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  • AMB is a dataset depicting the limits of Australia's maritime jurisdiction as set out under UNCLOS and relevant domestic legislation. To this extent, AMB provides a digital representation of the outer limit of the 12 nautical mile territorial sea, the 24 nautical mile contiguous zone, the 200 nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone and Australia's Continental Shelf, as well as, the 3 nautical mile coastal waters. Where Australia has agreements with neighbouring countries these treaty lines are also included in the data. The dataset has been compiled by Geoscience Australia in consultation with other relevant Commonwealth Government agencies including the Attorney-General's Department, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, as well as the Australian Hydrographic Office.

  • The Carnarvon shelf at Point Cloates, Western Australia, is characterised by a series of prominent ridges and hundreds of mounds that provide hardground habitat for coral and sponge gardens. The largest ridge is 20 m high, extends 15 km alongshore in 60 m water depth and is interpreted as a drowned fringing reef. To landward, smaller ridges up to 1.5 km long and 16 m high are aligned to the north-northeast and are interpreted as relict aeolian dunes. Mounds are less than 5 m high and may also have a sub-aerial origin. In contrast, the surrounding seafloor is sandy with relatively low densities of epibenthic organisms. The dune ridges are estimated to be Late Pleistocene in age and their preservation is attributed to cementation of calcareous sands to form aeolianite, prior to the postglacial marine transgression. On the outer shelf, sponges grow on isolated low profile ridges at ~85 m and 105 m depth and are also interpreted as partially preserved relict shorelines.

  • The legacy of multiple marine transgressions is preserved in a complex morphology of ridges, mounds and reefs on the Carnarvon continental shelf, Western Australia. High-resolution multibeam sonar mapping, underwater photography and sampling across a 280 km2 area seaward of the Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Area shows that these raised features provide hardground habitat for modern coral and sponge communities. Prominent among these features is a 20 m high and 15 km long shore-parallel ridge at 60 m water depth. This ridge preserves the largely unaltered form of a fringing reef and is interpreted as the predecessor to modern Ningaloo Reef. Landward of the drowned reef, the inner shelf is covered by hundreds of mounds (bommies) up to 5 m high and linear ridges up to 1.5 km long and 16 m high. The ridges are uniformly oriented to the north-northeast and several converge at their landward limit. On the basis of their shape and alignment, these ridges are interpreted as relict long-walled parabolic dunes. Their preservation is attributed to cementation of calcareous sands to form aeolianite, prior to the post-glacial marine transgression. Some dune ridges abut areas of reef that rise to sea level and are highly irregular in outline but maintain a broad shore-parallel trend. These are tentatively interpreted as Last Interglacial in age. The mid-shelf and outer shelf are mostly sediment covered with relatively low densities of epibenthic biota and have patches of low-profile ridges that may also be relict reef shorelines. An evolutionary model for the Carnarvon shelf is proposed that relates the formation of drowned fringing reefs and aeolian dunes to Late Quaternary eustatic sea level.

  • Map showing all of Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction north of approx 25CS . This includes areas around Cocos (Keeling) Islands and areas west of Christmas Island as well as those contiguous to the continent in the north. Map derived from one of the "Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction Map Series" (GeoCat 71985). Depicting Australia's extended continental shelf approved by the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf in April 2008. Background bathymetry image is derived from a combination of the 2009 9 arc second bathymetry and topographic grid by Geoscience Australia and a grid by W.H.F. Smith and D.T. Sandwell, 1997. Background land imagery derived from Blue Marble, NASA's Earth Observatory. Map size 3m x 2m for Australian Customs and Border Protection Service. (for internal use only - not for publication)

  • Models of seabed sediment mobilisation by waves and currents over Australia's continental shelf environment are used to examine whether disturbance regimes exist in the context of the intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH). Our study shows that it is feasible to model the frequency and magnitude of seabed disturbance in relation to the dominant energy source (wave-dominated shelf, tide-dominated shelf or tropical cyclone dominated shelf). Areas are mapped where the recurrence interval of disturbance events is comparable to the rate of ecological succession, which meets criteria defined for a disturbance regime. We focus our attention on high-energy, patch-clearing events defined as exceeding the Shields (bed shear stress) parameter value of 0.25. Using known rates of ecological succession for different substrate types (gravel, sand, mud), predictions are made of the spatial distribution of a dimensionless ecological disturbance index (ED), given as: ED = FA (ES/RI), where ES is the ecological succession rate for different substrates, RI is the recurrence interval of disturbance events and FA is the fraction of the frame of reference (surface area) disturbed. Maps for the Australian continental shelf show small patches of ED-seafloor distributed around the continent, on both the inner and outer shelf. The patterns are different for wave-dominated (patches on the outer shelf trending parallel to the coast), tide-dominated (patches crossing the middle-shelf trending normal to the coast) and cyclone-dominated (large oval-shaped patches crossing all depths). Only a small portion of the shelf (perhaps ~10%) is characterised by a disturbance regime as defined here. To our knowledge, this is the first time such an analysis has been attempted for any continental shelf on the earth.

  • The movie describes the marine reconnaisance and seismic surveys undertaken between November 2008 and February 2009 as part of the South-West Margin Project. This is part of the broader part of the Energy Security Program. Video and still images from the marine reconnaisance and seismic surveys. Seismic cross-sections. Bathymetric flythroughs

  • Physical and biological characteristics of benthic communities are analysed from underwater video footage collected across the George V Shelf during the 2007/2008 CEAMARC voyage. Benthic habitats are strongly structured by physical processes operating over a range of temporal and spatial scales. Iceberg scouring recurs over timescales of years to centuries along shallower parts of the shelf, creating communities in various stages of maturity and recolonisation. Upwelling of modified circumpolar deep water (MCDW) onto the outer shelf, and cross-shelf flow of high salinity shelf water (HSSW) create spatial contrasts in nutrient and sediment supply, which are largely reflected in the distribution of deposit and filter feeding communities. Long term cycles in the advance and retreat of icesheets (over millennial scales) and subsequent focussing of sediments in troughs such as the Mertz Drift create patches of consolidated and soft sediments, which also provide distinct habitats for colonisation by different biota. These physical processes of iceberg scouring, current regimes and depositional environments, in addition to water depth, are shown to be important factors in the structure of benthic communities across the George V Shelf. The modern shelf communities mapped in this study largely represent colonisation over the past 8-12ka, following retreat of the icesheet and glaciers at the end of the last glaciation (Harris et al., 2001; Ingólfsson et al., 1998). Recolonisation on this shelf may have occurred from two sources: deep-sea environments, and possible shelf refugia on the Mertz and Adélie Banks. However, any open shelf area would have been subject to intense iceberg scouring (Beaman and Harris, 2003). Understanding the timescales over which shelf communities have evolved and the physical factors which shape them, will allow better prediction of the distribution of Antarctic shelf communities and their vulnerability to change. This knowledge can aid better management regimes for the Antarctic margin.

  • Map showing all of Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction north of approx 25°S . This includes areas around Cocos (Keeling) Islands and areas west of Christmas Island as well as those contiguous to the continent in the north. Included as one of the now 28 constituent maps of the "Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction Map Series" (GeoCat 71789). Depicting Australia's extended continental shelf approved by the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf in April 2008, treaties and various maritime zones. Background bathymetry image is derived from a combination of the 2009 9 arc second bathymetry and topographic grid by Geoscience Australia and a grid by W.H.F. Smith and D.T. Sandwell, 1997. Background land imagery derived from Blue Marble, NASA's Earth Observatory. 3277mm x 1050mm (for 42" plotter) sized .pdf downloadable from the web.

  • This resource contains multibeam sonar backscatter data for the continental shelf area of Flinders Commonwealth Marine Reserve, northeast Tasmania. Multibeam data were collected by Geoscience Australia and University of Tasmania in May 2011 (survey GA0331) and June-July 2012 (survey GA0337) on RV Challenger. The survey used a Kongsberg EM3002 300 kHz multibeam sonar system mounted in single head configuration to broadly classify the seabed into hard (bedrock reef), soft (sedimentary) and mixed substrate types at select locations across the shelf. The 2011 survey involved reconnaissance mapping along a series of cross-shelf transects, covering a total of 767 line km. For the 2012 survey, multibeam data (bathymetry and backscatter) were collected at 40 pre-determined stations, each covering an area approximately 200 x 200 m. The location of stations was selected using a Generalised Random Tessellation Stratified (GRTS) sampling design that ensured an even spatial distribution of sites. Multibeam data was also collected along transits between GRTS stations (410 line km) and across a 30 km2 area of the outer shelf, incorporating areas of low profile reef, sandy shelf and three shelf-incising canyon heads. Backscatter data are gridded to 2 m spatial resolution. The 2012 survey also included seabed observations at the 40 GRTS stations using a drop camera and collection of sediment samples at 31 stations using a Shipek grab. The Flinders CMR survey was a pilot study undertaken in 2012 as part of the National Marine Biodiversity Hub's National Monitoring Evaluation and Reporting Theme. The aim of this theme is to develop a blueprint for the sustained monitoring of the South-east Commonwealth Marine Reserve Network, specifically; 1) to contribute to an inventory of demersal and epibenthic conservation values in the reserve and 2) to test methodologies and deployment strategies in order to inform future survey design efforts. Several gear types were deployed; including multibeam sonar, shallow-water (less than 150m) Baited Remote Underwater Video Systems (BRUVS), deep- water BRUVS (to 600 m), towed video and digital stereo stills. Embargo statement: Resource embargoed pending completion of NERP research. Release date 31 December 2014. Attribution statement: Data was sourced from the NERP Marine Biodiversity Hub. The Marine Biodiversity Hub is supported through funding from the Australian Government's National Environmental Research Program (NERP), administered by the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (DSEWPAC). Dataset name: National Environmental Research Program (NERP) Marine Biodiversity Hub, 2012, Flinders Commonwealth Marine Reserve Shelf Backscatter