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This map shows the area of the Eastern South Australia Trawl Closure within the Commonwealth Trawl Sector (also known as the South East Trawl Fishery (SETF)) of the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery. Modified from GeoCat 68492 (2008) as per the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery (Closures) Direction No. 1 2009 - Schedule 22. Produced for the Australian Fisheries Management Authority. Not for public sale or distribution by GA.
From 1995 to 2000 information from the federal and state governments was compiled for Comprehensive Regional Assessments (CRA), which formed the basis for Regional Forest Agreements (RFA) that identified areas for conservation to meet targets agreed by the Commonwealth Government with the United Nations. These 3 CDs were created as part of GA's contribution to the Eden, NSW CRA. CD1 contains original and final versions of all data coverages and shapefiles used in the project, Published Graphics files in ArcInfo (.gra), postscript (.ps) and Web ready (.gif) formats, all Geophysical Images and Landsat data and final versions of documents provided for publishing. CD2 contains the DEFUNCT directories, data that has been modified or replaced in the final version. CD3 contains the INTEGRTN directory, integration data used for evaluating options.
This map shows the area of the Commonwealth Scalefish Hook Sector Gulper Shark Closure - Southern Dogfish. Modified from GeoCat 65110 (2007) as per the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery (Closures) Direction No. 1 2009 - Schedule 16. Produced for the Australian Fisheries Management Authority. Not for public sale or distribution by GA.
Map showing the Location of Montara in the Timor Sea on a background of the 2009 topographic abd bathymetry grid and petroleum leases.
This diagram was requested by G Boyes for inclusion into the Fisheries Management (Excepted Areas) Proclamation 2011. Our reference: Job 646
Map showing all of Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction north of approx 25CS . This includes areas around Cocos (Keeling) Islands and areas west of Christmas Island as well as those contiguous to the continent in the north. Map derived from one of the "Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction Map Series" (GeoCat 71985). Depicting Australia's extended continental shelf approved by the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf in April 2008. Background bathymetry image is derived from a combination of the 2009 9 arc second bathymetry and topographic grid by Geoscience Australia and a grid by W.H.F. Smith and D.T. Sandwell, 1997. Background land imagery derived from Blue Marble, NASA's Earth Observatory. Map size 3m x 2m for Australian Customs and Border Protection Service. (for internal use only - not for publication)
This is a diagram of Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction relating to the OPGGSA 2006 which includes the commonwealth marine reserves for July 2013. Map derived from GeoCat 74789 (The Offshore Area - OPGGSA 2006).
Map produced for the Office of the Australian Building and Construction Commissioner showing the oil and gas fields, production locations and hydrocarbon pipelines on a background of the AMB data. Produced for the internal use by this Office.
From 1995 to 2000 information from the federal and state governments was compiled for Comprehensive Regional Assessments (CRA), which formed the basis for Regional Forest Agreements (RFA) that identified areas for conservation to meet targets agreed by the Commonwealth Government with the United Nations. These 5 CDs were created as part of GA's contribution to the SE Queensland CRA. CD1 contains ArcView Legends and Projects, data coverages, shapefiles, all documents and reports and associated maps and figures. CD2 contains various edited versions of covers and shapefiles, original data supplied by custodians, and staff workareas. CD3 contains Landsat, Magnetics etc. images. CD4 contains DEM etc. CD5 contains integration data, miscellaneous ArcInfo grids, and ArcInfo graphic files.
This map shows the area of the Great Australian Bight Orange Roughy Zones within the Commonwealth Great Australian Bight Trawl Sector (also known as the Great Australian Bight Trawl Fishery (GABTF)) of the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery. Modified from GeoCat 68500 (2008) as per the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery (Closures) Direction No. 1 2009 - Schedules 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35. Produced for the Australian Fisheries Management Authority. Not for public sale or distribution by GA.