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  • Exploration fundamentals related to predicted world economic growth and higher oil prices suggest a resurgence in exploration for oil and gas liquids in the Timor Sea in the next two years, despite a slow down in exploration drilling in the last 12 months.

  • Laser DEM Grids consists of 27 digital elevation model grids. The Arcview grid files were constructed from the Airborne Laser Scanning shapefiles. The Laser DEM grid tiles cover the eastern portion of the Christmas Island. Each grid contains the height in metres of the ground surface with a value every one metre on the ground.

  • This is a national seamless data product aimed at regional or national applications. TOPO 2.5M 1998 contains a small scale vector representation of the topographic mapping features of Australia. The data include the following themes: Hydrography - drainage networks including rivers, lakes and offshore features; and Infrastructure - roads, railways, localities and built-up areas. Data was primarily sourced from Geoscience Australia`s GEODATA TOPO-250K data set however all features were revised in 1998. Free online and CD-ROM (fee applies).

  • Product no longer exists, please refer to GeoCat #30413 for the data

  • Product no longer exists, please refer to GeoCat #30413 for the data

  • This dataset contains polygons that bound parts of Irvine Hill forest. The polygons were constructed by drawing lines that join points which were pegged out as being boundaries of the Irvine Hill area. The main points were supplied by Whelans. The line joins and polygon making process was done by Geoscience Australia. The shapefile containing the data is: forestedge_irvineh.shp. Details of the fields can be seen below: Field Type Width Decimal---------------------------------------------------Shape FIELD_SHAPEPOLY 8 0Area FIELD_DECIMAL 12 3Perimeter FIELD_DECIMAL 12 3Plot3pef2_ FIELD_DECIMAL 11 0Plot3pef2_ FIELD_DECIMAL 11 0Entity FIELD_CHAR 14 0Layer FIELD_CHAR 32 0Elevation FIELD_DECIMAL 18 5Thickness FIELD_DECIMAL 18 5Color FIELD_DECIMAL 11 0Pointnumbe FIELD_DECIMAL 11 0Pointheigh FIELD_DECIMAL 18 5Pointcode FIELD_CHAR 8 0Sourcethm FIELD_CHAR 16 0Hectares FIELD_DECIMAL 16 3

  • Contains the Australia Post Postcode boundaries, numbers and centroids plus postal facilities locations and sorting division boundaries for all Australia. Three levels of boundary detail are available from highly detailed to highly generalised as follows: - OPTIMAL - the as-digitised Postcode boundaries have been filtered to remove what are essentially coincident points. The Optimal Postcode boundary file is highly detailed, includes special boundary line attributes and is workstation ready. - UNIVERSAL - the Postcode boundaries have been filtered to make the resultant file suitable for use with most PC-based desktop mapping and GIS software. It is still geographically accurate. - MINIMAL - the Postcode boundaries have been heavily filtered. The Minimal Postcode boundary file represents only the approximate shape of the postcode area. This product was produced in conjunction with Australia Post.

  • The Integrated Vegetation Cover (2003), hereafter referred to as the IVC03 dataset represents vegetation cover across Australia and was compiled by integrating a number of recent vegetation-related datasets.This dataset was developed to assess and report on the type and extent of native, non-native and non-vegetated cover types across the whole landscape. This dataset has been used to describe vegetation types found in each National Action Plan and Natural Heritage Trust regions across Australia. Data are stored as a raster of 100m resolution and are projected in Albers conic equal-area coordinates.Version 1 incorporates a selection of the latest available vegetation data as at July 2003.Vegetation cover in the IVC03 dataset is described using a 12-class attribute schema that was developed to meet vegetation-related information needs of the Commonwealth Government natural resource management arena.The IVC03 dataset has 12 attribute classes:1Native forests and woodlands 2Native shrublands and heathlands 3Native grasslands and minimally modified pastures4Horticultural trees and shrubs5Perennial crops6Annual crops and highly modified pastures7Plantation (hardwood)8Plantation (softwood/mixed)9Bare10Ephemeral and Permanent Water Features11Built-up99Unknown/not reportable. Five datasets were used as inputs to create the IVC03 dataset.A national ruleset was developed to assign orders of precedence to each attribute value from each input dataset.The ruleset was used to integrate the inputs into a single vegetation cover dataset. The five input datasets were:-Agricultural Land Cover Change (ALCC95);-Forests of Australia 2003 (FOA03);-1996/97 Land Use of Australia, Version 2 (LUA97);-Land Use Mapping at the Catchment Scale (LUMCS03); and-National Vegetation Information System 2000 (NVIS00).

  • Digital orthophotography was prepared from aerial photography flown on the 16th, 20th, and 21st of August 1987 and the 1st September 1987 by the Australian Survey Office (now Geoscience Australia) Canberra. AGSO commissioned BHP Engineering, Land Technologies Division to generate orthophotography from the 1987 aerial photography as a component of this Christmas Island GIS project that AGSO undertook on behalf of Territories Office. The orthophotography has a 30cm on-the-ground pixel size. The quality and resolution of the orthophotography is reasonable down to 1:500 scale. An orthophotograph is a computer image of an aerial photograph in which various distortions due to the landscape and camera lens have been removed. This data is based on the aerial photography of Christmas Island flown in August and September 1987. This has been converted to detailed colour orthophotography (at a 30cm ground resolution) presented as one hundred and fifty-seven 1km tiles for the whole of the Island. On most systems not all the orthophotography will be in this directory, due to limitations of disk size. Most orthophotography of disturbed areas (mining or township) is on the core CD-ROM.

  • Lord Howe Island is a small, mid-ocean volcanic and carbonate island in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. Skeletal carbonate eolianite and beach calcarenite on the island are divisible into two formations based on lithostratigraphy. The Searles Point Formation comprises eolianite units bounded by clay-rich paleosols. Pore-filling sparite and microsparite are the dominant cements in these eolianite units, and recrystallised grains are common. Outcrops exhibit karst features such as dolines, caves and subaerially exposed relict speleothems. The Neds Beach Formation overlies the Searles Point Formation and consists of dune and beach units bounded by weakly developed fossil soil horizons. These younger deposits are characterised by grain-contact and meniscus cements, with patchy pore-filling micrite and mirosparite. The calcarenite comprises several disparate successions that contain a record of up to 7 discrete phases of deposition. A chronology is constructed based on U/Th ages of speleothems and corals, TL ages of dune and paleosols, AMS 14C and amino acid racemization (AAR) dating of land snails and AAR whole-rock dating of eolianite. These data indicate dune units and paleosols of the Searles Point Formation were emplaced during oxygen isotope stage (OIS) 7 and earlier in the Middle Pleistocene. Beach units of the Neds Beach Formation were deposited during OIS 5e while dune units were deposited during two major phases, the first coeval with or shortly after the beach units, the second later during OIS 5 (e.g. OIS 5a) when the older dune and beach units were buried. Large-scale exposures and morphostratigraphical features indicate much of the carbonate was emplaced as transverse and climbing dunes, with the sediment source located seaward of and several metres below the present shoreline. The lateral extent and thickness of the eolianite deposits contrast markedly with the relatively small modern dunes.