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  • Remotely sensed imagery has been used extensively in geomorphology since the availability of early Landsat data. Since that time, there has been a steady increase in the range of sensors offering data with increased spatial and spectral resolutions, from both government and commercial satellites. This has been augmented with an increase in the amount and range of airborne surveys carried out. Since 2000, digital elevation models have become widely available through the application of interferometric synthetic aperture radar, photogrammetry and laser altimetry (specifically LiDAR) with extensive uptake by geomorphologists. In addition, hyperspectral imaging, radiometrics and electromagentics have been made more accessible, whilst there has been increased use of close-range (<200 m) imaging techniques for very high resolution imaging. This paper reviews the primary sources for DEMs from satellite and airborne platforms, as well as briefly reviewing more traditional multi-spectral scanners, and radiometric and electromagnetic systems. Examples of the applications of these techniques are summarised and presented within the context of landscape pattern recognition and modelling. Finally, the wider issues of access to geographic information and data distribution are discussed.

  • Dense coral-sponge communities on the upper continental slope (570 - 950 m) off George V Land, east Antarctica have been identified as Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems. We propose three main factors governing their distribution on this margin: 1) their depth in relation to iceberg scouring; 2) the flow of organic-rich bottom waters; and 3) their location at the head of shelf cutting canyons. Icebergs scour to 500 m in this region and the lack of such disturbance is a likely factor allowing the growth of rich benthic ecosystems. In addition, the richest communities are found in the heads of canyons which receive descending plumes of Antarctic Bottom Water formed on the George V shelf, which could entrain abundant food for the benthos. The canyons harbouring rich benthos are also those that cut the shelf break. Such canyons are known sites of high productivity in other areas due to strong current flow and increased mixing with shelf waters, and the abrupt, complex topography.

  • Geomorphic landscape features and associated surface materials are fundamental to groundwater recharge processes as they form the first layer through which surface water passes before it becomes groundwater. Different surface materials exhibit different water-holding capacity and hence permeability characteristics. In the Broken Hill Managed Aquifer Recharge project, surface-materials mapping in conjunction with geomorphic mapping, has assisted hydrogeological investigations, including recharge predictions, salinity hazard and the identification of potential infiltration basins. Prior to landform identification, LiDAR DEM data was levelled using trend surfaces to eliminate regional slope (~20m). As a consequence of this, an ArcGIS interactive contour tool could be used to identify specific breaks in elevation associated with landform features. Multivariate image analysis of elevation, high resolution SPOT and Landsat-derived wetness further enhanced the contrast between geomorphic elements to confirm mapping boundaries. While specific landforms can be characterised by particular surface materials, these sediments can vary within a single geomorphic feature. Consequently, SPOT multispectral satellite imagery was used to identify surface materials using principal component analysis and unsupervised classification. This approach generated 20 classes; each assigned a preliminary cover/landform attribute using SPOT imagery. Field data (surface and borehole sample, and observations at shallow pits) were used to refine the classification approach. Interactive mapping using a de-trended DEM provided a rapid, effective and accurate alternative to time consuming manual landform digitisation. The combination of these two new products - surface-materials and geomorphic maps - has assisted in the identification of potential recharge sites and naturally occurring infiltration sites.

  • The contemporary crustal stress regime in south-eastern Australia can be traced back to the terminal Miocene. Increased coupling of the Australian and Pacific Plate boundary at this time resulted in regional-scale tilting, local uplift and erosion, and in the formation of unconformities in southern Australian basins. In the onshore Gippsland Basin the unconformity surface is overlain by an extensive sheet of fluvial sediment known as the Haunted Hill Formation (HHF). Open folds and flexures developed within the HHF over blind reverse and reverse oblique faults provide a record of deformation spanning much of the neotectonic period. The predominance of flexures and folds rather than discrete faulting at the surface complicates the assessment of slip rates over the last few seismic cycles. However, ages from an undeformed fill terrace bordering the Morwell River and crossing the Morwell Monocline suggest that it has been a minimum of 70 ka since the last deformation event on at least this structure. Stream profiles crossing the Snake Ridge, Yallourn and Rosedale Monoclines similarly reveal no evidence for recent tectonic displacement. Cosmogenic radionuclide (10Be and 26Al) burial ages of siliceous sediments sampled from tectonically uplifted HHF on the Yallourn, Morwell and Snake Ridge Monoclines provide constraint on the long-term evolution of these structures. Combined with stratigraphic and tectonic records from the offshore Gippsland Basin, these data provide a basis for informed seismic hazard assessment.

  • The World Summit on Sustainable Development implementation plan requires, by 2012, a representative system of marine protected areas (RSMPA) for the purposes of long-term conservation of marine biodiversity. A great challenge for meeting this goal, particularly in data-poor regions, is to avoid inadvertant failure while giving science the time and resources to provide better knowledge. A staged process is needed for identifying areas in data-poor regions that would enable the objectives to be achieved in the long term. We elaborate a procedure that would satisfy the first stage of identifying a RSMPA, including areas suitable as climate change refugia and as reference areas for monitoring change without direct interference of human activities. The procedure is based on the principles of systematic conservation planning. The first step involves the identification of ecologically-separated provinces along with the physical heterogeneity of habitats within those provinces. Ecological theory is then used to identify the scale and placement of MPAs, aiming to be the minimum spatial requirements that would satisfy the principles for a representative system: comprehensiveness, adequacy and representativeness (CAR). We apply the procedure to eastern Antarctica, a region with spatially-restricted sampling of most biota. We use widely available satellite and model data to identify a number of large areas that are likely to encompass important areas for inclusion in a RSMPA. Three large areas are identified for their pelagic and benthic values as well as their suitability as climate change refugia and reference areas. Four other areas are identified specifically for their benthic values. These areas would need to be managed to maintain these values but we would expect them to be refined over time as more knowledge becomes available on the specific location and spatial extent of those values.

  • The Ord is one of the largest rivers in northern Australia and is located in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. In this study we show that the lower Ord landscape near Kununurra in Western Australia consists of a large scale ancient landscape, possibly pre-Cambrian, being exhumed from beneath flat-lying Cambrian to Carboniferous cover rocks. Additional post-Permian landscapes are being formed by this process. The Ord Valley alluvium is of late Pleistocene to Holocene in age and consts off upward fining gravels, sands and clays infilling an inset valley profile. The Ord River initially flowed to the sea via the keep River estuary, however a major avulsion, possibly due to sedimentatain topping a low point in the surrounding valley walls, occurred possibly as recently as 1,800 years ago. As a result to mouth of the Ord shifted some 100 km to the east, to Cambridge Gulf, its course through the former alluvial plain and along the new course across the coastal plain was incised, and a scabland formed across the low point of Tararar Bar. This association of very ancient (pre-Paleozoic) landscape elements and by thin, very young weathering profiles and young sedimentary accumulations in alluvial valleys is paradoxical in the broader Australian pattern where very ancient landscape elements are associated with ancient sedimentary infill and weathering profiles.

  • The Murray Canyons are a group of deeply-incised submarine canyons on a steep 400-km section of the continental slope off Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Some of the canyons are amongst the largest on Earth. The canyons, some 80 km long, descend from the shelf edge to abyssal plain 5200 m deep. Sprigg Canyon, the deepest and one of the largest, has walls 2 km high. The thalwegs of the larger canyons are concave in profile, steepest on the upper continental slope (15?-30?), with about 4?gradient on the mid slope, then level out on the lower slope to merge with the 1? continental rise. Between canyons, the continental slope is slightly convex to linear with a gradient of about 5?-6?. Canyon walls commonly slope at 15?-22?. The passive continental margin narrows to 65-km at the Murray Canyons and links the Bight and Otway Basins. WNW-trending Jurassic-Cretaceous rift structures control the irregular shape of the central canyons. At the western end, large box canyons 1 km deep are incised into thick sediments of the Ceduna Sub-basin. Formed by headscarp erosion, some of these canyons have coalesced by canyon capture. The upper parts of most canyons are cut into Cretaceous sediments and in some places are floored by basement rocks. Large holes, spaced about 5 km apart and up to several hundred metres deep, along the outlet channels of the larger and steeper canyons were probably gouged by turbidity currents resulting from major slope failures at the shelf edge. Quaternary turbidites were deposited on the abyssal plain more than 100 km from the foot of slope. Canyon down-cutting was episodic since the latest Cretaceous, with peak activity since the Oligocene due to strong glacioeustatic fluctations and cycles, with canyon development occurring during lowstands and early transgressions when sediment input at the shelf edge was usually highest. The timing of canyon development is linked to major unconformities within adjacent basins, with down-cutting events recorded or inferred during early Paleocene, Middle Eocene, Early Oligocene, Oligocene/Miocene transition (~24 Ma), mid Miocene (~14 Ma) and latest Miocene-Pleistocene. The early phases involved only siliciclastic sediments, while post-early Eocene canyon cutting was dominated by biogenic carbonates generated on the shelf and upper continental slope. The Murray River dumped its sediment load directly into Sprigg Canyon during extreme lowstands of the Late Pleistocene when the Lacepede Shelf was dry land.

  • Total contribution of six recently discovered submerged coral reefs in northern Australia to Holocene neritic CaCO3, CO2, and C is assessed to address a gap in global budgets. CaCO3 production for the reef framework and inter-reefal deposits is 0.26-0.28 Mt which yields 2.36-2.72 x105 mol yr-1 over the mid- to late-Holocene (<10.5 kyr BP); the period in which the reefs have been active. Holocene CO2 and C production is 0.14-0.16 Mt and 0.06-0.07 Mt, yielding 3.23-3.71 and 5.32-6.12 x105 mol yr-1, respectively. Coral and coralline algae are the dominant sources of Holocene CaCO3 although foraminifers and molluscs are the dominant constituents of inter-reefal deposits. The total amount of Holocene neritic CaCO3 produced by the six submerged coral reefs is several orders of magnitude smaller than that calculated using accepted CaCO3 production values because of very low production, a 'give-up' growth history, and presumed significant dissolution and exports. Total global contribution of submerged reefs to Holocene neritic CaCO3 is estimated to be 0.26-0.62 Gt or 2.55-6.17 x108 mol yr-1, which yields 0.15-0.37 Gt CO2 (3.48-8.42 x108 mol yr-1) and 0.07-0.17 Gt C (5.74-13.99 x108 mol yr-1). Contributions from submerged coral reefs in Australia are estimated to be 0.05 Gt CaCO3 (0.48 x108 mol yr-1), 0.03 Gt CO2 (0.65 x108 mol yr-1), and 0.01 Gt C (1.08 x108 mol yr-1) for an emergent reef area of 47.9 x103 km2. The dilemma remains that the global area and CaCO3 mass of submerged coral reefs are currently unknown. It is inevitable that many more submerged coral reefs will be found. Our findings imply that submerged coral reefs are a small but fundamental source of Holocene neritic CaCO3, CO2, and C that is poorly-quantified for global budgets.