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This web service delivers metadata for onshore active and passive seismic surveys conducted across the Australian continent by Geoscience Australia and its collaborative partners. For active seismic this metadata includes survey header data, line location and positional information, and the energy source type and parameters used to acquire the seismic line data. For passive seismic this metadata includes information about station name and location, start and end dates, operators and instruments. The metadata are maintained in Geoscience Australia's onshore active seismic and passive seismic database, which is being added to as new surveys are undertaken. Links to datasets, reports and other publications for the seismic surveys are provided in the metadata.
This web map service provides the locations and status, as at 30 June 2020, of Australian operating mines, mines under development, mines on care and maintenance and resource deposits associated with critical minerals. Developing mines are deposits where the project has a positive feasibility study, development has commenced or all approvals have been received. Mines under care and maintenance and resource deposits are based on known resource estimations and may produce critical minerals in the future.
The Mineral Deposits and Mineral Resources OGC service provides data from Geoscience Australia’s OZMIN database in EarthResourceML 2.0 and ERML Lite 1.0 and associated contextual layers in simple WMS and WFS formats.
This web service depicts potential geological sequestration sites and has been compiled as part of the Australian Petroleum Cooperative Research Centre's GEODISC program (1999-2002).
This web service provides access to the Major Power Stations, Transmission Substations and Electricity Transmission Lines datasets. These datasets present the spatial locations of all known features in Australia.
This web service provides access to the Foundation Facilities Points dataset. This contains the spatial location of publicly available data showing private and public hospitals, aged care facilities, education facilities and emergency management facilities.
This service contains features as defined under the Offshore Petroleum and Greeenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006. The Petroleum blocks defined under the Act, are delivered separately in the 'Australia - OPGGSA 2006 - Petroleum Blocks' service.
Australia's Land Borders is a product within the Foundation Spatial Data Framework (FSDF) suite of datasets. It is endorsed by the ANZLIC – the Spatial Information Council and the Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping (ICSM) as the nationally consistent representation of the land borders as published by the Australian states and territories. It is topologically correct in relation to published jurisdictional land borders and the Geocoded National Address File (G-NAF). The purpose of this product is to provide: (i) a building block which enables development of other national datasets; (ii) integration with other geospatial frameworks in support of data analysis; and (iii) visualisation of these borders as cartographic depiction on a map. Although this service depicts land borders, it is not nor does it suggests to be a legal definition of these borders. Therefore it cannot and must not be used for those use-cases pertaining to legal context.
<b>IMPORTANT NOTICE:</b> This web service has been deprecated. The Hydrochemistry Service OGC service at https://services.ga.gov.au/gis/hydrogeochemistry/ows should now be used for accessing Geoscience Australia hydrochemistry analyses data. This is an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) web service providing access to hydrochemistry data (groundwater analyses) obtained from water samples collected from Australian water bores.
<b>IMPORTANT NOTICE:</b> This web service has been deprecated. The Australian Onshore and Offshore Boreholes OGC service at https://services.ga.gov.au/gis/boreholes/ows should now be used for accessing Geoscience Australia borehole data. This is an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) web service providing access to a subset of Australian geoscience samples data held by Geoscience Australia. The subset currently relates specifically to Australian Boreholes.