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  • The Surface Hydrology Points (Regional) dataset provides a set of related features classes to be used as the basis of the production of consistent hydrological information. This dataset contains a geometric representation of major hydrographic point elements - both natural and artificial. This dataset is the best available data supplied by Jurisdictions and aggregated by Geoscience Australia it is intended for defining hydrological features.

  • 22-2/D51-12/6-2 Vertical scale: 1500

  • 25% coverage south west 22-3/D53-5/3-5

  • A seismic velocity survey of the APM Development Pty Limited No. 1 bore at Rosedale, Victoria, was made by the Geophysical Branch of the Bureau on the 3rd May 1960 using a TIC three-component well geophone. Measurements were taken with the geophone suspended in the well at selected intervals down to 5500 ft. The object of the survey was to measure the average vertical seismic velocities to depths down to the bottom of the bore, and to examine interval velocities over selected depth intervals.

  • A seismic velocity survey was carried out in Associated Freney Oilfields Nerrima No. 1 Bore by the Bureau of Mineral Resources on the 10th August 1955. The well is situated on the Nerrima Dome in the Fitzroy Basin, W.A. Some trouble was experienced with cable breaks for the shallow part of the hole, but in general it was possible to recognise the true formation break. Average measured velocities ranged from 8000 ft/sec near the top to 12,200 ft/sec for the total depth of the bore.

  • The Alice Springs Town Basin is a small alluvial basin with a surface of approximately three square miles. It contains a maximum thickness of seventy-five feet of fluviatile sediment, deposited by the Todd and Charles Rivers. The lithology of the sediments is correlated with their postulated environments of deposition. The environments are alluvial fan, main graded channels, levee banks, flood plains, and back swamps. The occurrence of groundwater in the various types of sediments is discussed. Contour maps of the piezometric surface, have been constructed for October 1957 and October 1961. Within this period there has been a fall in the surface of between three and ten feet. The interpretation of the results of aquifer performance tests on bores 28 and 110 gave mutually consistent values for the aquifer constants within the zones of high permeability. The average values are T = 20,000 gallons per day per foot and S = 0.05. The constants computed for the test on bore 59/11 are inconsistent with the assumption of an isotropic, homogeneous aquifer.

  • This Record describes a geophysical survey for Underground water in the Cloncurry River valley, at the request of the Queensland Irrigation and Water Supply Commission, on behalf of the Cloncurry Shire Council. Appreciable differences in ground water level in different sections along the valley suggest the presence of rock bars across the valley. In choosing bore sites it is desirable to know the position of these rock bars. Plate 12 shows the location of rock bars that were indicated by ground water level data. Plate 13 shows the position of rock bars that were indicated by geophysical data. Good agreement exists between the two sets of indications. Sites that were based on geophysical data are suggested for water bores.

  • Lower Cretaceous strata of the Calvert Hills 1:250,000Sheet area were examined during the 1961 field season. Field observations of lithologies and their sequences together with the collection of fossils and their identification provided material for this Record. Fossil content and field observations suggest that Mesozoic sediments on the Calvert Hills 1:250,000 Sheet area were deposited in distinct environments at three different times in the Lower Cretaceous

  • Mesozoic strata of the Bauhinia Downs 1:250,000 Sheet area were examined during the 1960 field season when observations were made on lithology and palaeogeography, and Lower Cretaceous fossils were collected at fourteen localities. Results of field observations have been recorded in Skwarko (1961a, b) and these, together with results of detailed examinations of fossils and the close dating of strata provide material for the present paper. Of the fourteen assemblages of fossils listed from the Bauhinia Downs 1:250,000 Sheet area seven are marine, six non-marine and one inconclusive. They range in age from Neocomian to Aptian.

  • Geoscience Australia`s involvement in Papua New Guinea mapping includes managing the production of maps for select urban areas as part of a MOU between Department of Defence and PNG. In addition, Geoscience Australia distributes some (now aging) 1:100,000 scale maps produced by the Department of Defence for much of Papua New Guinea. At this scale 1cm on the map represents 1km on the ground. Each map covers a minimum area of 0.5 degrees longitude by 0.5 degrees latitude or about 54 kilometres by 54 kilometres. The contour interval is 20 metres. Many maps are supplemented by hill shading.