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  • Jervis Bay Reef Polygons were digitised from the Multibeam bathymetry datasets of Jervis Bay. Reef areas were defined as seabed hard substrate that are often raised from the surroundings flat sedimentary seabed. They were identified and mapped relatively easily on hillshaded bathymetry layers.

  • The GMRT-AusSeabed project aims to address the cost associated with processing, merging and reformatting of bathymetric data in marine modelling and management by enabling users to more easily create bathymetric maps. The project leverages two major existing initiatives, the AusSeabed Data Hub operated by AusSeabed and the Global Multi-Resolution Topography Synthesis (GMRT) operated by Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) and funded by the US National Science Foundation. GMRT-AusSeabed is seeking to deliver two core services that are relevant to this particular document: 1. Definition of an attributed point cloud for bathymetric data that is common across a wide range of bathymetric sensor platforms (multibeam echosounder, LiDAR, satellite, etc) 2. Develop additional user controls, primarily relating to data selection, that leverage the attributed point cloud for the creation of bathymetric maps. Within the bounds of the GMRT-AusSeabed project, this document provides: 1. A summary of the key points discussed within the second workshop, “Backend Storage”, 2. An overview of the toolkits being explored by the project for delivery of various capabilities 3. Outcomes and actions that are being moved forward with in the project. Workshop participants included representatives from Geoscience Australia, Australian Antarctic Division, University of Western Australia, and Guardian Geomatics. See <a href=""></a> for more information.

  • ​The King Island North, Bass Strait, bathymetry survey was acquired for the Australian Hydrographic Office (AHO) onboard the M/V Pacific Quest during the period 28 January to 6 May 2021. This was a contracted survey conducted as part of the HydroScheme Industry Partnership Program (HIPP). The survey area encompasses a region located north of King Island in Bass Strait, including the approaches to Phoques Bay, located at the NW extremity of King Island. Bathymetry data was acquired using a Kongsberg EM2040D and processed using QPS Qimera V2.0.1. The dataset was then exported to GeoTIFF using CARIS HIPS and SIPS software. This dataset contains a 30m-resolution 32-bit floating point GeoTIFF file of the bathymetry in the survey area. This dataset is not to be used for navigational purposes.

  • The Peterborough to Port Fairy bathymetry survey was acquired by Deakin University Marine Mapping lab onboard the M/V Yolla during the period 28 May 2018 - 19 June 2018 using a Kongsberg EM2040C multibeam sonar system. The survey was completed as part of the Victorian Coastal Monitoring Program, which requires bathymetry data to understand offshore sediment dynamics within Victorian coastal waters. This dataset contains a 2m-resolution 32-bit floating point GeoTIFF file of the bathymetry in the study area, derived from the processed EM2040C bathymetry data using CARIS HIPS and SIPS software. This dataset is not to be used for navigational purposes.

  • The Austrea1 bathymetry survey, GA-0222 was acquired by Geoscience Australia onboard the IFREMER N/O L'Atalante from the 17th of December 1999 to the 11th of January 2000 using a Simrad EM12 Dual sonar system. The main objectives of the shipboard program are to collect seabed and sub- bottom data in specific areas off southeast Australia for marine research (geological and biological), assessment of resource potential, regional marine zone planning and management, and to support Australia's claims under UNCLOS and to map the deep water part of a marine protected area in the Great Australian Bight (GAB). This dataset contains a 100m resolution 32-bit geotiff of the Austrea1 survey, produced from the processed EM12D bathymetry data of the survey area using the CARIS HIPS and SIPS software. This dataset is published with the permission of the CEO, Geoscience Australia. Not to be used for navigational purposes.

  • This resource includes bathymetry data acquired during the Seamounts, Canyons and Reefs of the Coral Sea bathymetry survey using Kongsberg EM302 and EM710 multibeam sonar systems. The Seamounts, Canyons and Reefs of the Coral Sea bathymetry survey was led by Dr. Brendan Brooke and Dr. Scott Nichol (Geoscience Australia) with a team of scientists from Geoscience Australia, James Cook University, The University of Sydney, University of Tasmania, University of Wollongong, Queensland Museum and Parks Australia aboard the Schmidt Ocean Institute (SOI) RV Falkor from the 2nd to the 30th of August 2020. The primary objective of the survey to collect and analyze geological and biological data of the outer, deep-water edge of the Great Barrier Reef and platform reefs in the adjacent Coral Sea Marine Park. R/V Falkor’s multibeam systems were used to map the structure of the reefs, canyons, and seamounts, illuminating their formative processes. The datasets acquired will greatly improve understanding of the sedimentary processes that influence biodiversity patterns, including how canyons and platform reefs may provide a pathway for sediment to travel from coastal and shelf water to deep filter feeders. The deep and irregular canyon and platform-reef topography likely leads to direct upwelling of nutrient-rich deep waters. This dataset contains a 64m and a 16m, for water depths shallower than 2560m, resolution 32-bit geotiff of the Seamounts, Canyons and Reefs of the Coral Sea survey area produced from the processed EM302 and EM710 bathymetry data combined. This dataset is not to be used for navigational purposes. This dataset is published with the permission of the CEO, Geoscience Australia.

  • This resource contains multibeam bathymetry data collected as part of the Darwin and Bynoe Harbour Habitat Mapping Project undertaken by Geoscience Australia (GA), the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) and the Northern Territory Government (Department of Environment and Natural Resources). The data were acquired during the period from 3 to 27 May 2016 on the RV Solander (survey SOL6432/GA04452). This project was made possible through offset funds provided by INPEX-led Ichthys LNG Project to Northern Territory Government Department of Environment and Natural Resources, and co-investment from Geoscience Australia and Australian Institute of Marine Science. The intent of this four year (2014-2018) project is to improve knowledge of the marine environments in the Darwin and Bynoe Harbour regions by collating and collecting baseline data that enable the creation of thematic habitat maps that underpin marine resource management decisions. The specific objectives of the survey were to: 1. Obtain high-resolution geophysical (multibeam bathymetry) data for Bynoe Harbour; 2. Characterise seabed substrates (multibeam acoustic backscatter properties, seabed sediment grainsize, sediment chemistry) for Bynoe Harbour; and 3. Collect tidal data for the survey area. Data acquired during the survey included: multibeam sonar bathymetry and acoustic backscatter; physical samples of seabed sediments, seabed still images and video footage of grab sample locations, and oceanographic information including tidal data and water column sound velocity profiles. This V1 dataset contains two 2m resolution 32-bit geotiff of the SOL6432 survey area produced from the processed Kongsberg EM2040C bathymetry data. A detailed account of the survey is provided in: Siwabessy, P.J.W., Smit, N., Atkinson, I., Dando, N., Harries, S., Howard, F.J.F., Li, J., Nicholas W.A., Picard, K., Radke, L.C., Tran, M., Williams, D. and Whiteway, T. 2016. Bynoe Harbour Marine Survey 2016: GA4452/SOL6432 – Post-survey report. Record 2017/04. Geoscience Australia, Canberra. This dataset is not to be used for navigational purposes. This dataset is published with the permission of the CEO, Geoscience Australia.

  • This resource includes bathymetry data for Arafura Marine Park (Arafura Sea) collected by Geoscience Australia (GA) and the Australian Institute of Marine Science during the period 2 – 15 November 2020 on the RV Solander. The survey was undertaken as a collaborative project funded through the National Environmental Science Program Marine Biodiversity Hub, with co-investment by GA and AIMS. The purpose of the project was to build baseline information for benthic habitats in Arafura Marine Park that will support ongoing environmental monitoring within the North Marine Park Network as part of the 10-year management plan (2018-2028). Data acquisition for the project included multibeam bathymetry and backscatter for two areas (Money Shoal and Pillar Bank), seabed samples and underwater imagery of benthic communities and demersal fish. This bathymetry dataset contains a 6 m resolution 32-bit geotiff of the survey areas produced from the processed EM2040C Dual Head system using CARIS HIPS and SIPS software. A detailed report on the survey is provided in: Picard, K. Stowar, M., Roberts, N., Siwabessy, J., Abdul Wahab, M.A., Galaiduk, R., Miller, K., Nichol, S. 2021. Arafura Marine Park Post Survey Report. Report to the National Environmental Science Program, Marine Biodiversity Hub.

  • This resource includes bathymetry data acquired during the Bremer, Leeuwin and Perth Canyons bathymetry survey using Kongsberg EM302 and EM710 multibeam sonar systems. The Bremer, Leeuwin and Perth Canyons survey (FK200126/GA4865), also known as The Great Australian Deep-Sea Coral and Canyon Adventure survey (, was led by Dr. Julie Trotter (The University of Western Australia) and Dr. Paolo Montagna (Institute of Polar Sciences) aboard the Schmidt Ocean Institute's research vessel Falkor, from the 26th of January to the 25th of February 2020. The primary objective of the expedition was to map underwater landscapes in the Bremer, Leeuwin and Perth Canyons, characterise chemical and physical oceanography, and use the SOIs ROV SuBastian to capture high-definition video and collect samples. This V1 dataset contains nine 2m to 64m resolution 32-bit floating point geotiff files of the bathymetry in these three study areas and transits, derived from the processed EM302 and EM710 bathymetry data, using CARIS HIPS and SIPS software. An independently processed dataset in GSF format is available at,30216 produced by researchers on the cruise: F. Foglini, A. Remia, J. Trotter and P. Montagna (2021; & This dataset is not to be used for navigational purposes. This dataset is published with the permission of the CEO, Geoscience Australia.

  • This resource includes bathymetry data acquired during the Ashmore Reef Marine Park survey using Kongsberg EM302 and EM710 multibeam sonar systems. The Ashmore Reef Marine Park bathymetry survey (GA4870/FK210409), also known as the Australian Mesophotic Coral Examination survey, was led by AIMS aboard the Schmidt Ocean Institute's research vessel Falkor, from the 09th of April to the 26th of April 2021. The primary objective of the expedition was to map Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems (MCE’s), monitor anthropogenic and natural stressors to MCE’s and use an ROV and AUV to capture high definition video and collect samples. The data collected from the expedition will develop baseline knowledge to inform conservation efforts and improve management of the Ashmore Reef Marine Park. This V1 dataset contains one 16m resolution 32-bit floating point geotiff file of the Ashmore Reef Marine Park bathymetry, derived from the processed EM302 and EM710 bathymetry data, using CARIS HIPS and SIPS software. This dataset is not to be used for navigational purposes. This dataset is published with the permission of the CEO, Geoscience Australia.