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A software package for geochemical modelling. Available from OEMD on request to Evgeniy Bastrakov (a password is set for a particular user).
A git code repository container for Earth Observation tools. An example tool is the DatasetDrivers construct for automatic retrieval of imagery & metadata.
Background Explorer is a Geoscience Australia (GA) application, which was sponsored by the Department of Industry (DoI), commencing in 2012. Explorer is a comprehensive and powerful modern web-based decision support tool utilising high quality data products to aid information discovery, visualisation and the modelling of planning and development scenarios using the best available data. Originally developed as a pipeline planning decision support system, Explorer continues to break new ground providing visualisation and decision support for a disparate-range of infrastructure, planning and modelling needs, across government and industry alike. Relevance Explorer provides the ability for government planners, regulators, investors and industry proponents to drill down into specific areas and analyse location information about the geography, infrastructure, geology, resources and the investment potential of Australia. Explorer currently utilises modelling techniques such as multi-criteria analysis for: 1) least cost path route selection and assessment for major infrastructure such as pipelines, roads, rail and transmission lines; and 2) can be further enhanced to identify and assess critical infrastructure location options for infrastructure such as, power stations, airports, ports, renewable energy facilities and water catchment reservoirs. First-pass planning & analysis and delivery of investment opportunities information Explorer brings national and local scale data together from multiple sources with a powerful visualisation capability, in an intuitive interface. Originally designed to provide linear infrastructure first-pass planning, Explorer has been successfully adapted to provide capabilities for investment opportunity analysis, including; economic fairways modelling, offshore marine and fisheries decision support, infrastructure planning and natural hazards modelling. What if analysis The tools provided by Explorer allow the creation of optimal routes or locations for future infrastructure what if modelling tasks, taking into account factors such as terrain, geology, land use restrictions and natural hazards such as flood and earthquake zones. The what-if modelling functionality can be equally applied to future development and investment planning tasks, using appropriate data to provide an overview of the proposed development and investment potential of a geographic region or defined area. Evidenced-based Modelling outputs and planning scenarios are supported by decision support documentation, automatically generated by Explorer. Data provenance including metadata records are provided as evidence of the data and modelling algorithms used, giving complete transparency to the modelling task. Collaborative platform Explorer provides a collaborative workspace, enabling users to create secure projects, where access can be limited to those individuals selected by the project initiator. Future capabilities will allow the saving of sessions within the project workspace. Secure data Explorer is a secure platform allowing users to access predefined data layers and their own data for modelling and assessment purposes. Restricted datasets and modelling outputs are stored securely and access locked down to authorised users only.
Software for machine to machine minting of Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs). Minting of DOIs for datasets is facilitated through the Australian National Data Service (ANDS) as a member of DataCite.
iTimescale app software
A live linked-data API that expresses the AusPIX DGGS cells as a database of defined locations , describes the location attributes and maps the each cell onto a landing page . Their are billions of these cells so it is built as a virtual data-base where the AusPIX engine calculates information as required. Human readable and machine readable infrastructure.
The MTPy Python library is open source software that aims to facilitate processing, analysis, modelling, and inversion of magnetotelluric (MT) data. Until recently, MTpy has contained bugs and gaps in both functionality and documentation, which have limited its use to date. We are developing MTPy to rectify these problems and expand functionality. Key improvements include adding new functions and classes to the modules that handle ModEM inputs and outputs, improving data and model visualization tools, refactoring the code to improve maintainability, quality, and consistency, and developing documentation.
In 2014, the first version of the DOI minting software was produced,allowing machine to machine minting of DOIs. Written in Java, it accessed the GeoCat database for metadata, sent that to DataCite, and reinserted the returned DOI back into the database.