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  • <b>This record was superseded on 11/11/2022 with approval from Director, National Seabed Mapping as it has been superseded by eCat 147191</b> Seabed mapping data collected using a Kongsberg 2040C multibeam sonar system aboard research vessel MVYolla including bathymetry (2 metre resolution), backscatter (1metre resolution), watercolumn and preliminary hard bottom classification. Seabed mapping in Apollo Marine Park with 114 square kilometres of continuous seabed mapping conducted by Deakin University in partnership with iXblue for Parks Australia.

  • The source code for the AusSeabed Survey Coordination Tool. Code is located at: The AusSeabed Survey Coordination tool (ASB SCT) is a tool designed by GA and FrontierSI in collaboration with the AusSeabed Steering Committee and broader community. Its intent is to provide a location for, and consistency in specification of bathymetric data acquisition for scientific research purposes. As of March 2022, the ASB SCT supports three key functions: 1) Survey Planning: the ASB SCT allows the community to publicise their plans to survey in the Austrlian Marine Estate. The tool ingests a spatial outline of the intended location as well as the target data types and focus for the survey. The tool also collects the contact details for the chief investigator and anticipated survey dates. Once published, the survey plan is visible on the upcoming surveys spatial layer on the AusSeabed portal. 2) Hydroscheme Industry Partnership Program Requests: the ASB SCT hosts the online form for submitting survey requests to the Australian Hydrographic Office (AHO) for consideration by the HydroScheme Industry Partnership Programme. 3) Areas of Interest submission: the ASB SCT ingests submissions that describe a users seabed mapping or biodiversity characterisation data needs and location. This information is useful in identifying regions of mutual interest and boosting collaborative multi-disciplinary surveys. Understanding regions with high levels of overlapping data needs can also help inform high-value survey activities and legacy data release priorities.

  • <p>This dataset provides the spatially continuous data of seabed gravel (sediment fraction >2000 µm), mud (sediment fraction < 63 µm) and sand content (sediment fraction 63-2000 µm) expressed as a weight percentage ranging from 0 to 100%, presented in 10 m resolution raster grids format and ascii text file.</p> <p>The dataset covers the eight areas in the Timor Sea region in the Australian continental EEZ.</p> <p>This dataset supersedes previous predictions of sediment gravel, mud and sand content for the basin with demonstrated improvements in accuracy. Accuracy of predictions varies with sediment types, with a VEcv = 71% for mud, VEcv = 72% sand and VEcv = 42% for gravel. Artefacts occur in this dataset as a result of noises associated predictive variables (e.g., horizontal and vertical lines resulted from predictive variables derived from backscatter data are the most apparent ones). To obtain the most accurate interpretation of sediment distribution in these areas, it is recommended that noises with backscatter data should be reduced and predictions updated.</p> <p>This research is supported by the National Environmental Science Program (NESP) Marine Biodiversity Hub through Project D1.

  • <div>The Australian Sub-bottom Profiling Guidelines were developed by the AusSeabed community to establish a standardised approach to the acquisition of sub-bottom profiler data in an Australian context. They complement a suite of ocean best practice guidelines developed by the AusSeabed community including the <a href="">Australian Multibeam Guidelines</a> (eCat Record 121571) and the Australian <a href="">Satellite Derived Bathymetry Guidelines</a>.</div><div>The guidelines provide recommended procedures for data acquisition, quality checking and data submission to the AusSeabed marine data portal. They were initially designed for use by the Australian Hydrographic Office Hydroscheme Industry Partnership Program (HIPP) to enable the acquisition of standardised, efficient and effective sub-bottom profile data for general seabed characterisation and collection of baseline data. Additionally, the guidelines may be used by any agency or party collecting seabed geophysical data in Australia’s marine jurisdiction for a range of use cases. </div><div><br></div><div>The guidelines include a broad examination of data acquisition, basic processing for quality checking, metadata description, and guidance for data submission to AusSeabed. They do not include prescriptive equipment-specific hardware and software specifications, detailed user-defined settings or instrument preparation activities such as bench/workshop tests, personnel requirements, or provide survey costing information.</div><div><br></div>

  • The extent to which low-frequency sound from marine seismic surveys impacts marine fauna is a subject of growing concern. The predominant frequency range of seismic airgun emissions is within the hearing range of cetaceans, reptiles, and fishes, and it can also elicit a neurological response in some invertebrates. Offshore seismic surveys have long been considered to be disruptive to fisheries, but comparatively few studies target commercially important species in realistic exposure scenarios. One of the main challenges in underwater sound impact studies is the meaningful translation of laboratory results to the field. Underwater sound properties are affected by the sound source, as well as characteristics of the water column, substrate, and biological communities. The experimental set-up is also critical in determining accurate response measurements, and design features of holding tanks can lead to misinterpretation of results, particularly related to behaviour. It may be tempting to simplify laboratory results to show effect or no effect, where results should instead be interpreted in the context of realistic exposure scenarios and field conditions. This project was developed in response to concerns raised by the fishing industry during stakeholder consultation in the lead up to a proposed seismic survey in the Gippsland Basin (Victoria, Australia), in addition to a broader need to acquire baseline data that may be used to quantify potential impacts of seismic operations on marine organisms. The project involves seven experimental components conducted before, during and after the seismic survey in both control and experimental areas of the Gippsland Basin: 1) Theoretical noise modelling, 2) Field-based noise monitoring and modelling, 3) Image acquisition by Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV), 4) Bivalve sampling by dredging, 5) Fish movement analysis by tagging, 6) Catch rate analysis, and 7) Environmental modelling during the 2010 mortality event. In this presentation, we describe these components and critically review our current understanding of low-frequency sound impact on marine fish and invertebrates.

  • This resource includes bathymetry data acquired during the Visioning the Coral Sea Marine Park bathymetry survey using Kongsberg EM302 and EM710 multibeam sonar systems. Visioning the Coral Sea Marine Park bathymetry survey (FK200429/GA4861) was led by Dr. Rob Beaman (James Cook University) and a team of scientists from Geoscience Australia, The University of Sydney, and the Queensland Museum, aboard the Schmidt Ocean Institute’s research vessel Falkor, from the 29th of April to 11th of June 2020. The primary objective of the survey was to map in detail the Queensland Plateau, including the steeper reef flanks and target the enigmatic seabed features, like the numerous drowned reef pinnacles and long meandering channels on the plateau surface. The second objective of this survey was to investigate the extent of the bleaching on the mesophotic or deeper reef, and if these reefs could act as a potential refuge for the Great Barrier Reef. The survey also aimed at providing insights into the geological evolution and biodiversity of Australia’s marine frontier. This dataset is not to be used for navigational purposes. This dataset is published with the permission of the CEO, Geoscience Australia.

  • This ESRI map (web) service contains geospatial seabed morphology and geomorphology information for the Beagle Marine Park (South-east Marine Parks Network) and is intended for use by marine park managers, regulators and other stakeholders. This web service uses the data product published in Nanson et al. (2023); eCat Record 147976.

  • This OGC Web Feature Service (WFS) contains geospatial seabed morphology and geomorphology information for Cairns Seamount within the Coral Sea Marine Park and are intended for use by marine park managers, regulators, the general public and other stakeholders. This web service uses the data product published in McNeil et al. (2023); eCat Record 147998.

  • Established in 2018, AusSeabed is a collaborative national seabed mapping initiative focused on delivering freely accessible seabed mapping data and coordinating efforts to map the gaps across the Australian maritime region of responsibility. AusSeabed is driven by a cross-sector steering committee bringing together organisations from the government, academia and private sectors to ensure an inclusive and diverse representation of the seabed mapping community. This Annual Progress Report provides a detailed account of the progress made against the AusSeabed program activities planned for 2021/22. A summary of highlights can be found in the Annual Highlights Report.

  • The AusSeabed Strategy aims to set a framework for the Program to operate. It defines the Programs vision, mission, role, outcomes and program goals. It will be revised every 3 years in-line with the rotation of the AusSeabed Steering Committee.