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  • This article investigates the use of the AuSREM 3D velocity model for earthquake location in Australia. The result is that this method can significantly improve the location accuracy as compared to a simple 1D model.

  • <p>Geoscience Australia conducted a seismic, gravity and aeromagnetic survey in Central Australia, Northern Territory from July to November, 1985. The objectives of this multidisclipinary experiment were to investigate the structural evolution of the lithosphere in the Central Australian region with emphasis on the formation of the Ngalia and Amadeus Basins, and secondly to aid in the evaluation of the petroleum prospectivity of the basins. 486 km of six-twelve fold common mid-point (CMP) seismic reflection data were collected, from four traverses.<p><b>Raw data for this survey are available on request from - Quote eCat# 74968</b>

  • <p>Geoscience Australia conducted a seismic survey in the Denison Trough, in the western part of the Bowen Basin in Queensland in 1978 and 1979. The aims of the survey were to delineate the configuration of the Trough, in particular the lower part of the Permian sequence and basement, and to provide stratigraphic information from the Permian sequence that, in conjunction with current Geological Survey of Queensland (GSQ) stratigraphic studies, would enable reliable stratigraphic correlations to be made throughout the Trough. The survey obtained 457 km of digitally recorded six-fold Common-Depth-Point seismic reflection data.<p><b>Raw data for this survey are available on request from - Quote eCat# 74974</b>

  • <p>Geoscience Australia conducted a deep reflection seismic profiling survey in the onshore portion of the Otway Basin in the southeastern part of South Australia and southwestern part of Victoria, form February to June 1992. The seismic survey formed part of a National Geoscience Mapping Accord (NGMA) project to study the early development of the Otway Basin. The objective of the seismic survey was to acquire a new deep reflection seismic data using explosive seismic energy sources to improve on the knowledge of early sedimentary sequences in the Otway Basin, especially at depths greater than 3 km. The seismic survey obtained 461 km of 5 to 10 fold Common-Middle-Point (CMP) deep reflection seismic data.<p><b>Raw data for this survey are available on request from - Quote eCat# 74947</b>

  • The Bureau of Mineral Resources conducted a seismic reflection survey of a small area near Broome, W.A., during 1954 and 1955. It was part of a general investigation of the Canning Basin and was aimed at determining the distribution of sediments south of the Fenton Fault. The seismic work indicated a sedimentary thickness of at least 6000 feet, and probably as much as 10,000 feet could be expected. It also showed that the subsurface formations are probably folded and faulted.

  • In stable continental regions (SCR) the undertaking of probabilistic seismic hazard assessment remains a scientific and technical challenge. There is no seismo-tectonic model, akin to the plate tectonic model, to explain seismicity and guide source zonation, ground motion prediction equation (GMPE) selection, recurrence statistics estimation or MMAX selection. A model of seismicity being episodic, in regions of stable continental crust, has emerged in recent years. This model is consistent with Australian seismological, geological and geodetic data and is used to guide the zonation for a new national seismic hazard map of Australia. The selection of MMAX is based on the analysis of fault scarps from palaeo-earthquakes, with MMAX thought to between geological domains The heterogeneous Australian catalogue, arising from: the variability between magnitude scales, (particularly at regional distances >250km), sparse networks and poorly constrained Mc, results in high epistemic uncertainty in the recurrence parameters a & b. To account for changes in magnitude scales around 1990, the magnitudes of pre-1990 earthquakes have been empirically corrected. Due to the heterogeneous catalogue and small numbers of earthquakes, existing methods (e.g. Maximum Likelihood) for estimating frequency-magnitude recurrence parameters (a & b) were found to be unstable. To overcome these problems, a new method, that removes outlier earthquakes before applying a least squares regression , was developed. The sensitivity of PSHA to MMAX, zone boundaries, recurrence parameters and GMPEs was examined. The hazard was insensitive to MMAX in the identified range (e.g. 7.2-7.6 in non-extended SCR and 7.4-7.8 in extended SCR). The uncertainty in recurrence parameters was found to contribute similar variation in hazard as the epistemic uncertainty associated with the different GMPEs used in this study. For sites near zone boundaries, a similar variation in hazard was observed by reasonable changes in the position of the boundary. Aleatory variability and epistemic uncertainty in GMPEs are routinely incorporated in PSHAs, as is variation in MMAX. However, the uncertainty in recurrence parameters and zone boundaries are normally ignored. From MODSIM2013 Conference

  • <p>The Gunnedah Basin and Cobar Basin Seismic Test Survey was conducted by Geoscience Australia during the early part of 1989. The objective of the survey was to test the suitability of the seismic reflection technique for proposed regional deep reflection seismic lines in the Gunnedah Basin and Cobar Basin. The major emphasis of the test survey was to assess the feasibility of acquiring shallow and deep seismic reflections in order to examine various geological models of bounding faults and basin structure.<p><b>Raw data for this survey are available on request from - Quote eCat# 75828</b>

  • Mignan et al. (2015) estimated the maximum rupture lengths for strike-slip faults, by applying a multisegment rupture method, and calculated new Mmax values, by applying selected strike-slip scaling relations. In an initial step they compared the European fault length - Mmax data with five candidate relations and on the basis of this comparison dismissed two. In this paper the bilinear scaling relation of Leonard (2010, 2014) was incorrectly applied and so gave anomalously high estimates of magnitudes for fault lengths greater than 45km. As such it was excluded from future consideration. The problem likely arose due to the MW relations in Table 6 of Leonard (2010) being a subset of the full set of M0 relations given in Table 5. A more comprehensive set of MW relations is given in Leonard (2014). Table 1 below is the equivalent of Table 1 in Mignan et al. (2015), with all the relations reworked into the MW = a + b log(L) formulation to allow easier comparison.

  • After a main shock, the magnitude and timing of smaller aftershocks follow characteristic distributions known as Gutenberg-Richter and Omori laws, respectively. Based on these empirical laws, Reasenberg and Jones (1989) proposed a model to estimate the probability of earthquakes during an aftershock sequence as a function of time and magnitude. In this study, the parameters of the Reasenberg and Jones aftershock magnitude-time distribution are derived using the Australian instrumental earthquake catalogue (1900-2010). Two sets of model parameters are determined: sequence-specific parameters determined for well recorded aftershock sequences and generic parameters determined for a stack of events with magnitudes larger than or equal to 5. Both sets are found to be comparable to similar studies in other regions of the world. The spatial variation of model parameters is also studied and it is found that aftershock sequences in Southeastern Australia are less productive than sequences in Western Australia. Applicability of the derived generic parameters to forecast aftershock rates in Australia is verified using recent aftershock sequences that were not included in the earthquake catalogue such as the 2012 Gippsland earthquake.

  • Processed seismic data (SEG-Y format) and TIFF images for the 2008 Rankins Springs Seismic Survey (L188), acquired by Geoscience Australia (GA) under the Onshore Energy Security Program (OESP), in conjunction with the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries (NSWDPI). Stack and migrated data are included for lines 08GA-RS1 and 08GA-RS2, as well as CDP coordinates. Raw data for this survey are available on request from