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  • The Mineral Deposits and Mineral Resources OGC service provides data from Geoscience Australia’s OZMIN database in EarthResourceML 2.0 and ERML Lite 1.0 and associated contextual layers in simple WMS and WFS formats.

  • The annual offshore petroleum exploration acreage release is part of the government’s strategy to promote offshore oil and gas exploration. Each year, the government invites companies to bid for the opportunity to invest in oil and gas exploration in Australian waters. The 21 areas shown have been nominated by petroleum industry stakeholders to be considered for the 2021 acreage release. Areas nominated for release will not receive endorsement from government until submissions resulting from a public consultation process can be considered. This publication does not indicate a commitment to a particular course of action.

  • OPGGSA 2006 - Petroleum Blocks. This service displays the most recent realisation of the Petroleum Blocks as defined under Section 33 (3) of the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 (OPGGSA 2006) as realised in GDA94. Block data extends beyond the area of operation of the OPGGSA and includes areas of coastal waters and land within the constitutional limits of the States and Territories.

  • The 2021 Offshore Greenhouse Gas Storage Acreage Release is a key strategy of the Australian Government to reduce emissions and support Australia's resource sector. The GHG acreage release will provide companies the opportunity to explore for offshore carbon dioxide injection and storage locations. The 2021 GHG acreage release consists of 5 areas across the Bonaparte, Browse and Northern Carnarvon Basins.

  • This web service shows the spatial locations of potential CO2 storage sites that are at an advanced stage of characterisation and/or development. The areas considered to be at an advanced stage are parts of the Cooper Basin in central Australia, a portion of the Surat Basin (Queensland), the offshore Gippsland Basin (Victoria), where the CarbonNet Project is currently at an advanced stage of development and the Petrel Sub-basin. This service will be presented in the AusH2 Portal.

  • This OGC WMS web service (generated by Geoserver) serves data from the Geoscience Australia Rock Properties database. The database stores the results of measurements of physical properties of rock and regolith specimens, including such properties as mass density, magnetic susceptibility, magnetic remanence and electrical conductivity. The database also records analytical process information such as method and instrument details where possible.

  • Please note: This product has been superseded by 50m Multibeam Dataset of Australia 2018. - This tile contains all multibeam data held by Geoscience Australia on August 2012 within the specified area. The data has been gridded to 50m resolution. Some deeper data has also been interpolated within the mapped area. The image provided can be viewed on the free software CARIS Easyview, available from the CARIS website: under Free Downloads.

  • The Surface Geology of Australia (2010 edition) is a seamless national coverage of outcrop and surficial geology, compiled for use at or around 1:1 million scale. The data maps outcropping bedrock geology and unconsolidated or poorly consolidated regolith material covering bedrock. Geological units are represented as polygon and line geometries, and are attributed with information regarding stratigraphic nomenclature and parentage, age, lithology, and primary data source. The dataset also contains geological contacts, structural features such as faults and shears, and miscellaneous supporting lines like the boundaries of water and ice bodies. The dataset has been compiled from merging the seven State and Territory 1:1 million scale surface geology datasets released by Geoscience Australia between 2006 and 2008, correcting errors and omissions identified in those datasets, addition of some offshore island territories, and updating stratigraphic attribute information to the best available in 2010 from the <A href="">Australian Stratigraphic Units Database</A>. The map data were compiled largely from simplifying and edgematching existing 1:250 000 scale geological maps. Where these maps were not current, more recent source maps, ranging in scale from 1:50 000 to 1:1 million were used. In some areas where the only available geological maps were quite old and poorly located, some repositioning of mapping using recent satellite imagery or geophysics was employed.

  • This web service delivers geological observations and sample descriptions from field sites associated with GA's geological mapping surveys in Australia and Antarctica. Descriptions include information on lithology, stratigraphic units, alteration, structural measurements, and many other geological attributes. Where possible this service conforms to the GeoSciML version 4.1 data standard.

  • This web service features Australian hydrogen projects that are actively in the investigation, construction, or operating phase, and that align with green hydrogen production methods as outlined in Australia's National Hydrogen Strategy. The purpose of this dataset is to provide a detailed snapshot of hydrogen activity across Australia, and includes location data, operator/organisation details, and descriptions for all hydrogen projects listed.