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This report describes the results of a micropalaeontological examination of samples taken from the depth of 1 to 505 feet down.
Results of a micropalaeontological examination of samples taken from the surface down to a depth of 2130 feet.
This report describes the results of a micropalaeontological examination of samples taken from a depth of 10 feet down to 101 feet 6 inches.
This report describes the results of a micropalaeontological examination of samples taken from 27 to 62 feet down.
The report describes the results of a micropalaeontological examination of four rock samples from the Kimberley District.
This report describes the results of an examination of six samples taken from a cutting approximately 40 miles north of Injune.
This report describes the fossils collected by D.M. Traves early in 1948 from the Barkly Tableland and adjacent areas in Queensland and the Northern Territory. The sequence of Cambrian faunas as far as it can be recognised in the present collection corresponds to the revised sequence given by F.W. Whitehouse in "The Cambrian Faunas of North-East Australia". This report comprises stratigraphical and palaeontological notes, and a preliminary list of fossils with notes on the lithology of the rocks in which they occur.
Samples submitted from this bore were taken from the depth of 25 feet down to 475 feet. This report comprises a synopsis of the lithology of the samples after washing, together with notes on the samples.
The two samples submitted for micropalaeontological examination, came from the depths of 290 feet and 320 feet respectively. They consisted of hard, grey, carbonaceous shale. Crushings of the rocks yielded a small assemblage of arenaceous foraminifera and pyritic casts of ostracoda of Permian age. A list of the forms in each sample is as follows.
The Ordovician age of the limestone at the Belubula River was recognized by the present writer from fossils collected by Mr. N.C. Stevens, University of Sydney. Thought, in the opinion of A.A. Opik, the first collection examined was completely convincing, Mr. Stevens approached the Chief Geologist, Dr. N.H. Fisher, early in 1951 for further support in the field. It was then decided that A.A. Opik, being responsible for the age-determination of the fossils from the Belubula River, Cliefden Caves area, would accompany Mr. Stevens on a field excursion to collect more evidence for the age of the limestones and to look for an occurrence of Silurian fossils in the same area. The results of this examination are given in this report, comprising a description of the Ordovician sequence, and a summary of the stratigraphy and correlation of the Ordovician Belubula River.