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  • Mining of the Broken Hill Ag-Pb-Zn deposit has substantially modified what was originally a positive anomalous mass. When an airborne gravity gradiometer (AGG) survey was flown over the Broken Hill region in early 2003, the measured response reflected the modified mass distribution. To answer the questions ?What was the original response of the orebody?? and ?Would this response have been detected had the survey been flown prior to mining??, an estimate of the changes in response brought about by mining activities was made and added to the survey data to produce an image of the pre-mining gravity response. To estimate the change in response, a 3D model of the mined portion of the deposit was built. An estimate of the change in mass due to mining activities was made and this mass was distributed with uniform density throughout the model. The gravity and vertical gravity gradient response of the orebody model was then calculated, filtered to match the characteristics of the AGG data and added to the observed survey data. The `corrected? data show distinct gravity and gravity gradient highs over the northern and southern parts of the orebody which hosted the bulk of the reserves. Although the anomalous response is close to the noise levels of the survey data, we can conclude that the AGG survey would have detected an anomalous response from the Broken Hill orebody had the survey been flown prior to mining. However, there are other geological features in the survey area that produce similar anomalies, notably a number of amphibolite units.

  • No abstract available

  • Image showing gravity station coverage over Australia, updated to October, 2007

  • This grid represents gravity anomalies of the Australian region. The grid combines accurate onshore gravity measurements, a sub-sample of the levelled offshore marine gravity traverses with satellite data used in areas where there is no marine data. The cell values represent simple Bouguer anomalies at a density of 2.67 tm-3 onshore and free-air anomalies offshore. The grid cell size is 0.5 minutes of arc, which is equivalent to about 800 metres. The smallest wavelength contained in the grid is 1600 m.

  • Point located gravity observations on the Australian continent. The first release from the Oracle gravity database with consistent modern position datum. The release contains over 800 000 point values.

  • Magnetic and gravity edge gradient modeling of Hodgkinson - Broken River Province (M. Barlow; jpeg and bmp). [Worming Images]

  • Geoscience Australia has recently conducted absolute gravity observations at Davis and Mawson stations in the Australian Antarctic Territory to establish accurate gravity reference points for past and future gravity surveys. These absolute gravity observations are the first such measurements undertaken at any of the Australian Antarctic stations and will not only provide an accurate absolute datum for future gravity work but will also enable gravity surveys that have already been conducted in the Australian Antarctic Territory to be tied to the same datum, thus allowing past and future gravity surveys to be accurately merged and combined.