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This service represents a combination of two data products, the DEM_SRTM_1Second dataset and the Australian_Bathymetry_Topography dataset. This service was created to support the CO2SAP (Co2 Storage application) Project to create a transect elevation graph within the application. This data is not available as a dataset for download as a Geoscience Australia product. The DEM_SRTM_1Second service represents the National Digital Elevation Model (DEM) 1 Second product derived from the National DEM SRTM 1 Second. The DEM represents ground surface topography, with vegetation features removed using an automatic process supported by several vegetation maps. eCat record 72759. The Australian_Bathymetry_Topography service describes the bathymetry dataset of the Australian Exclusive Economic Zone and beyond. Bathymetry data was compiled by Geoscience Australia from multibeam and single beam data (derived from multiple sources), Australian Hydrographic Service (AHS) Laser Airborne Depth Sounding (LADS) data, Royal Australian Navy (RAN) fairsheets, the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) bathymetric model, the 2 arc minute ETOPO (Smith and Sandwell, 1997) and 1 arc minute ETOPO satellite derived bathymetry (Amante and Eakins, 2008). Topographic data (onshore data) is based on the revised Australian 0.0025dd topography grid (Geoscience Australia, 2008), the 0.0025dd New Zealand topography grid (Geographx, 2008) and the 90m SRTM DEM (Jarvis et al, 2008). eCat record 67703. IMPORTANT INFORMATION For data within this service that lays out of the Australian boundary the following needs to be considered. This grid is not suitable for use as an aid to navigation, or to replace any products produced by the Australian Hydrographic Service. Geoscience Australia produces the 0.0025dd bathymetric grid of Australia specifically to provide regional and local broad scale context for scientific and industry projects, and public education. The 0.0025dd grid size is, in many regions of this grid, far in excess of the optimal grid size for some of the input data used. On parts of the continental shelf it may be possible to produce grids at higher resolution, especially where LADS or multibeam surveys exist. However these surveys typically only cover small areas and hence do not warrant the production of a regional scale grid at less than 0.0025dd. There are a number of bathymetric datasets that have not been included in this grid for various reasons.
These colour and greyscale images are a digital pictorial representation of the 250 decimal degree bathymetric grid of the Australian region. This image is a dirivitive of the origional 30 arc second grid of Australia. There have been recent swath mapping additions to the origional in bathymetric data that have vastly improve the quality of the data and these images contain that information, they are however a work in progress and official higher resolotion datasets are expected in the near future. The original gridded bathymetry model for the Australian continental margin was generated from 14,000,000 data points gathered from numerous data sources and compiled by Cameron Buchanan at the Australian Geological Survey Organisation, as part of the Continental Margins Program. The database is a 30-arc-second model that can display undersea features as small as 900 metres (as seen in the images). The model has been compiled over several years from hundreds of marine surveys. It includes data acquired by industry and foreign agencies, and from over 200 days of modern deep-water seafloor swath-mapping surveys. In some areas not covered by marine surveys, it incorporates bathymetry data derived from satellite measurements.
This product is no longer available.
Bathymetric map showing geological features with contours in metres. Includes Australian Fishing zone limit, seismic survey lines, petroleum exploration wells, for seabed west of Shark Bay and Dirk Hartog Island. Index to adjoining sheets, reliability diagram and locality map. Project coordination by C.R. Johnston, J. Williams, B. Willington ; data compilation D. Jongsma. "A joint project of the Hydrographic Service, RAN, Department of Defence, the Bureau of Resource Sciences and the Australian Geological Survey Organisation".
No abstract available
Bathymetric map showing geological features with contours in metres. Includes Australian Fishing zone limit, seismic survey lines, petroleum exploration wells, for seabed west of Cape Leeuwin, including the Naturaliste Plateau. Index to adjoining sheets, reliability diagram and locality map. Project coordination by C.R. Johnston, J. Williams, B. Willington ; data compilation D. Jongsma. "A joint project of the Hydrographic Service, RAN, Department of Defence, the Bureau of Resource Sciences and the Australian Geological Survey Organisation".
bathymetric grid of the Heard Island-Kerguelen Plateau Region (Longitudes 68 E - 80 E, Latitudes 48 S - 56 S) is produced. In doing so, the individual datasets used have been closely examined and any deficiencies noted for further follow up or have been rectified immediately and the changes documented. These datasets include modern multibeam data, coastline data obtained from the World Vector Shoreline, echosounder data from research, fishing and Customs vessels and satellite derived bathymetric data. A hierarchical system was employed whereby the best and most extensive datasets were gridded first and applied as a mask to the next best dataset. A new masking grid would be formed from these datasets to pass non-overlapping data in the next best dataset. This procedure was employed until finally the satellite data were masked. All the various levels of masked data were then brought together by the gridding algorithm (Intrepid Desmond Fitzgerald Associates) and an ERMapper format grid produced. A grid cell size of 0.005? (nominal 500m) was used with many iterations of minimum curvature gridding and several passes of smoothing. The final grid is available in ERMapper, ArcInfo and ASCII xyz formats.
No abstract available
The Geological and Oceanographic Model of Australia's Territory (GEOMAT- Harris et al., 2000) developed at Geoscience Australia provides maps indicative of the Australian seabed exposure. GEOMAT v.1 proposed a classification of the Australian under water territory based on sediment mobility induced by distinct processes such as tidal currents and gravity waves (Porter-Smith et al., 2004). GEOMAT v.2 proposed an improved classification of the continental shelf area based on a seabed exposure index (Hemer, 2006). The seabed exposure index was derived from the statistical distribution of the sediment transport rate, which reflected the strength and frequency of the combined wave-current bed shear stress. The bed shear stress was derived from a bottom boundary layer model (SEDTRANS - Li and Amos, 2001), which integrated the combined action of tidal currents (Egbert et al., 1994), oceanic currents (OCCAM : Webb et al., 1998), and gravity waves (AUSWAM - Greenslade, 2001) over a given mean sediment fraction (MARS : Geoscience Australia, 2006).
This product is no longer available.