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Polgons representing Hydrogeological basement (base of the Jurassic-Cretaceous sequence) units in contact with base of the Great Artesian Basin. Compiled by Bruce Radke and used in conjuction with 'Great Artesian Basin hydrogeological units directly overlying the basement (base of the Jurassic-Cretaceous sequence)' to represent the hydraulic interconnection between the Great Artesian Basin and basement units.
A sequence of stranded coastal barriers in south-east South Australia preserves a record of sea-level variations over the past 800 ka. Huntley et al. (Quat. Sci. Rev. 12 (1993a) 1; Quat. Sci. Rev. 13 (1994a) 201) attempted to test thermoluminescence (TL) dating methods and found good agreement between quartz TL ages with independent ages for these dunes. We investigate the accuracy of the single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) procedure (Radiat. Meas. 32 (2000) 57) over an extended age range of 0-250 ka, by comparing SAR-OSL ages determined on quartz extracts from these dunes with the existing chronology. We show that Robe II range is 60 ka, and that Robe III is 100 ka old. Not surprisingly, the OSL ages increase monotonically from the Robe II range to the West Naracoorte range. For the younger dunes (<240 ka), the SAR-OSL ages agree with the expected ages within 1 errors, whereas for the older dunes the SAR ages are consistent with independent ages within 2 error limits. We consider these results to be very promising, and lend support to the large number of quartz SAR-OSL ages being presented in the literature, where such comparisons with independent chronology are not usually possible.
The purpose of this document, Procedures for Describing Maritime Boundaries, is to provide unambiguous descriptions which give a consistent framework for government departments and agencies involved in the marine area. They provide: - policy makers and negotiators with a broad understanding of the geospatial issues which need to be considered when defining maritime boundaries - geospatial professionals with technical advice on how to describe and map maritime boundaries unambiguously - all stakeholders with legally defensible boundaries that improve administration over Australia's offshore jurisdiction and minimise the potential for litigation. The document does not replace the need to seek appropriate legal and geospatial advice when determining and describing maritime boundaries. Legal advice can be obtained from: Office of International Law Attorney-General's Department 3-5 National Circuit Barton ACT 2600 Phone: +61 2 6141 6666 Technical information and assistance relating to maritime boundaries can be obtained from: Law of the Sea and Maritime Boundaries Advice Geoscience Australia GPO Box 378 Canberra ACT 2601 email: ph: +61 2 6249 9111
Advice diagram for RET
This abstract is to be submitted for the Great Artesian Basin Coordinating Committee Researcher's Forum on 27th-28th of March, as part of the Great Artesian Basin Water Resource Assessment launch at the event.
This product is prepared in conjunction with Australia Post. The 1991 Census Modified Postcode Boundary product has been designed for those who wish to use geographically accurate postcode boundaries with the digital topographic data included with the ABS CDATA91 and CMAP91 products. Scale is 1:10 000 in urban areas, and 1:25 000 to 1:1m in rural areas.
This product is prepared in conjunction with Australia Post. The postcode tables and list product is a grouping of ten ASCII table and list files for those seeking to use Australia Post Postcode Information in textual database systems. Scale is 1:10 000 in urban areas, and 1:25 000 to 1:1m in rural areas.
This product is prepared in conjunction with Australia Post. Optimal boundary files data is the most detailed of the boundary products and has been designed for use in larger advanced computer mapping applications. Scale is 1:10 000 in urban areas, and 1:25 000 to 1:1m in rural areas.
This product is prepared in conjunction with Australia Post. This product is designed for the largest range of users. It is less detailed than the Optimal version yet it remains geographically accurate and thus ideal for market analysis and address matching applications. Scale is 1:10 000 in urban areas, and 1:25 000 to 1:1m in rural areas.
This product is prepared in conjunction with Australia Post. This is a small dataset which provides an easy to use and affordable entry to the use of postcodes with desktop computer mapping. This file can be used to display the approximate shape of postcode area and the relationships between postcode areas. Scale is 1:10 000 in urban areas, and 1:25 000 to 1:1m in rural areas.