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Map showing Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction in the Timor Sea. Updated in June 2014 from "Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction in the Timor Sea" (GeoCat 68796) to conform with "Australian Maritime Boundaries 2014" data by Geoscience Australia. One of the 27 constituent maps of the "Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction Map Series" (GeoCat 71789). Depicting Australia's continental shelf as proclaimed in the "Seas and Submerged Lands (Limits of Continental Shelf) Proclamation 2012" established under the "Seas and Submerged Lands Act 1973". Background bathymetric image is derived from a combination of the 2009 9 arc second bathymetric and topographic grid by GA and a grid by Smith and Sandwell, 1997. Background land imagery derived from Blue Marble, NASA's Earth Observatory. A0 sized .pdf downloadable from the web.
Map showing Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction in the northern part of the Coral Sea. One of the 27 constituent maps of the "Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction Map Series" (GeoCat 71789). Depicting Australia's extended continental shelf, approved by the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf in April 2008, treaties and various maritime zones. Background bathymetric image is derived from a combination of the 2009 9 arc second bathymetric and topographic grid by GA and a grid by Smith and Sandwell, 1997. Background land imagery derived from Blue Marble, NASA's Earth Observatory. A0 sized .pdf downloadable from the web.
Map showing all of Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction north of approx 25°S . This includes areas around Cocos (Keeling) Islands and areas west of Christmas Island as well as those contiguous to the continent in the north. Included as one of the now 28 constituent maps of the "Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction Map Series" (GeoCat 71789). Depicting Australia's extended continental shelf approved by the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf in April 2008, treaties and various maritime zones. Background bathymetry image is derived from a combination of the 2009 9 arc second bathymetry and topographic grid by Geoscience Australia and a grid by W.H.F. Smith and D.T. Sandwell, 1997. Background land imagery derived from Blue Marble, NASA's Earth Observatory. 3277mm x 1050mm (for 42" plotter) sized .pdf downloadable from the web.
Map showing Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction off the Northwest Shelf. Updated in June 2014 from "Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction off the Northwest Shelf" (GeoCat 69341) to conform with "Australian Maritime Boundaries 2014" data by Geoscience Australia. One of the 27 constituent maps of the "Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction Map Series" (GeoCat 71789). Depicting Australia's continental shelf as proclaimed in the "Seas and Submerged Lands (Limits of Continental Shelf) Proclamation 2012" established under the "Seas and Submerged Lands Act 1973". Background bathymetric image is derived from a combination of the 2009 9 arc second bathymetric and topographic grid by GA and a grid by Smith and Sandwell, 1997. Background land imagery derived from Blue Marble, NASA's Earth Observatory. A0 sized .pdf downloadable from the web.
Map showing Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction off South Australia. One of the 27 constituent maps of the "Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction Map Series" (GeoCat 71789). Depicting Australia's extended continental shelf approved by the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf in April 2008 and various maritime zones. Background bathymetric image is derived from a combination of the 2009 9 arc second bathymetric and topographic grid by GA and a grid by Smith and Sandwell, 1997. Background land imagery derived from Blue Marble, NASA's Earth Observatory. A0 sized .pdf downloadable from the web.
The Cape York 1:1,500,000 landform map illustrates the distribution of landforms described using the RTMAP scheme developed by Geoscience Australia
The Cape York 1:1,500,000 regolith map illustrates the distribution of regolith materials described using the RTMAP scheme developed by Geoscience Australia
The early to mid Archaean Pilbara Craton is one of the best exposed and least dismembered granite/greenstone terrane in the world, and is an excellent study area of early earth evolution. The Pilbara Craton records successive greenstone sequences (>3515 Ma to 2950 Ma) deposited on a gneissic (tonalite-trondhjemitegranite) crust (<3650 Ma) in a series of synclinal troughs that envelope large (> 100 km diameter) composite ovoid granitoid complexes (3650 Ma to 2850 Ma). The mineral potential of the Pilbara Craton has been generally down played by industry and the area has thus not received the intense exploration industry focus seen in the Yilgarn Craton (especially the Neo-Archaean Eastern Goldfields) to the south. The Pilbara Craton differs fundamentally from many other granite/greenstone terranes in terms of its tectonic evolution and metallogenesis.
Map showing Multibeam Line data held by Geoscience Australia in the Australian Region on a blue imagery background made from data collected from research vessels and/or derived from satellite imagery. Current as of 1st September 2009 For internal use only as at 8 September 2009 Not for sale
Map showing Seismic Survey Shot Line data held by Geoscience Australia in the Australian Region on a blue imagery background made from data collected from research vessels and/or derived from satellite imagery. Current as of 1st September 2009 For internal use only as at 8 September 2009 Not for sale