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  • The felspar deposit which is owned and operated by South Australian Silicates Co. Pty. Limited was visited on the 13th September, 1943, in company with Mr. Sampson, Secretary, of the Company and Mr. S.B. Dickinson, Deputy Government Geologist of South Australia. A description of the deposit follows in the report.

  • Two samples of diatomite were recently received from Broken Hill Pty. Co. Limited for microscopic examination. They were from Nettle Creek, 9 miles north-east of Mt. Garnet and near Innot Hot Springs. The results of the microscopic examination are given in this report.

  • The country rock of the Coimadai antimony orebodies is Lower Ordovician slate and sandstone, with northerly strike and steep westerly dip. It is intruded by narrow east-west striking pre-mineral porphyry dykes, which dip north and are displaced by or in places form the walls of the lode channels. The antimony lodes are lenticular ore-shoots in fault zones which show signs of intense crushing and shearing, the shoots being usually associated with fault intersections or branches. The workings are divided into two sections: No. 1, Draper's, in which the lode system strikes north-northwest and dips 45-55 degrees west, and No. 2, Bondison's, where the strike is east-northeast and the dip 60 degrees to the north. In No. 1 section most of the ore above the adit level has been extracted, but possibly 400 tons of the 5% Sb, ore have been developed below the level, and prospects of further ore are good. Gold values are much higher in No. 2 than in No. 1 section, but few assay data are available with regard to either antimony or gold content.

  • The mineral resources and mining industry of the Mandated Territory of New Guinea are the subject of this report. Mining operations, production, and geological conditions are discussed. Tables showing the estimated gold and silver production figures for the period 1926-41 are appended.

  • A mineralight examination of scheelite occurrence at Hatches Creek and Wauchope was carried out. The results of the examination are recorded in this report.

  • Within three miles of Broken Hill railway station are numerous pegmatite dykes carrying a high proportion of massive felspar. A few of these dykes are worked sporadically by gougers. On June 8th and 9th several of the dykes which were being, or had been worked were examined in company with Mr. B. Hadley, Inspector of Mines. A description of the individual deposits and a discussion of production capabilities are presented in this report.

  • An examination was made of a wolfram vein seven miles north of Broken Hill, on July 8th, 1943. This report contains brief notes on the nature of the vein and the mineral specimens examined.

  • The felspar deposit near Londonderry was examined on Saturday, September 11th, 1943. The deposit has been worked by open cut, the size and shape of which are given in the plan accompanying this report. The report comprises rough notes on mineral assemblage and production figures.

  • Report on the asbestos deposit near Bindi Bindi following a visit to the deposit in September, 1943.