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  • Project In 2013, Geoscience Australia commissioned AAM to undertake a LiDAR survey with accompanying field survey and ortho imagery capture over the Macintyre river region comprising approx 7,500 square kilometres. Ref Deed CMC G3298 Contract CMC G4417. Collection of both LiDAR and simultaneous and near simultaneous imagery utilising the Optech ALTM Pegasus HA500 sensor and the Vision Map A3 digital camera occurred from 06 November 2013 to 17th December 2013 with a total of 20 LiDAR flights plus a very small infill (LiDAR only) flight on 17th March 2014. The LiDAR was controlled from existing CORS GPS stations and 3 newly setup reference GPS station. 158 test point sites that overlapped the LiDAR were surveyed by AAM using Kinematic Smartnet GPS. The specification for this survey was provided in the aforementioned contract document Data The LiDAR, Ortho and field surveys conform in accuracy, format and nomenclature conform to the above specification. The ortho imagery comprises 0.20m GSD RGB Geotiff imagery in Geotiff and ECW formats. The area spans MGA zones 55 and 56 products have been generated with an overlap as per the specification and nomenclature advice from the client.

  • The 3 second (~90m) Smoothed Digital Elevation Model (DEM-S) Version 1.0 was derived from resampling the 1 second SRTM derived DEM-S (gridded smoothed digital elevation model; ANZCW0703014016). The DEM represents ground surface topography, excluding vegetation features, and has been smoothed to reduce noise and improve the representation of surface shape. The DEM-S was derived from the 1 second Digital Surface Model (DSM; ANZCW0703013336) and the Digital Elevation Model Version 1.0 (DEM; ANZCW0703013355) by an adaptive smoothing process that applies more smoothing in flatter areas than hilly areas, and more smoothing in noisier areas than in less noisy areas. This DEM-S supports calculation of local terrain shape attributes such as slope, aspect and curvatures that could not be reliably derived from the unsmoothed 1 second DEM because of noise. A full description of the methods is in progress (Gallant et al., in prep) and in the 1 second User Guide. The 3 second DEM was produced for use by government and the public under Creative Commons attribution. The 1 second DSM and DEM that forms the basis of the product are also available as 3 second products (DSM; ANZCW0703014216, DEM; ANZCW0703014182, DEM-S; ANZCW0703014217). <strong>Please note that all 1 second products are available for GOVERNMENT USERS ONLY.</strong>

  • South East Queensand (SEQ) 2009 LiDAR data was funded by Queensland Department of Environment and Resource management (DERM) , which was captured and delivered by AAMHatch between March 25th 2009 and June 9th 2009. The project area covering 5300 sqkm was divided into three sub areas, namely South East Queensland Priority Area, Gold Coast and the Balance of SEQ. Data acquisition and post-processing has been controlled to achieve a vertical accuracy witihn 0.15m (RMS, 68% CI) and horizontal accuracy within 0.45 m. Horizontal coordinates are based upon Map Grid of Australia (MGA) Zone 56 projection. Vertical coordinates are referenced to Australian Height Datum (AHD). The data was captured with point density of 2.5 points per square metre and the data is available as mass point files (ASCII, LAS) and ESRI GRID files with 1m grid spacing in 1km tiles and inundation contours (0.25m). A hydrologically conditioned and drainage enforced 2m DEM or HDEM has also been developed in 2010 as part of the Urban DEM project managed by the CRC for Spatial Information and Geoscience Australia. The HDEM was produced by SKM using the ANUDEM program. Hydrologic enforcement and conditioning has included the testing of data for sinks, the referencing of transport and hydrology vector layers for intersections and flow, and the use of high-resolution imagery for visual validation. The methodology for hydrologic enforcement has required deriving a stream network based on flow direction and accumulation, using TIN and ANUDEM processes to analyse sinks and artificial damming affects caused by objects such as roads, bridges and trees which have not been previously filtered. Break lines have been included via the insertion of culvert/drainage channels, which has been used to interpolate these features into the main DEM as descending grid values. All data are referenced to GDA94/MGA Zone 56.

  • Moreton Bay 2009 LiDAR data was captured over the Moreton Bay Regional Council area between March and June 2009. The data was acquired by AAM Hatch (now AAMGroup) and funded by Queensland and Commonwealth governments. The project area covering 2440sqkm is licenced for use by all Commonwealth, State and Local Government organisations. Data acquisition and post-processing has been controlled to achieve a vertical accuracy witihn 0.15m (RMS, 68% CI) and horizontal accuracy within 0.45 m. Horizontal coordinates are based upon Map Grid of Australia (MGA) Zone 56 projection. Vertical coordinates are referenced to Australian Height Datum (AHD). The data was captured with point density of 2.5 points per square metre and the data is available as mass point files (ASCII, LAS) and ESRI GRID files with 1m grid spacing in 1km tiles.

  • AAM Hatch was engaged by Geoscience Australia to undertake a LiDAR survey over the BHMAR Phase 2 prject area, for the purpose of producing a DTM and vegetation structure analysis. The survey covers an area of approximately 7856 sqkm of the Lower Darling River, downstream from Wilcannia. LiDAR was acquired from a fixed wing aircraft between 19 June 2009 and 5 August 2009 with a vertical accuracy of 0.15m and horizontal accuracy of 0.25m in coordinated system GDA 94, MGA Zone 54 and vertical datum of AHD. File formats included las format and 1m DTM ESRI Grids in ArcGIS binary grid format. Producing a DTM and vegetation structure analysis for the BHMAR Phase 2 Project area for groundwater monitoring.

  • This project consists of data that has been reprocessed by RPS and AAM for the purpose of creating an improved Victorian coastal DEM including contours based on the original data acquired in 2007. The purpose of this project is to reclassify the original level 2 classification LiDAR data into level 3 for input to a higher accuracy ICSM Level 3 classification (Level 3 DEM). LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is an airborne remote sensing technique for rapid collection of terrain data. The sensor used for this LiDAR project collected XYZ and Intensity data for first and last return by bouncing a pulse from the aircraft to the surface that enables the height and intensity values to be calculated. From the raw LiDAR data, a suite of elevation products was generated including DEM and Contours. Project Products: DEM, Contours, raw LiDAR.

  • This suite of products contains topographical relief generated from raw LiDAR data and covers the Southern extent of the Murray Darling Basin within the proximity of the Murray River. LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is an airborne remote sensing technique for rapid collection of terrain data. The sensor used for this LiDAR project collected XYZ and Intensity data for 2 returns, first and last (ground) return by bouncing a pulse from the aircraft to the surface that enables the height and intensity values to be calculated. Height data within the first and last return raw LiDAR data was processed into 1m pixel DEMs. The intensity data with the first return raw LiDAR data was processed into a 1m pixel intensity image. The 1m cell size products, due to their large file sizes, are stored as 2km by 2km tiles to help facilitate data management and processing. The complete study area, covering 1.7million hectares, contains 5,288 of these tiles. All the above derived products were initially created as value added products by the Land Information Group (LIG), of the Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE), Victoria. This acquisition was commissioned by Murray Darling Basin Commission (MDBC) and participating Consortium members including: Barmah Millewa Forum Murray Irrigation Limited, NSW Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources - Deniliquin North Central Catchment Management Authority (CMA) Department of Urban Affairs and Planning, NSW Goulburn Broken CMA, Vic North East CMA, Vic

  • Redland 2009 LiDAR survey was captured over the Redland City Council region between 25th March and 9th June 2009. The data was acquired by AAM Hatch (now AAMGroup) and funded by Queensland and Commonwealth governments. The data is licensed for use by all Commonwealth, State and Local Government. Data acquisition and post-processing has been controlled to achieve a vertical accuracy within 0.15m (RMS, 68% CI) and horizontal accuracy within 0.45 m. Horizontal coordinates are based upon Map Grid of Australia (MGA) Zone 56 projection. Vertical coordinates are referenced to Australian Height Datum (AHD). The data was captured with point density of 2.5 points per square metre and the data is available as mass point files (ASCII, LAS) and ESRI GRID files with 1m grid spacing in 1km tiles. The data are available as a number of surface types, products and formats including: mass points, digital elevation model (DEM) and hydrologically enforced DEM (HDEM) for the low lying coastal areas. Redland DEM forms part of the Brisbane HDEM which is a combination of the Brisbane 2009 LiDAR, Redland 2009 LiDAR, Moreton Bay 2009 LiDAR and Logan 2009 LiDAR survey areas.

  • Adelaide LiDAR 2008 data was flown by AAMHatch between 13th to 19th September 2008 as part of the Urban Digital Elevation Modelling in High Priority Areas Project funded by the Federal Department of Climate Change. Several data gaps existed in the intital survey due to operational instrumentation errors and a subsequent refly was conducted on 5th January 2009 to complete the dataset. The data was captured with point density of 0.8m point per square metre and overall vertical accuracy has been confirmed at <15cm (68% confidence level). The data are available as mass point files (LAS) comprising ground, thinned ground and non ground points in 2km tiles. A hydrologically conditioned and drainage enforced 2m DEM or HDEM has also been developed in 2010 as part of the Urban DEM project managed by the CRC for Spatial Information and Geoscience Australia. Hydrologic enforcement and conditioning has included the testing of data for sinks, the referencing of transport and hydrology vector layers for intersections and flow, and the use of high-resolution imagery for visual validation. The methodology for hydrologic enforcement has required deriving a stream network based on flow direction and accumulation, using TIN and ANUDEM processes to analyse sinks and artificial damming affects caused by objects such as roads, bridges and trees which have not been previously filtered. Break lines have been included via the insertion of culvert/drainage channels, which has been used to interpolate these features into the main DEM as descending grid values. The hydrologically enforced elevation model should be used for any water modelling. Adelaide Hydrological Enforced DEM(HDEM) 2008

  • The Busselton 2008 LiDAR data was captured over the Busselton region during February, 2008. The data was acquired by AAMHatch (now AAMGroup) and Fugro Spatial Solutions through a number of separate missions as part of the larger Swan Coast LiDAR Survey that covers the regions of Perth, Peel, Harvey, Bunbury and Busselton. The project was funded by Department of Water, WA for the purposes of coastal inundation modelling and a range of local and regional planning. The data are made available under licence for use by Commonwealth, State and Local Government. The data was captured with point density of 1 point per square metre and overall vertical accuracy has been confirmed at <15cm (68% confidence). The data are available as a number of products including mass point files (ASCII, LAS) and ESRI GRID files with 1m grid spacing. A 2m posting hydrologically enforced digital elevation model (HDEM) and inundation contours has also been derived for low lying coastal areas.