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A three-dimensional (3D) map of the Cooper Basin region has been produced from 3D inversions of Bouguer gravity data using geological data to constrain the inversions. The 3D map has been used to predict temperatures and their uncertainty throughout the volume of the map. This will allow regions of elevated predicted temperature at 4-5 km to be identified, which may provide targets for future geothermal exploration in the Cooper Basin region. The 3D map delineates regions of low density within the basement of the Cooper and Eromanga basins that are inferred to be granitic bodies, which may act as heat sources. It also delineates the stratigraphy of the sedimentary basins which act as thermal insulation. This release is the second version of the 3D map of the Cooper Basin region. It builds on Version 1 of the Cooper Basin Region Geological map, released in 2009.
No abstract available
A Consistent Approach to Groundwater Recharge Determination in Data Poor Areas: PROJECT DATA ARCHIVE
This data set comprises one of three archives of Geoscience Australia work in the project "A Consistent Approach to Groundwater Recharge Determination in Data Poor Areas". The project was carried out by CSIRO and Geoscience Australia and was funded by the National Water Commission Raising National Water Standards program. The data contained included Original data sourced for the project, Final data produced by the project, MXD's of maps created, and tools used within the project. The archives created for this project comprise: 1. Data archive. Data set stored in the GA CDS. Geocat Record number 79804 2. Adminstration and publication archive. Documents stored in TRIM Project P10/67 RECHARGE-DISCHARGE PROJECT 3. References archive. Endnote library located at \\nas\eg\water\References\Recharge_Discharge_Project.enl For more information about the creation of these archives, including the location of files, see TRIM D2014-102808 For more information about the project, see the following references: Leaney F, Crosbie R, O'Grady A, Jolly I, Gow L, Davies P, Wilford J and Kilgour P. 2011. Recharge and discharge estimation in data poor areas: Scientific reference guide. CSIRO: Water for a Healthy Country National Research Flagship. 61 pp (GA Record No. 2011/46 GACat # 71941) Jolly I, Gow L, Davies P, O'Grady A, Leaney F, Crosbie R, Wilford J and Kilgour P. 2011. Recharge and discharge estimation in data poor areas: User guide for the recharge and discharge estimation spreadsheets and MapConnect. CSIRO: Water for a Healthy Country National Research Flagship. 40 pp. (GA Record No. 2011/35 GeoCat # 71940) Pain, C.F., Gow, L.J, Wilford, J.R. and Kilgour, P. 2011. Mapping approaches to recharge and discharge estimation and associated input datasets. A report for CSIRO: Water for a Healthy Country National Research Flagship. (Professional Opinion No. 2011/01 GeoCat # 70392)
This data package was preduced in response to a request by Rodney King from Teck Australia for a compilation of GA borehole datasets from the Isa Superbasin, in particular for gamma-ray data. The data set includes drill hole/section location information, and lithological, geochemical and gamma ray data. All data were extracted from GA databases.
Assessment of mineral potential in the Regional Forest Agreement Areas (RFAs) required collating mineral potential tract maps of individual deposit styles to produce composite, cumulative and weighted composite and cumulative maps. To achieve that an Avenue-script based ArcView extension was created to combine grids of mineral potential tract maps. The grids were combined to generate maps which showed either the highest (weighted or non-weighted) or cumulated (weighted or non-weighted) values. Resources and Advice Decision Support System (RADSS) combines features of the ArcView extension used in mineral potential assessments in RFAs and ASSESS. It is an ArcView extension with a 'Wizard'-like main dialog that leads the user through the process of creating an output. The system has the capacity to combine GIS-layers (raster and vector) to produce various mineral potential and other suitability maps.
The Tsunami Data Access Tool (Tsu-DAT) is intended for use by the emergency management community to understand the offshore tsunami hazard for areas of interest around Australia and to access the large database of tsunami waveforms to generate the required input to a detailed tsunami impact assessment for a given community. The offshore tsunami hazard and resultant waveforms are a result of the probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment (PTHA) of Australia (Burbidge2008a). This assessment modelled thousands of synthetic tsunami to estimate the likelihood of a tsunami wave of a given amplitude occurring at an offshore location, defined at the 100 m depth contour. A database of tsunami waveforms at points along the 100 m depth contour around the Australian coast was created. The Tsu-DAT allows users to search this database and extract tsunami waveforms for events of interest. These waveforms are in a format that can be used to drive more detailed models of tsunami inundation and impact for communities of interest.
accompanied by AGSO Record 1997/38
From 1995 to 2000 information from the federal and state governments was compiled for Comprehensive Regional Assessments (CRA), which formed the basis for Regional Forest Agreements (RFA) that identified areas for conservation to meet targets agreed by the Commonwealth Government with the United Nations. This CD was created as part of GA's contribution to the Central Highlands CRA. It contains final versions of all data coverages and shapefiles used in the project, Published Graphics files in ArcInfo (.gra), postscript (.ps) and Web ready (.gif) formats, all Geophysical Images and Landsat data and final versions of documents provided for publishing.
Meteorological data from the Arcturus (ARA) atmospheric greenhouse gas baseline station. Data includes time stamp (local time), air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction, sigma, solar radiation, barometric pressure and rainfall total. Dataset limited to the 1/6/12 to 8/7/12.
Meteorological data from Arcturus (ARA) atmospheric greenhouse gas baseline station. Data includes time stamp (local time), air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction, sigma-theta, solar radiation, barometric pressure and total rainfall. Dataset limited to 15 min and 60 min average data from12/6/13 to 21/6/13.