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<div>The Abbot Point to Hydrographers Passage bathymetry survey was acquired for the Australian Hydrographic Office (AHO) onboard the RV Escape during the period 6 Oct 2020 – 16 Mar 2021. This was a contracted survey conducted for the Australian Hydrographic Office by iXblue Pty Ltd as part of the Hydroscheme Industry Partnership Program. The survey area encompases a section of Two-Way Route from Abbot Point through Hydrographers Passage QLD. Bathymetry data was acquired using a Kongsberg EM 2040, and processed using QPS QINSy. The dataset was then exported as a 30m resolution, 32 bit floating point GeoTIFF grid of the survey area.</div><div>This dataset is not to be used for navigational purposes.</div>
<div>The A1 poster incorporates 4 images of Australia taken from space by Earth observing satellites. The accompanying text briefly introduces sensors and the bands within the electromagnetic spectrum. The images include examples of both true and false colour and the diverse range of applications of satellite images such as tracking visible changes to the Earth’s surface like crop growth, bushfires, coastal changes and floods. Scientists, land and emergency managers use satellite images to analyse vegetation, surface water or human activities as well as evaluate natural hazards.</div>
The Historical Bushfire Boundaries service represents the aggregation of jurisdictional supplied burnt areas polygons stemming from the early 1900's through to 2022 (excluding the Northern Territory). The burnt area data represents curated jurisdictional owned polygons of both bushfires and prescribed (planned) burns. To ensure the dataset adhered to the nationally approved and agreed data dictionary for fire history Geoscience Australia had to modify some of the attributes presented. The information provided within this service is reflective only of data supplied by participating authoritative agencies and may or may not represent all fire history within a state.
<div>Mount Isa Province in northern Australia is one of the world's most strongly endowed regions for base metals and host to major iron-oxide-copper-gold (IOCG) deposits. The Carpentaria Conductivity Anomaly at the eastern margin of the Province is a major electrical conductivity structure of the Australian continent. We have used magnetotelluric and deep seismic reflection data to image the crustal architecture in this complex region to understand the crustal-scale fluid pathways and potential mineral occurrences. The resistivity models reveal a number of prominent crustal-scale conductors, suggesting that the Carpentaria Conductivity Anomaly is likely caused by a series of isolated or interconnected bodies. These conductors characterise the position and geometry of the ancient Gidyea Suture Zone, interpreted as a west-dipping subduction zone. The conductivity anomaly may record the activity of fluid hydration involved during a subduction event, with the enhanced conductivity likely being caused by deformation or mineralisation of graphitic or sulfidic rocks during orogensis. The distribution of known gold and copper deposits shows a close spatial correlation with the suture zone, suggesting that this structure is potentially a fundamental control on IOCG deposits in its vicinity. The interpretation of the seismic image shows a good correlation with the resistivity models. The implication is that crustal-penetrating structures act as potential pathways for fluid movement to form mineral deposits in the upper crust. The significance of mapping such structures using geophysics is highlighted for mineral exploration.</div><div><br></div>This Abstract was submitted/presented to the 2022 Sub 22 Conference 28-30 November (http://sub22.w.tas.currinda.com/)
<div>The first ca. 2.2 billion years of Earth history saw significant change; from a water-world dominated by an anoxic atmosphere and tonalitic continents, to the exposed landmasses, oxygenated atmosphere, and granitic crust of the Paleoproterozoic. Precisely when, and how, these major changes occurred, remain some of the most important and controversial questions in modern geoscience. Here, we present an extensive new zircon U-Pb-Hf-O isotopic and trace element dataset from Earth’s largest preserved Archean continent, the Superior Craton, Canada. These data record a number of fundamental geochemical changes through time and indicate a major geological and geodynamic transition occurred toward the end of Archean, at ca. 2.7 Ga. Our data show that, at >2704–2695 Ma, the southern Superior Craton had juvenile εHf, light to mantle-like δ18O, low (Eu/Eu*)/Y (drier/shallower crust), reduced ΔFMQ, less continental initial-U (Ui)/Yb, and more mantle-like Ui/Nb. At ca. 2704–2695 Ma, there is a marked transition in multiple datasets, including increases in δ18O, (Eu/Eu*)/Y, ΔFMQ, Ui/Yb and Ui/Nb data, together with more distinct arc-like trace element trends. These data reveal that at 2.7 Ga there was an increase in: (1) continental surface weathering, supported by increased sedimentation at <2.68 Ga, (2) oxidized and hydrous magmatism, and (3) surface material in magma sources. Together, these observations suggest a major geodynamic transition from ‘vertical’ tectonics (sagduction, drips) to north-dipping subduction at 2.7 Ga. The increase in δ18O suggests that proximal continental crust, probably in the northern Superior Craton, became emergent at this time, an inference supported by detrital zircon geochronology. Hence, this dataset links major geodynamic change to the emergence of continental crust and the rise of more oxidized magmatism. These fundamental changes to the Earth’s surface environment, tectonics, and atmosphere at 2.7 Ga, provide evidence for an Earth systems turning-point at the end of the Neoarchean.</div> This Abstract was submitted/presented to the 2022 Specialist Group in Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Petrology (SGGMP) Conference 7-11 November (https://gsasggmp.wixsite.com/home/biennial-conference-2021)
<div>Heavy rare earth elements are essential in renewable energy and high-tech products. Some natural rare earth element (REE) deposits exhibit heavy rare earth element (HREE) enrichment from < 10% to ~85% of the REE budget (Williams-Jones et al., 2015). </div><div><br></div><div>Controls on REE fractionation in hydrothermal systems are imposed by (1) changes in the relative stability of REE aqueous complexes with temperature (Migdisov et al., 2016) and (2) incorporation or rejection of REE by crystalline structures. Also, the REEs are invariably found as solid solutions but not as pure minerals. REE and yttrium (Y) sulphate complexes are some of the most stable REE and Y aqueous species in hydrothermal fluids (Migdisov and William-Jones, 2008, 2016; Guan et al., 2022) and may be responsible for REE transport and deposition in sediment-hosted deposits. Within the unconformity-related deposits, REEs are hosted mostly by xenotime ((Y,Dy,Er,Tb,Yb)PO4) and minor florencite ((La,Ce)Al3(PO4)2(OH)6) (Nazari-Dehkordi et al., 2019). Modelling the stability of xenotime in the H-O-Cl-(±F)-S-P aqueous system is critical for understanding HREE enrichment in this mineral system.</div><div><br></div><div>We use a newly derived thermodynamic dataset depos for REESO4+ and REE(SO4)2‑ aqueous complexes to generate stability diagrams illustrating mechanisms of REE transport and deposition in the above deposits. Sulphate REE complexes may dominate even in chloride-rich brines and facilitate REE mobilization in acid oxidizing environments. Previously Nazari-Dehkordi et al. (2019) proposed an ore genesis model involving the mixing of discrete hydrothermal fluids that separately carried REE + yttrium and phosphorus. The speciation model that includes sulphate complexes expands this scenario; a process resulting in fluid neutralization or reduction will also promote precipitation of xenotime enriched in HREEs. </div><div><br></div>This Abstract was submitted/presented to the 2022 Specialist Group in Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Petrology (SGGMP) Conference 7-11 November (https://gsasggmp.wixsite.com/home/biennial-conference-2021)
<div>The Australian Government's Trusted Environmental and Geological Information program is a collaboration between Geoscience Australia and CSIRO. Part of this program includes baseline geological and environmental assessments. </div><div> Hydrogeological information has been collated for the Adavale, Cooper, Galilee and north Bowen basins and overlying basins, including the Eromanga and Lake Eyre basins. This information will provide a regionally-consistent baseline dataset that will be used to develop groundwater conceptualisation models.</div><div> Publicly-available data within these basin regions have been compiled from over 30 000 boreholes, 120 stream gauges, and 1100 rainfall stations, resulting in revised hydrostratigraphic frameworks. From the published literature, 14 major hydrostratigraphic units are recognised within the basin regions. For each of these major hydrostratigraphic units, we determined the salinity, Darcian yield, specific yield/storativity, groundwater reserve volume for unallocated groundwater, groundwater levels/hydrological pressure, likelihood of inter-aquifer connectivity, rainfall, connectivity between surface water and groundwater, and water-use volume statistics, where relevant, for each basin, hydrogeological province and aquifer. We then adopted a play-based approach to develop holistic hydrostratigraphic conceptualisations of the basin regions. </div><div> Within the Adavale Basin we have defined a new hydrogeological province including two new aquifers defined as the moderate salinity and moderately overpressured Buckabie-Etonvale Aquifer, and the hypersaline and hyper-overpressured Lissoy-Log Creek-Eastwood Aquifer. Similarities between the upper Buckabie-Etonvale Aquifer of the Adavale Basin and lowermost Joe Joe Group of the Galilee Basin suggests connectivity between the upper Adavale and lower Galilee basins. Hydraulic pressures (up to 1500 m of excess freshwater head) calculated for the Lissoy–Log Creek–Eastwood Aquifer indicate that if the aquifer was to be breached, there is potential localised risk to overlying aquifers and surface environments, including infrastructure.</div><div><br></div><div><strong>Author Biography:</strong></div><div>Dr. Chris Gouramanis is a hydrogeologist working in the Trusted Environmental and Geological Information program, in the Minerals, Energy and Groundwater Division of Geoscience Australia. Chris was awarded his PhD from The Australian National University in 2009 and has held several water and environmental policy positions within the Australian Government. He worked for 10 years as an academic at the Earth Observatory of Singapore and the Geography Department at the National University of Singapore. He is also Australia’s National Focal Point to the Scientific and Technical Review Panel of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands.</div><div><br></div>This Abstract was submitted/presented to the 2022 Australasian Groundwater Conference 21-23 November (https://agc2022.com.au/)
The Great Artesian Basin (GAB) is the largest groundwater basin in Australia. It underlies nearly one quarter of the continent, including parts of Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia and the Northern Territory. Groundwater from the GAB is a vital resource for agricultural and extractive industries, as well as for community water supply. It supports cultural values and sustains a range of groundwater-dependent ecosystems. Water managers from each jurisdiction manage their GAB resources using hydrogeological conceptualisations based on diverse historic nomenclature. However, GAB resources are continuous across borders and recent studies have shown high spatial variability in the hydrostratigraphic units across the basin. Therefore, there is a clear need to map the geological complexity consistently at a basin-wide scale in order to provide a hydrogeological framework to underpin effective long-term management of GAB water resources. The present study compiles and standardises existing and newly interpreted biostratigraphic and well formation picks from geological logs, 2D seismic and airborne electromagnetic data in a consistent chronostratigraphic framework. This framework was used to correlate geological units across the basin. Correlating the chronostratigraphy across the basin revealed age equivalent sediments deposited in different depositional environments during transgressive and regressive alternation events. Rigorous biostratigraphic control, using a common unified zonation scheme was used to identify lithological correlations. Rock properties were attributed based on sediment facies deposited during similar geological events. The approach provides a consistent way of mapping the distribution and properties of aquifers and aquitards across the whole GAB. The refined correlation of Jurassic and Cretaceous units between the Surat and Eromanga basins improves the resolution of our understanding of hydrogeological unit geometry and lithological variation that may influence groundwater flow within and between aquifers. The 3D hydrogeological architecture provides a model to refine hydrogeological conceptualisations and assist in improving basin water balance estimates. This Abstract was submitted/presented to the 2022 Australasian Groundwater Conference 21-23 November (https://agc2022.com.au/)
<div>This report gives an overview of the activities of the Geoscience Australia International VLBI Service (IVS) Analysis Centre during 2021-2022.</div><div><br></div>
<div>In mid-2022 two paleoseismic trenches were excavated across the Willunga Fault at Sellicks Hill, ~40 km south of Adelaide, at a location where range front faulting displaces a thick colluvial apron, and flexure in the hanging wall has produced an extensional graben. Vertical separation between time-equivalent surfaces within the Willunga Embayment and uplifted Myponga Basin indicate an average uplift rate of 40 m/Myr since 5 Ma across the Willunga fault at the trench location, equivalent to a slip rate of 57 m/Myr across a 45° dipping fault. </div><div> The field sites preserve evidence for at least 4-5 large earthquake events involving approximately 6.9 m of discrete slip on fault planes since the Mid to Late Pleistocene. If the formation of red soil marker horizons in the trenches are assumed to relate to glacial climatic conditions then a slip-rate of 26-46 m/Myr since the Mid Pleistocene is obtained. These deformation rate estimates do not include folding in the hanging wall of the fault, which is likely to be significant at this site as evidenced by the existence of a pronounced hanging wall anticline. In the coming months, the results of dating analysis will allow quantitative constraint to be placed on earthquake timing and slip-rate, and a structural geological study seeks to assess the proportion of deformation partitioned into folding of the hanging wall.</div><div> The 2022 trenches represent the most recent of ten excavated across this fault. Integration of the 2022 data with those from previous investigations will allow fundamental questions to be addressed, such as whether the Willunga fault ruptures to its entire length, or in a segmented fashion, and whether any segmentation behaviour is reflected in local slip-rate estimates. Thereby we hope to significantly improve our understanding of the hazard that this, and other proximal Quaternary-active faults, pose to the greater Adelaide conurbation and its attendant infrastructure.</div> This paper was presented to the 2022 Australian Earthquake Engineering Society (AEES) Conference 24-25 November (https://aees.org.au/aees-conference-2022/)