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  • Overview of general work, staff involvement, drafting, field work and laboratory work carried out for the month of October, 1947.

  • Results of a micropalaeontological examination of rock samples taken from various sites in the vicinities of the Desert and Bonaparte Gulf Basins.

  • Report on a preliminary micropalaeontological examination of the samples, submitted by the Frome - Broken Hill Co. Pty. Ltd., on November 3rd, 1947, from the Northern Flinders Range area. The examination was made with a view to giving assistance to the reconnaissance work now in progress.

  • Report on surveying, sampling, and plant sampling work carried out during the month of July, 1947.

  • A visit was made to inspect the limestone and dolomite deposits at Cow Flat and Walls Siding. An overview of the working of these deposits, which includes details of the leases, production, prices, plant operations, future developments, and the present positions of the owner companies, is given in this report.

  • The Blue Spec Mine, Nullagine, was visited from 20th to 24th September, 1947. An inspection was made of the mine. No. 3 level (depth 450 feet) was mapped and the antimony-gold occurrences on lease 196, and on the property known as "Blacks", were also briefly inspected. The present position regarding water supply was investigated and recommendations made. The ore reserves, workings, economic considerations, and water supply are discussed in this report.

  • This report is compiled in two parts. Part A provides a description of samples taken from a depth of 108 feet down to 7299 feet. Part B comprises notes on the stratigraphic sequence of the Nelson Bore.

  • A geophysical survey of the Hampton Plains areas was conducted between September and December, 1946. The geology and nature of the problem, geophysical work, and results of the survey are discussed in this report. Accompanying plans are included.

  • The known bauxite deposits near the township of Ouse are No. 1 on Glen Dhu Estate, Nos. 2, 3,4 and 5 on Gladfield Estate, and Nos. 6, 7, 8, and 9 on Leintwardine Estate, Nos. 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 on Lachlan Vale Estate and No. 15 on Lawrenny Estate. Examination of all the occurrences and testing of the more promising by shaft sinking and boring was conducted. The results of this work are discussed in the report.

  • Bauxite deposits on Rosedale, Meadowbank and Riccarton Estates at Campbell Town were tested by shaft sinking and boring during November, and December 1946. Earlier than this the Tasmanian Mines Department has sunk a number of shafts on the deposits, mainly at widely spaced intervals. The work undertaken by the Aluminium Commission mainly consisted of testing between the shafts sunk by the Mines Department, so that the interval between the points tested was reduced to 200 feet or less. A few of the old shafts were cleaned out and re-sampled. The results of the tests at each estate are reported on.