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  • A geological report on the Alexander, Halley's Comet, and Manolis' Workings mines. The production, grade, geology, mineralisation, ore reserves, and prospecting of the mines are discussed. Accompanying geological plans are included.

  • A request was made for an estimation of the ore reserves indicated to date in the King Island Scheelite Mine, and for a drilling campaign to be drawn up to prove a total of fifteen years supply of ore at an annual rate of consumption of 200,000 tons. These two matters are dealt with in this report.

  • The question of a geophysical survey of the Copperhead mining property at Bullfinch was discussed and it was stated that there was need for a geophysical survey to determine the detailed structure of the jaspilite bodies over a small area concealed by tailings at the eastern end of the jaspilite zone. Following preliminary tests, a detailed survey was conducted in December, 1946. The geology, nature of the problem, and results of the survey are discussed in this report. Two accompanying plans are included.

  • Overview of staff involvement and the general tasks, field work, and drafting carried out during November, 1947.

  • Shortly after I took up the appointment of Mineral Economist, the high quality of the mica from the Harts Range came to my notice. Accordingly, I paid a visit to Harts Range between the 22nd September and 4th October. In judging the possibilities of developing the mica deposits of the Harts Range, the difficulty is the almost complete lack of reliable detailed mining data in the past - production data for the later war years only are available. However, by comparing the degree of areal concentration of the pegmatites, the type of deposits and the quality and sizes of the mica so far produced with those in India, a reasonable picture can be obtained of comparative possibilities. The method of approach throughout this report, therefore, will be comparison of the Harts Range with India mica. This report gives an account of the present state of the Australian mica industry, including descriptions of current trade terms, the grading and classification of mica, and the Harts Range Mica Belt deposits. Suggestions and recommendations for the development of the industry are discussed.

  • A visit was made to inspect the limestone and dolomite deposits at Cow Flat and Walls Siding. An overview of the working of these deposits, which includes details of the leases, production, prices, plant operations, future developments, and the present positions of the owner companies, is given in this report.

  • Results of a micropalaeontological examination of samples taken from the depth of 3 feet down to 770 feet.

  • Results of a micropalaeontological examination of samples taken from between the depths of 1450 and 1800 feet.

  • The region under review may be broadly subdivided into three distinct geological and geophysical areas which are here discussed as separate entities. The geology, physiography, and mineral resources of each area, and the future mineral prospects of the region as a whole, are discussed in this report.

  • The Cow Flat Area was visited on the 12th March, 1947, with the object of ascertaining possible dolomite reserves. This information was required in connection with the application by Metropolitan Lime and Cement Company Ltd., owners of a dolomite quarry at Wall's Siding, near Mudgee, for financial assistance from the Commonwealth Government. It was desired to ascertain whether, in the event of the latter company ceasing production, the Cow Flat deposit could provide sufficient dolomite to supply New South Wales requirements. The situation, production, geology, origin and reserves of the dolomite deposits are discussed in this report. The report should be considered supplementary to Report No. 1946/005 and the Report on Limestone and Dolomite Deposits at Cow Flat and Wall's Siding (1947/090).