates the turbidity of the water column; the depth to which the visible light in the blue-green region of the spectrum penetrates the water column. It is directly related to the presence of particles in the water column. Turbidity has consequences for benthic marine life, ranging from the availability of light to the quantity of nutrients in the water column. The datasets contain 6 grids. Two for each variable: mean and standard deviation. Please see the metadata for detailed information.

  • This product is no longer available.

  • No abstract available

  • The Petrel Sub-basin Marine Survey (GA0335/SOL5463) was undertaken in May 2012 by Geoscience Australia in collaboration with the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS), as part of the Australian Government's National Low Emission Coal Initiative (NLECI). Its purpose was to acquire pre-competitive geophysical and biophysical data on shallow seabed environments within two targeted areas to support assessment of CO2 storage potential. The geophysical acquisition consisted of multibeam sonar mapping of sea floor morphology and multi-channel sub bottom profiling of the shallow sub surface geology. The aim of sub bottom profiling was to investigate regional seal breaches and potential fluid pathways by providing high resolution images connecting the sea floor map to regional seismic reflection data acquired concurrently in the area. The sub bottom profiler data were acquired aboard the AIMS research vessel (RV) Solander along 51 lines, totalling 654 line km in the Petrel Sub-basin of the Bonaparte Basin. Acquisition employed a Squid 2000 sparker as the source and a 24 channel Microeel streamer for the receivers. Group interval was 3.125 m and shot interval 6.25 m, resulting in 6 fold data. Record length was 500 ms with a sample interval of 0.25 ms. Some problems in acquisition needed to be addressed in processing. Firstly, sea conditions were far from smooth for most of the voyage. Obvious relative motion occurred between the source and the streamer, and along the streamer itself, due to the ocean swell. In some cases, acquisition commenced while the vessel was still turning onto the line and the streamer was not straight in line behind the stern. Finally, malfunction of the sparker on some half dozen lines resulted in gaps in the coverage, which could not be filled in later, due to bad weather reducing the time for the survey. Multichannel seismic reflection processing was able to compensate for some of the limitations of sparker acquisition. Mutes and filters were necessary to remove the worst of the noise, including leaked timing pulse and swell noise. Surface related multiple elimination (SRME) successfully attenuated the water bottom and later multiples. Non surface consistent trim statics were able to correct for the relative motion of the sparker and the streamer, thereby allowing alignment of reflections prior to stack, which improved the signal to noise. Minimum entropy deconvolution was a critical step in both suppressing ghosting and enhancing latent high frequencies in the data, thus improving the resolution. Migration was necessary to correctly image small channels by collapsing diffractions. Finally tidal static corrections were essential to remove mis-ties in high frequency data. The processing stream has been well documented, along with scripts employed to handle the large amount of data efficiently and consistently. This record is a manual for a much more rigorous way of processing multi-channel sparker data, and details a work flow that can be implemented within Geoscience Australia and used for future surveys. The final migrated seismic data proved to be very high resolution, allowing delineation of multiple episodes of channelling in the top 100 m of sediment. Comparison of the sub bottom profiles with older regional seismic reflection data showed just how much more detail is available in the region critical for mapping deeper faults and fluid pathways to features on the sea floor. Acquisition and processing of the sub bottom profiler data surpassed the survey expectations.

  • Geoscience Australia undertook a marine survey of the Leveque Shelf (survey number SOL5754/GA0340), a sub-basin of the Browse Basin, in May 2013. This survey provides seabed and shallow geological information to support an assessment of the CO2 storage potential of the Browse sedimentary basin. The basin, located on the Northwest Shelf, Western Australia, was previously identified by the Carbon Storage Taskforce (2009) as potentially suitable for CO2 storage. The survey was undertaken under the Australian Government's National CO2 Infrastructure Plan (NCIP) to help identify sites suitable for the long term storage of CO2 within reasonable distances of major sources of CO2 emissions. The principal aim of the Leveque Shelf marine survey was to look for evidence of any past or current gas or fluid seepage at the seabed, and to determine whether these features are related to structures (e.g. faults) in the Leveque Shelf area that may extend to the seabed. The survey also mapped seabed habitats and biota to provide information on communities and biophysical features that may be associated with seepage. This research, combined with deeper geological studies undertaken concurrently, addresses key questions on the potential for containment of CO2 in the basin's proposed CO2 storage unit, i.e. the basal sedimentary section (Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous), and the regional integrity of the Jamieson Formation (the seal unit overlying the main reservoir). This dataset comprises total chlorin concentrations and chlorin indices from the upper 2cm of seabed sediments.

  • Geoscience Australia undertook a marine survey of the Leveque Shelf (survey number SOL5754/GA0340), a sub-basin of the Browse Basin, in May 2013. This survey provides seabed and shallow geological information to support an assessment of the CO2 storage potential of the Browse sedimentary basin. The basin, located on the Northwest Shelf, Western Australia, was previously identified by the Carbon Storage Taskforce (2009) as potentially suitable for CO2 storage. The survey was undertaken under the Australian Government's National CO2 Infrastructure Plan (NCIP) to help identify sites suitable for the long term storage of CO2 within reasonable distances of major sources of CO2 emissions. The principal aim of the Leveque Shelf marine survey was to look for evidence of any past or current gas or fluid seepage at the seabed, and to determine whether these features are related to structures (e.g. faults) in the Leveque Shelf area that may extend to the seabed. The survey also mapped seabed habitats and biota to provide information on communities and biophysical features that may be associated with seepage. This research, combined with deeper geological studies undertaken concurrently, addresses key questions on the potential for containment of CO2 in the basin's proposed CO2 storage unit, i.e. the basal sedimentary section (Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous), and the regional integrity of the Jamieson Formation (the seal unit overlying the main reservoir). This dataset comprises total chlorin concentrations and chlorin indices from the upper 2cm of seabed sediments.

  • Geoscience Australia is supporting work to protect the unique assemblages of organisms that live on the Antarctic seafloor. Australia claims 42 per cent of Antarctica as part of our territory, and this includes a vast marine jurisdiction covering an area of 2.2 million km2. Protecting the marine environments and biota within this East Antarctic region is a high priority, and has recently resulted in the development of a representative system of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), with four areas on the East Antarctic margin proposed for protection. The proposed MPA network is currently under consideration by the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources.

  • This product is no longer available.

  • The Leeuwin Current has significant ecological impact on the coastal and marine ecosystem of south-western Australia. This study investigated the spatial and temporal dynamics of the Leeuwin Current using monthly MODIS SST dataset between July 2002 and December 2012. Topographic Position Index layers were derived from the SST data for the mapping of the spatial structure of the Leeuwin Current. The semi-automatic classification process involves segmentation, 'seeds' growing and manual editing. The mapping results enabled us to quantitatively examine the current's spatial and temporal dynamics in structure, strength, cross-shelf movement and chlorophyll a characteristic. It was found that the Leeuwin Current exhibits complex spatial structure, with a number of meanders, offshoots and eddies developed from the current core along its flowing path. The Leeuwin Current has a clear seasonal cycle. During austral winter, the current locates closer to the coast (near shelf break), becomes stronger in strength and has higher chlorophyll a concentrations. While, during austral summer, the current moves offshore, reduces its strength and chlorophyll a concentrations. The Leeuwin Current also has notable inter-annual variation due to ENSO events. In El Niño years the current is likely to reduce strength, move further inshore and increase its chlorophyll a concentrations. The opposite occurs during the La Niña years. In addition, this study also demonstrated that the Leeuwin Current has a significantly positive influence over the regional nutrient characteristics during the winter and autumn seasons. Apart from surface cooling and advection, the Leeuwin Current's sizable cross-shelf movement may be another contributing factor to the seasonal and inter-annual variations of its chlorophyll a concentrations.