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  • Selected geomorphic features and sedimentary facies were mapped in 283 of Australia's wave- and tide-dominated estuaries and deltas to quantitatively evaluate established evolutionary facies models that depict the evolution of estuaries into deltas during stable sea level conditions. While diagnostic facies for wave- and tide-dominated estuaries and deltas approximate those specified by the models, statistical analyses of the data also reveal two additional insights regarding the evolution of estuaries to deltas. First, there is an offshore shift in the locus of sand accumulation between tide-dominated estuaries and deltas, associated with the onset of delta development. Second, the mean surface area of intertidal environments (i.e., intertidal flats, mangroves/melaleuca, saltmarsh/salt flat facies) is greater in wave-dominated deltas than in wave-dominated estuaries. Tidal penetration associated with the river establishing a more direct and permanent connection to the sea during late-stage development presents a natural impediment to continued formation of an alluvial plain and full development of the 'classic' wave-dominated delta morphology. A notional evolutionary pathway for wave-dominated estuaries is developed from the distribution of facies that predicts the rate and susceptibility of geomorphic and habitat changes. The 'classic' deltaic geomorphology may be unattainable for wave-dominated systems, except those with significant terrigenous sediment inputs. Our study is the first published example of geomorphic and sedimentary data assembled from a large number of wave- and tide-dominated estuaries and deltas across an entire continent.

  • This is a joint product developed by GA and Skyring Environment Entetrprises. It is an animated CDROM developed specifically in Authoware software for state of the art visual presentation.

  • The Australian exclusive economic zone (EEZ) contains1.6 million km2 of submarine plateaus, equal to about 13.8% of the world's known inventory of these features. This disproportionate occurrence of plateaus presents Australia with an increased global responsibility to understand and protect the benthic habitats and associated ecosystems. This special volume presents the results of two major marine surveys carried out on the Lord Howe Rise plateau during 2003 and 2007, during which benthic biological and geological samples, underwater photographs, video and multibean sonar bathymetry data were collected. The benthic habitats present on Lord Howe Rise include hard/rocky substrates covering a small area of volcanic peaks (around 31 km2) and parts of other larger seamounts (eg. the Lord Howe Island seamount) which support rich and abundant epifaunal assemblages dominated by suspension feeding invertebrates. These habitats appear to qualify as ecologically and biologically significant areas under the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) scientific selection criterion 1 (uniqueness or rarity), 4 (vulnerability, fragility, sensitivity or slow recovery) and 7 (naturalness). The collection of papers included in this special volume represents a major advance in knowledge about benthic habitats of the Lord Howe Rise, but also about the ecology of plateaus in general.

  • GEOMA T is a geological-oceanographic computer modelling project which aims to enhance our understanding of the processes controlling sediment mobilisation on the Australian continental shelf. This report describes tidal and surface ocean swell-wave models and their application to studies of shelf sediment mobilisation. The work has been carried out over the past 2 years by a team of collaborators from AGSO, the University of Tasmania, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology and Kort & Matrikelstyrelsen, Geodetic Division in Denmark. Our models predict that swell wave energy is sufficient to mobilise fine sand (0.1 mm diameter), on at least one occasion during the year March 1997 to February 1998, over 63.5% of the Australian continental shelf. The largest and most powerful waves were able to mobilise fine sand up to a water depth of 148 m in the Great Australian Bight. Tidal currents are capable of mobilising fine sand at least once per semi-lunar cycle (ie. -2 weeks) over about 56.4% of the shelf. Overlaying the wave and tide threshold exceedence maps demonstrates that there are areas on the shelf where one process dominates, some areas where tides and waves are of relatively equal importance and still other areas where neither process is significant. We defined 6 shelf regions of relative wave and tidal energy: zero (no-mobility); waves-only, wave-dominated, mixed, tide-dominated and tides-only. The relative distribution of these regions varies with grain size. Inclusion of estimated mean grain size is being undertaken at the present time and this will enhance the usefulness of the regionalisations. GEOMA T provides a predictive, process-based understanding of the shelf sedimentary system. It helps to explain the distribution patterns of surficial sediments and will probably be useful for mapping biological habitats and communities, although further work is needed to better define these relationships. GEOMA T provides a useful tool that will assist with marine environmental management in general, and with the National Ocean's Office regional marine planning process in particular. It has demonstrated applications to marine engineering projects where shelf sediment mobilisation is of concern and to regional studies of pollution dispersal and accumulation.

  • This report details the keystroke methodology used to create the seascape maps for planning areas of the Australian margin.

  • This report describes the iterative methods used to create the seascapes, including a detailed appendix documenting the different datasets used in the different planning zones. Creating the seascapes is necessarily an iterative process whereby the available datasets are combined in different combinations, or added as they become available, using an unsupervised 'crisp' ISOClass classification in ERMapper. In each classification only biophysical properties that have consistent and definable relationships with the benthic biota and are known in sufficient detail across Australia's entire marine region are used to create the seascapes. An initial validation of the classification technique has been undertaken on a subset of the data for the shelf surrounding Tasmania using an alternative unsupervised 'fuzzy' classification. Results of this validation indicate that the unsupervised classification methodology provides consistent and reliable classes for defining the seascapes.

  • An important aim of the comparative geomorphology of estuaries project was to increase understanding of the environmental characteristics of near-pristine estuaries and provide a reference dataset for quantifying changes in habitat patterns in modified systems. It was anticipated that this aim would be fulfilled by identifying key geomorphic characteristics of the near-pristine systems that may be used to benchmark the current condition of, and quantify change within, 'modified' waterways. Here we provide examples of some very promising results obtained from our preliminary analyses of the geomorphic habitat area information contained within the GIS maps available on OzEstuaries.

  • Australia's near-pristine estuaries are some of our most valuable natural assets, with many natural and cultural heritage values. They are important as undisturbed habitat for native plants and animals, for biodiversity conservation, as Indigenous lands and for tourism. They also support near-shore fisheries. In addition, by studying near-pristine estuaries, scientists can learn more about the way humans have changed natural systems. This information then feeds into natural resource management because it constitutes benchmark or baseline information against which similar information from more modified estuaries can be compared.

  • For the first time, the distribution of seafloor geomorphic features has been systematically mapped over much of the Australian margin and adjacent seafloor. Each of 21 feature types was identified using a new, 250 m spatial resolution bathymetry model and supporting literature. The total area mapped was 48.9 million km2 and included the seafloor surrounding the Australian mainland and island territories of Christmas, Cocos (Keeling), Macquarie and Norfolk Islands. Of this total mapped area, the shelf is 41.9 million km2 (21.92%), the slope 44.0 million km2 (44.80%) and the abyssal plain/deep ocean floor 42.8 million km2 (32.20%). The rise covers 97 070 km2 or 1.08% of the mapped area. A total of 6702 individual geomorphic features were mapped. Plateaus have the largest surface area and cover 1.49 million km2 or 16.54%, followed by basins (714 000 km2; 7.98%), and terraces (577 700 km2; 6.44%), with the remaining 14 types each making up 55%. Reefs, which total 4172 individual features (47 900 km2; 0.54%), are the most numerous type of geomorphic feature, principally due to the large number of individual coral reefs of the Great Barrier Reef. The geomorphology of the margin is most complex where marginal plateaus, terraces, trench/troughs and submarine canyons are present. Comparison with global seafloor geomorphology indicates that the Australian margin is relatively under-represented in shelf and rise and over-represented in slope area, a pattern that reflects the mainland being bounded on three sides by rifted continent ocean margins and associated large marginal plateaus. Significantly, marginal plateaus on the Australian margin cover 20% of the total world area of marginal plateaus. The mapped area can be divided into 10 geomorphic regions by quantifying regional differences in diagnostic assemblages of features, and these regions can be used as a starting-point to infer broad-scale seafloor habitat types.

  • Seascapes describing a layer of ecologically meaningful biophysical variable that spatially represent potential seabed habitats have been derived for the Australian margin and adjacent seabed in a new analysis of existing biophysical data. A total of 13 seascapes were derived for the continental shelf and nine seascapes for regions beyond the continental shelf using the unsupervised ISOCLASS classification in the software package ERMapper. The ecological significance of the seascapes is assessed at the national, regional and local scale using existing biological data. Options and avenues for future development are also described.