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  • The 2016 Southern Thomson Orogen VTEM™Plus AEM Survey was conducted by Geoscience Australia as part of a collaborative investigation between the Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia) and its partners the State of New South Wales (Department of Trade and Investment, Geological Survey of New South Wales) and the State of Queensland (Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Geological Survey of Queensland). The Project aims to better understand the geological character and mineral potential of the southern Thomson Orogen region, focusing on the border between New South Wales and Queensland, by acquiring and interpreting multi-disciplinary geophysical, geochemical and geological data. The primary intended impact of this work is to provide the mineral exploration industry with pre-competitive data and knowledge that reduces risk and encourages mineral exploration in the region. Geoscience Australia contracted Geotech Airborne Pty Ltd to acquire VTEM™Plus AEM data over part of the Southern Thomson Orogen in Queensland and New South Wales in May and June 2016.The data were also processed by Geotech Airborne Ltd using its FullWaveForm® processing techniques. The survey area consists of 2415 line km of time-domain AEM geophysical data acquired in five survey blocks. The majority of traverse lines were spaced at 5000 m in an east-west direction, further details about each blocks flight line specifications can be found in Table 1. The original data supplied by Geotech Airborne Pty Ltd has been modified to contain the final data fields of principal interest, enabling a manageable data file size. This data is available from Geoscience Australia's website free of charge. The comprehensive dataset is available from Geoscience Australia by emailing The data release package includes: - Point-located electromagnetic dB/dt and derived B-field data with associated position, altimeter, orientation, magnetic gradiometer, and derived ground elevation data. These data are in ASCII column format with associated README and ASEG-GDF2 header files. The dataset consists of a separate download file for the: - Survey Lines - Repeat lines - Waveform files for every flight containing the 192 kHz sampling of the transmitter current and receiver waveforms. - Point-located conductivity estimates derived using the EM Flow® conductivity depth imaging (CDI) algorithm with associated position, altimeter, orientation, magnetic gradiometer, and derived ground elevation data. Data include the conductivity estimate for each 5 m interval and selected depth slices. - Gridded data, at 1 km cell size in, for the conductivity depth slices derived from the EM Flow® CDI data, magnetics and elevation data in ER Mapper® binary raster grid format with associated header files. - Graphical multiplots, in PDF format, for each flight line showing EM Flow® CDI sections and profiles of Z-component dB/dt data, magnetics, powerline monitor, height and orientation data. - Contractor supplied Operations Report. - ESRI shapefiles and KML files of flight lines. - Metadata and License files.

  • Ross C Brodie Murray Richardson AEM system target resolvability analysis using a Monte Carlo inversion algorithm A reversible-jump Markov chain Monte Carlo inversion is used to generate an ensemble of millions of models that fit the forward response of a geoelectric target. Statistical properties of the ensemble are then used to assess the resolving power of the AEM system. Key words: Monte Carlo, AEM, inversion, resolvability.

  • ASEG 2016 Conference abstract. AMT and BBMT data have been applied by Geoscience Australia to determine the nature and thickness of cover, plus the basement architecture in regions around Australia. The depth of cover assessment produced by MT agrees with depth of cover assessments made by other geophysical techniques and will be tested by an ongoing program of stratigraphic drilling.

  • For the first time, the 3 D model reveals upper-mantle enhanced conductivity anomalies beneath Archaean cratonic regions and Phanerozoic terranes imaged by the AWAGS dataset. These anomalies are consistent with the results of two recent magnetotelluric surveys, one along a profile in the Yilgarn-Officer Basin-Musgrave Block, another in the Gawler Craton region. Across much of central Australia a resistivity gradient in the middle lithosphere is observed. This region corresponds well with a recognised seismic velocity gradient across the middle-lithosphere boundary. Resistivity differences are also observed for the first time beneath Archaean cratons in Western Australia. The Pilbara Craton is represented as an enhanced conductivity anomaly at middle lithosphere depth, corresponding well with the lower-velocity anomaly evident in surface wave tomography models. The Yilgarn Craton is imaged as a resistive body, exceeding 104 ohm m, continuing to greater depths.

  • <p>The Broken Hill Managed Aquifer Recharge (BHMAR) Skytem® Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) Survey was commissioned by Geoscience Australia to support the BHMAR groundwater project. The survey was funded by the Australian Government through the Department of Environment. <p>The data package includes 32,659 line kilometres of heliborne time-domain SKYTEM® AEM data. Geoscience Australia contracted Geoforce Pty Ltd to acquire the Skytem® airborne electromagnetic data in western New South Wales from 28 June to 3 September 2009. The data were also processed by Geoforce Pty Ltd.. The data were acquired with a nominal transmitter loop height of 30 m on predominantly northwest-southeast oriented flight lines at 200 m spacing. There were some additional flight lines flow along various river traverses and an extension of the survey on northeast-southwest oriented flight lines.

  • <p>The Southern Thomson Orogen VTEMplus® Airborne Electromagnetic Survey was conducted by Geoscience Australia as part of a collaborative project with its partners the Geological Survey of New South Wales and the Geological Survey of Queensland. The Survey contributes to the Australian Academy of Science's UNCOVER Initiative and Geoscience Australia's response to this as part of the National Mineral Exploration Strategy. Geoscience Australia contracted Geotech Airborne Ltd to acquire VTEMplus® airborne electromagnetic (AEM) data over part of the Southern Thomson Orogen in Queensland and New South Wales in April and May 2014. The data were also processed by Geotech Airborne Ltd using its FullWaveForm® processing techniques. <p>The survey is designed to assess the under-cover geology and prospectivity of the Southern Thomson Orogen around Hungerford and Eulo and straddles the New South Wales-Queensland border. The survey comprises two parts: <p>1. A regular regional survey on 5000 m spaced east-west flight lines totalling 3352 line km and covering an area of 16 261 km2. <p>2. Two regional traverses adjacent to roads totalling 915 line km. <p>The Southern Thomson Orogen is a priority area for mineral systems research. Much of the area lies underneath cover of sedimentary basins and is a poorly-understood element of Australia's geology. The Orogen contains Cambro-Ordovician rocks that have potential for Iron Oxide Copper-Gold (IOCG) resources, porphyry copper-gold and Volcanic-Hosted Massive Sulphide (VHMS) deposits. Survey data will add to knowledge of cover thickness and character and will inform future geological mapping in the region. <p>Previously Released Data (Phase 1) <p>In August 2014 the processed data from the Southern Thomson Orogen VTEMplus® AEM Survey were released in the Phase 1 data release package that is available free of charge from Geoscience Australia's web site (see The Phase 1 package includes the final processed electromagnetic data, waveform files, multiplots, conductivity estimates from the EM Flow® conductivity depth imaging algorithm, and an operations and processing report, all produced by the contractor Geotech Airborne Ltd. <p>Current Release (Phase 2) <p>This Phase 2 data release package contains results from the electromagnetic inversion of the data in the Phase 1 release. The inversion results were generated using two different types of algorithm, a deterministic regularized gradient based algorithm, which we call GALEISBS (Roach, 2010), and a reversible-jump Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm, which we call GArjMcMC (Brodie and Sambridge, 2012; Brodie and Reid, 2013). Both algorithms assume a layered earth or 1D conductivity structure. Each airborne electromagnetic sounding is inverted independently and the results are then stitched into combined sections. <p>The deterministic GALEISBS inversion products are available for download in four logical parts based on the type of derived product. These are zipped into the following four files: <p>1. <p>2. <p>3. <p>4. <p>The stochastic GArjMcMC inversion products are available for download in five logical parts based on the type of derived product. These are zipped into the following five files; <p>1. <p>2. <p>3. <p>4. <p>5.

  • Geoscience Australia is releasing into the public domain software for the inversion of airborne electromagnetic (AEM) data to a 1D conductivity depth structure. The software includes two different algorithms for 1D inversion of AEM data. The first is a gradient based deterministic inversion code for multi-layer (smooth model) and few-layered (blocky-model) inversions. The second is a reversible-jump Markov chain Monte Carlo stochastic inversion algorithm suitable for assessing model uncertainty. A forward modelling program and some other ancillary programs are also included. The code is capable of inverting data from all of the commercial time-domain systems available in Australia today, including dual moment systems. The software is accessible in three forms. As C++ source code, as binary executables for 64 bit Windows® PCs, and as a service on the Virtual Geophysics Laboratory (VGL). The code is fully parallelized for execution on a high performance cluster computer system or on a multi-core shared memory workstation via either the MPI or the OpenMP programming models.

  • The Southern Thomson Orogen VTEM-plus® Airborne Electromagnetic Survey was conducted by Geoscience Australia as part of a collaborative project with its partners the Geological Survey of New South Wales and the Geological Survey of Queensland. The Survey contributes to the Australian Academy of Science's UNCOVER Initiative and Geoscience Australia's response to this as part of the National Mineral Exploration Strategy. Geoscience Australia contracted Geotech Airborne Ltd to acquire VTEM-plus® airborne electromagnetic (AEM) data over part of the Southern Thomson Orogen in Queensland and New South Wales in April and May 2014. The data were also processed by Geotech Airborne Ltd using its FullWaveForm® processing techniques. The survey is designed to assess the under-cover geology and prospectivity of the Southern Thomson Orogen around Hungerford and Eulo and straddles the New South Wales-Queensland border. The survey comprises two parts: 1. A regular regional survey on 5000 m spaced East-West lines totalling 3352 line km and covering an area of 16 261 km2. 2. Two regional traverses adjacent various roads totalling 915 line km. The Southern Thomson Orogen is a priority area for mineral systems research. Much of the area lies underneath cover of sedimentary basins and is a poorly-understood element of Australia's geology. The Orogen contains Cambro-Ordovician rocks that have potential for Iron Oxide Copper-Gold (IOCG) resources, porphyry copper-gold and Volcanic-Hosted Massive Sulphide (VHMS) deposits. Survey data will add to knowledge of cover thickness and character and will inform future geological mapping in the region. The Southern Thomson Orogen VTEM-plus® AEM Survey data release includes the final contractor supplied (Phase 1) datasets AEM survey. The data will be available from Geoscience Australia's web site free of charge: The data release package includes: 1. Point-located electromagnetic dB/dt and derived B-field data with associated position, altimeter, orientation, magnetic gradiometer, and derived ground elevation data. These data are in ASCII column format with associated README and ASEG-GDF2 header files. The dataset consists of a separate download file for the: a. Main survey block Part 1 (flight lines 1000-1171) b. Main survey block Part 2 (flight lines 1180-1360) c. Traverse lines (flight lines 3000-3006 and 4000-4007) d. Repeat lines e. High altitude lines. 2. Waveform files for every flight containing the 192 kHz sampling of the transmitter current and receiver waveforms. 3. Point-located conductivity estimates derived using the EM Flow® conductivity depth imaging (CDI) algorithm with associated position, altimeter, orientation, magnetic gradiometer, and derived ground elevation data. Data include the conductivity estimate for each 5 m interval and selected depth slices. These data are in ASCII column format with associated README and ASEG-GDF2 header files. All regular survey, traverses and repeat lines are included in a single download file. 4. Gridded data, at 1 km cell size in, for the conductivity depth slices derived from the EM Flow® CDI data, magnetics and elevation data in ER Mapper® binary raster grid format with associated header files. 5. Graphical multiplots, in PDF format, for each flight line showing EM Flow® CDI sections and profiles of Z-component dB/dt data, magnetics, powerline monitor, height and orientation data. 6. Operations Report. 7. ESRI shapefiles and KML files of flight lines. 8. Metadata and License files.

  • <p>This package contains Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) data from the “SkyTEM helicopter EM Ord-Keep rivers region” survey which was flown over the Ord-Keep Rivers Region, Western Australia/Northern Territory, Australia during May - June 2017. High resolution magnetics were also acquired during the flights. As shown in Figure 1, the area is located in the 1:250000 map sheets of SD52-14 (Cambridge Gulf), SD52-11 (Port Keats) and SD 52-15 (Auvergne) near the town of Kununurra. 8100 line km of TEM and magnetic data were acquired. The projected grid coordinates have been supplied in GDA94 MGA Zone 52. <p>The aim of the survey is to provide geophysical information to support investigations of the regional groundwater system and identify regional groundwater sources. It will provide data to allow for the modelling of the following at a reconnaissance scale: <p>a) trends in regolith thickness and variability <p>b) variations in bedrock conductivity <p>c) conductivity of key bedrock (lithology related) conductive units under cover <p>d) the groundwater resource potential of the region <p>e) palaeovalley systems known to exist in the region. <p>This report lists the SkyTEM system information and specifications relevant for this survey, and describes the processing carried out on the data. <p>Geoscience Australia commissioned the survey as part of the Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program. The EFTF program is led by Geoscience Australia (GA), in collaboration with the Geological Surveys of the Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia, and is investigating the potential mineral, energy and groundwater resources in northern Australia and South Australia. The EFTF is a four-year $100.5 million investment by the Australian Government in driving the next generation of resource discoveries in northern Australia, boosting economic development across this region (

  • <p>This package contains airborne electromagnetic (AEM) data from the "SkyTEM helicopter EM Howard East region" survey which was flown over Howard East region, Northern Territory during July - August 2017. The area is comprised of 2073.6 line kilometres in total. <p>The aim of the survey is to provide at a reconnaissance scale: <p>a) trends in regolith thickness and variability <p>b) variations in bedrock conductivity <p>c) conductivity of key bedrock (lithology related) conductive units under cover <p>d) the groundwater resource potential of the region <p>This report lists the SkyTEM system information and specifications relevant for this survey, and describes the processing carried out on the data. <p>Geoscience Australia commissioned the survey as part of the Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program. The EFTF program is led by Geoscience Australia (GA), in collaboration with the Geological Surveys of the Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia, and is investigating the potential mineral, energy and groundwater resources in northern Australia and South Australia. The EFTF is a four-year $100.5 million investment by the Australian Government in driving the next generation of resource discoveries in northern Australia, boosting economic development across this region (