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<p>Geoscience Australia conducted a seismic survey in the central Eromanga Basin in Queensland in 1981. This survey was a continuation of the work undertaken in 1980 to investigate the structure, stratigraphy, geological and tectonic evolution, and petroleum potential of the area. The survey obtained 438 km of six-fold Common-Depth-Point seismic reflection data, in the Quilpie Trough and over the Cooper and Thomson Synclines.<p><b>Raw data for this survey are available on request from clientservices@ga.gov.au - Quote eCat# 74971</b>
The Officer Basin project was a co-operative project jointly conducted by Geoscience Australia (GA) and the South Australian Department of Mines and Energy (DMESA) as part of the National Geoscience Mapping Accord (NGMA). The goals of the 1993 seismic acquisition in the Officer Basin were to provide a regional network of traverses to develop a cross section and evaluate basin morphology. The acquisition was designed to image the basin fill, with the aim of extending the stratigraphic control in the eastern Officer Basin into the central portion of this basin. The survey comprised five lines totalling 550 km in length. In 2021, Geoscience Australia commissioned reprocessing of these legacy 2D seismic data as part of the Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program, to improve data quality and better image reflective structural features in the region. Velseis Processing Pty Ltd carried out the reprocessing from March to August 2021. GA managed the reprocessing project, undertook quality control of the data processing and archived the processed data. This dataset includes metadata, images and SEGY files for pre-migration stacks, pre-stack time and depth migration stacks, and post-stack migration data. The images and SEGY files are derived from the Velseis final SEGY files. The reprocessed dataset is available for download. <b>Raw data and the Velseis data package for this survey are available on request from clientservices@ga.gov.au - Quote eCat# 74944</b>
Trace Energy Services was contracted by the Australian National Seismic Imaging Resource (ANSIR) to conduct the WA seismic 2004 survey in the eastern & northern Goldfields region of Western Australia. There were 148.59 km of 2D seismic reflection data recorded, 137.54 km over 29 traverses using Litton 315 Paystars and 11.05 km over 5 traverses using a single IVI Minivib as source. All lines were situated within the lease boundaries of gold mining companies, namely, Sons of Gwalia (Tarmoola & Gwalia) (L165), Placer Dome (Kanowna Belle, Wallaby, Granny Smith, Lancefield & Mt Morgans) (L166), Anglo Gold (Sunrise Dam) (L167) and Goldfields (St Ives at Kambalda) (L168). <b>Raw data for this survey are available on request from clientservices@ga.gov.au - Quote eCat# 74863</b>
Trace Energy Services was contracted by the Australian National Seismic Imaging Resource (ANSIR) to conduct the WA seismic 2004 survey in the eastern & northern Goldfields region of Western Australia. There were 148.59 km of 2D seismic reflection data recorded, 137.54 km over 29 traverses using Litton 315 Paystars and 11.05 km over 5 traverses using a single IVI Minivib as source. All lines were situated within the lease boundaries of gold mining companies, namely, Sons of Gwalia (Tarmoola & Gwalia) (L165), Placer Dome (Kanowna Belle, Wallaby, Granny Smith, Lancefield & Mt Morgans) (L166), Anglo Gold (Sunrise Dam) (L167) and Goldfields (St Ives at Kambalda) (L168). <b>Raw data for this survey are available on request from clientservices@ga.gov.au - Quote eCat# 74864</b>
<p>Geoscience Australia through its partnership in the Australian Geodynamics Cooperative Research Centre (AGCRC) and Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines (KCGM) completed a joint research project to image the crustal structure of the Kalgoorlie region to develop a knowledge of the shallow and deep structures, tectonics, and fluid migration pathways. The Australian National Seismic Imaging Resource (ANSIR) was contracted to acquire the seismic data. The project's objectives were to obtain a better understanding of 1. sub-surface geology at a regional and mine scale 2. regional crustal thickness and major features 3. stratigraphic and structural architecture of the mineral system 4. timing and locations of fluid migration pathways The seismic survey obtained 25 km of 10 fold CMP (common midpoint) regional reflection seismic data along two traverses and 8 km of 10 fold CMP high resolution reflection seismic data along another two traverses. The data are of good quality and similar to both the 1991 and 1999 Eastern Goldfields reflection seismic data to the north and south of the survey area. The major outcome of imaging the four localities included mapping the Golden Mile and Boulder-Lefroy Faults, and the Boorara Shear at depth. This new information indicates the Golden Mile Mine was fed by a suite of relatively minor faults dangling off the major crustal-scale Boorara Shear. The dangling element relates to percolation theory. The detachment surface was imaged on all seismic traverses. Thrust duplexes were interpreted above the detachment surface.<p><b>Raw data for this survey are available on request from clientservices@ga.gov.au - Quote eCat# 74884</b>
As a contribution towards the assessment of the oil potential of the Canning Basin, the Bureau carried out a seismic survey in July, 1955 along a traverse to the north-west of Lansey's Cross ing in the Kimberley Division of Western Australia. There is a considerable thickness of sedimentary rocks, probably exceeding 20,000 feet, in the nearby Fitzroy Basin, but little is known of the structure of the Canning Basin. The object of the survey was to obtain information on the thickness of the sedimentary rocks in this part of the Basin and on thc geologicul structure of the sedimentary rocks at depth. The results show that near Langey's Crossing the thicknes s of the sedimentary rocks probably exceeds 16,000 feet and may exceed 20,000 feet. The traverse was oblique to the assumed. direction of the axes of the major structure in the basin and results indicate that it crosses the axis of what appears to be a broad syncline of low relief.
Trace Energy Services was contracted by the Australian National Seismic Imaging Resource (ANSIR) to conduct the WA seismic 2004 survey in the eastern & northern Goldfields region of Western Australia. There were 148.59 km of 2D seismic reflection data recorded, 137.54 km over 29 traverses using Litton 315 Paystars and 11.05 km over 5 traverses using a single IVI Minivib as source. All lines were situated within the lease boundaries of gold mining companies, namely, Sons of Gwalia (Tarmoola & Gwalia) (L165), Placer Dome (Kanowna Belle, Wallaby, Granny Smith, Lancefield & Mt Morgans) (L166), Anglo Gold (Sunrise Dam) (L167) and Goldfields (St Ives at Kambalda) (L168). <b>Raw data for this survey are available on request from clientservices@ga.gov.au - Quote eCat# 74862</b>
Terrex Seismic was contracted by the Australian National Seismic Imaging Resource (ANSIR) to conduct the Department of Minerals and Resources (DMR NSW) Darling Basin 2004 Seismic Survey in New South Wales. Recording commenced on the 15th June 2004 on line DMR04-1 and was completed by the 1st July 2004. The survey operation covered areas north-east and north-west of Ivanhoe, and north of Wilcannia. Three 2D seismic lines, totalling 133.86 kilometres, were surveyed at a 30m station interval. Raw data for this survey are available on request from clientservices@ga.gov.au
<p>Geoscience Australia conducted a seismic, gravity and aeromagnetic survey in Central Australia, Northern Territory from July to November, 1985. The objectives of this multidisclipinary experiment were to investigate the structural evolution of the lithosphere in the Central Australian region with emphasis on the formation of the Ngalia and Amadeus Basins, and secondly to aid in the evaluation of the petroleum prospectivity of the basins. 486 km of six-twelve fold common mid-point (CMP) seismic reflection data were collected, from four traverses.<p><b>Raw data for this survey are available on request from clientservices@ga.gov.au - Quote eCat# 74968</b>
A seismic survey extending over the Poole Range and Price's Creek areas and the Pinnacle Fault, near the north-eastern boundary of the Fitzroy Basin was corducted during the winter of 1953. The Poole Range Dome has been mapped in outcropping rocks of Permian age, but its western closure is not certain. It is at the south-eastern end of a line of anticlinal folding which includes the St. George Range Dome and Nerrima Dome. The target beds for an oil test bore would be the Devonian and/or Ordovician rocks, which crop out on the north-eastern side of the Pinracle Fault, and over which the Permian rocks of the Poole Range are believed to lie unconformably. The seismic results indicate a thick section of sediments on the south-western side of the Pinnacle Fault and show a fair degree of conformity between shallow and deep reflections on the northern flank of the dome. Further investigatioll was made in 1954 around the flanks of the dome to determine whether or not the domal structure persists at depth, but the interpretation of the results of the 1954 survey is not yet complete. The Ordovician rocks on tbe north-eastern side of the Pinnacle fault are shown to have a probable unexposed thickness of about 900 feet.