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  • King Island Scheelite Mine is located on the east coast of King Island and is sixteen miles by road from Currie, the principal port on the island. The open cut method of mining is employed and the mine is an important producer of scheelite. There is scope for greatly increased production from the open cut area alone and with a view towards assessing the full possibilities of the area as a whole, geological and geophysical surveys were started concurrently by the Mineral Resources Survey Branch in June, 1942. The geophysical field work was conducted between 19th June and 10th July, 1942.

  • During the period August 1942 - August 1943, a boring campaign was conducted in the Coorabin section of the coalfield by the Commonwealth Coal Commission. The boring was done by the Water Conservation and Irrigation Commission of New South Wales under the supervision of the Mineral Resources Survey Branch of the Department of Supply and Shipping. When the Coal Commission withdrew, and before the plant was removed from the field, an additional bore was put down by the Department of Supply and Shipping in the Oaklands section of the field. This report contains the results of analyses of the bores.

  • This sample of bryozoal marl from Montagu, Tasmania, was collected by Mr. F. Canavan. It contains a faunal assemblage typical of the Balcombian Stage of the Middle Miocene as found in Victoria and can be referred to Longford substage of the Balcombian.

  • The area was visited in company with Mr. R.S. Matheson of the Geological Survey of Australia in December, 1942, when eleven pigmatite bodies bearing mica and beryl were examined. The report furnished after that visit (1943/2), gives details of access, topography, climate and vegetation which are not repeated here. In view of the urgent demand in Australia for "strategic" mica, i.e. mica of quality equivalent to Clear and Commercial-clear, it was recommended that one deposit at Yinnietharra should be opened and prospecting of others carried on simultaneously. As a result of these recommendations, the Deputy Controller of Mineral Production started mining operations on the selected dyke by open-cutting in June, 1943. Although it was stressed in the abovementioned report that poor exposure of the dyke, on which there were no workings, rendered any estimate of the probable yield of marketable mica speculative, the results actually obtained were far below expectations, and a heavy financial loss on the project was incurred. Consequently, while the question of abandoning the mine was under consideration, a detailed examination of the workings was carried out in June, 1944, again in the company of Mr. Matheson, and the results of this investigation, which was not wholly confined to geological aspects, are embodied in the present report.

  • The Curragundi Bore is situated in Portion 15, Ph. Gingham, County Benarba, 12 miles east of Four Posts No. 2 Bore and 11 miles west of Midkin No. 3 Bore. It is about 40 miles southeast of Boronga No. 2 Bore reported upon 30/5/42. The samples examined for micro-fauna were taken from the depth of 50 feet down to 2107 feet 6 inches. The results of this micro-examination are recorded in this report.

  • The mine is situated on Black Andrew Mountain about 4 miles south of the wall of Burrinjuck Dam and in the parishes of Goodradigbee and Childowla. Surface features were mapped by C.H. Zelman and H.B. Owen in November, 1942 by stadia alidade and planetable, and underground mapping was brought up to date by F. Canavan and H.B. Owen on 20th March, 1944 using tape, alidade and clinometer. This report details the production history, general geology, and economic geology of the Black Andrew mine.

  • The first part of this report deals with the second phase of the geophysical test work carried out in connection with the investigations into the water seepage problems at Leeton on the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area. The original test work was carried out by Mr. J.M. Rayner, then of the New South Wales Mines Department, following a request by the Water Conservation and Irrigation Commission. The work described herein may be considered as an extension of that done by Mr. Rayner and it will be assumed that the reader has access to his reports. The second part of this report deals with geophysical test work on a sandhill area at Narrandera where it is proposed to establish citrus farms using spray irrigation.

  • In the search for oil in Queensland, Drillers Limited, a subsidiary of Oil Search Limited, Sydney, put down a deep bore at Hutton Creek near Injune, in the parish of Simmie, county of Westgrove and 60 miles north of Roma. Drilling operations, which began in 1935 and ceased in 1938 when the depth of the bore was 4,688 feet, were carried out with a Commonwealth Government plant. The major part of the drilling was done by the percussion method, but cores were taken at various depths down to 4,678 feet. No samples were received for microscopic examination until the bore reached the depth of 650 feet, but from this depth to the bottom of the bore-hole, 638 samples of cuttings and cores were examined. Findings from a study of these samples are recorded in this report.

  • No. 1 Bore, Arcadia is situated in the parish of Arcadia, county of Westgrove, 85 miles north of Roma and 40 miles north-north-east of Injune, the nearest rail town. Drilling operations extended from 1936 to 1939. The Arcadia bore it the second deep bore in Queensland (the first being Hutton Creek bore) from which a comprehensive series of samples has been examined for their micro-faunal content. This examination was carried out on 1,256 samples consisting of drill cuttings taken over every five feet and of cores taken at numerous depths below 4,112 feet.

  • In 1935 Mr. F. Blake of the Geological Survey of Tasmania visited Cape Barren Island in connection with the underground water supply at Franklin Village which is situated on Sanford Bay in the northwest part of the island. He collected a small sample of fossiliferous limestone which he forwarded to the late Mr. F. Chapman who was then Commonwealth Palaeontologist. No examination of the material was made at the time. Recently it came under the notice of the writer who has made a detailed microscopic examination of it. The results of the examination are recorded in this report.