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  • This product is for in-house use only. It is a back up of a hard drive from the former Seabed Mapping and Characterisation section and contains working files from a variety of marine surveys and other projects dating from 2009 and before. Files were copied exactly as they appeared on the external Seagate hard drive.

  • Bathymetric flythrough of the Southeast Margin of Australia for a Powerpoint presentation on the Marine Geoscience capabilities of the RV Investigator. The presentation will be given at the Welcome to Port Ceremony for the ship.

  • Submarine canyons are recognised as having an influence on oceanographic processes, sediment transport, productivity and benthic biodiversity from the shelf to the slope. However, not all canyons are the same and the relative importance of an individual canyon will, in part, be determined by its form, shape and position on the continental margin. Here we present an analysis of these parameters using an updated national dataset of 713 submarine canyons for the margin of mainland Australia. Attribute data for each canyon is used to classify them into canyon types across a hierarchy of canyon physical characteristics for shelf-incised and slope-confined (blind) canyons. At each level on the hierarchy, large groupings of canyons are identified that represent common sets of characteristics. The spatial distribution of canyons on the Australian margin is not regular, with clusters located in the east, southeast, west and southwest. The northern margin has the lowest concentration of canyons. We also assess the potential productivity associated with the various canyon types using chlorophyll-a data derived from satellite (MODIS) images. Shelf-incised canyons are associated with significantly higher and more temporally variable chlorophyll-a concentrations, consistent with their function as conduits for upwelling. Australian submarine canyons are well represented in the national network of marine protected areas, with 36 percent of the mapped canyon population intersecting (whole or in part) a Commonwealth Marine Reserve. This information is relevant to setting priorities for the management of these reserves. Results from this study provide a framework for further analysis of the relative importance of canyons on the Australian margin.

  • Fisheries groups worldwide are concerned that seismic operations negatively affect catch rates within a given area, although there is a lack of field-based scientific evidence. In southeast Australia, marine seismic surveys have been blamed for mass mortalities of benthic invertebrates including the commercial scallop Pecten fumatus. Geoscience Australia conducted a 2-D seismic survey in this region in April 2015, thereby presenting an opportunity to conduct field-based experiments investigating the potential impacts on marine organisms. Moored hydrophones recorded noise before and during the seismic survey. An Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) was used to evaluate the effectiveness of seafloor images to support scallop monitoring. In addition, more traditional sampling was undertaken using a commercial scallop dredge from which a variety of biological and biochemical variables were analysed. The AUVs and dredge were deployed at three time periods (before the seismic survey, 2 months after seismic operations ceased, 10 months after seismic operations ceased), although poor-quality AUV images acquired before the survey precluded the analysis of these data. The highest sound exposure level recorded by the hydrophones was 146 dB re 1 µPa2s at 51 m water depth, at a distance of 1.4 km from the airguns. Commercial scallops were not abundant in the study area, and analysis of AUV images revealed no differences in commercial scallop types (live, clapper, dead shell, other) between experimental and control zones. Similarly, analysis of dredged scallops shows no detectable impact due to seismic activity on shell size, meat size and condition, gonad size and condition, and biochemical indices. Both AUV and dredging data showed strong spatial patterns, with significant differences between sites. Our study confirms previous work showing no evidence of immediate mortality on scallops in the field, and it expands this to include no evidence of long-term or sub-lethal effects. Negative impacts are currently confined to laboratory settings with unrealistic sound exposures. If short-term effects are investigated, we recommend a focus on the underlying mechanisms of potential impacts (i.e. physiological responses), rather than gross metrics such as mortality or size. Physiological responses to airgun sound may not be as immediately obvious as mortality or behavioural responses, but they are equally important to provide early indications of negative effects, as well as to explain the underlying mechanisms behind mortality events and reduced catch.

  • Submarine canyons are highly energetic and dynamic environment. Owing to their abrupt and complex topographies that are contrast to the adjacent shelf and slope, they can generate intense mixing, both horizontally through internal tides and waves and vertically through upwelling and downwelling. Complex hydrodynamic processes and increased food supply in sediment and water column result in elevated primary and secondary production which would favour the development of a highly productive and temporally dynamic food web over the canyons. Consequently, many submarine canyons, especially those incise into continental shelf, are considered as biodiversity hotspots. To better understand the ecosystem functions and ecological processes of marine environment, identification and classification of submarine canyons are needed. This study developed a national-scale submarine canyon classification system for Australian ocean based on canyon's physical characteristics. A hierarchical classification scheme was proposed. At the top level, the submarine canyons were classified into shelf-incising canyons and confined-to-slope canyons. At the lower levels, the canyons were classified on their morphometry, shape and location characteristics separately. Accurate identification of submarine canyons was the critical first step for the success of the proposed canyon classification system. A national bathymetry data at a spatial resolution of 250 metres and a completed set of multibeam bathymetry data at a spatial resolution of 50 metres from all previous multibeam surveys, both published by Geoscience Australia, were used. Hill-shaded layers were generated from which most submarine canyons could be easily identified. The extents of individual canyons, from wall to wall, were manually digitised as a GIS polygon layer. The initial number of canyons was then filtered using the following criteria: - Depth of the canyon head is less than 4000 m, - Depth range between the canyon's head and foot is greater than 600 m, and - Incision of the canyon head is greater than 100 m. At the lower levels, the following metrics were calculated as the inputs to the canyon classifications: - Morphometry metrics: incision depth of the canyon head, standard deviation of the slope gradient (within all cells in a canyon), slope gradient between the canyon head and the canyon foot, and canyon overall rugosity. - Shape metrics: canyon area, number of branches, length/width ratio of the smallest bounding rectangle, border index, compactness and canyon volume. - Location metrics: depth of the canyon head, depth range between the canyon's head and foot, canyon density, distance to coast, distance to the shelf break, incision depth (shelf-incising canyons only), and incision area (shelf-incising canyons only). The hierarchal agglomerative clustering technique was used for the unsupervised classifications. After the filtering, a total of 708 submarine canyons were identified for the entire Australian EEZ. Among these 708 canyons, 134 of them incise into continental shelf; the rest are confined in continental slope. For the shelf-incising canyons, the morphometry, shape and location based classifications all resulted in three classes. Combining the three lower level classifications yielded 15 classes. For the slope-confined canyons, the morphometry, shape and location based classifications resulted in three, four and four classes, respectively. Combining the three lower level classifications yielded 37 classes. GeoHab 2013

  • As part of Geoscience Australia's commitment towards the National Environmental Programme's Marine Biodiversity Hub, we have developed a fully four-dimensional (3D x time) Lagrangian biophysical dispersal model to simulate the movement of marine larvae over large, topographically complex areas. The model operates by fusing the results of data-assimilative oceanographic models (e.g. BLUELink, HYCOM, ROMS) with individual-based particle behaviour. The model uses parallel processing on Australia's national supercomputer to handle large numbers of simulated larvae (on the order of several billion), and saves positional information as points within a relational database management system (RDBMS). The model was used to study Australia's northwest marine region, with specific attention given to connectivity patterns among Australia's north-western Commonwealth Marine Reserves and Key Ecological Features (KEFs). These KEFs include carbonate terraces, banks and reefs on the shelf that support diverse benthic assemblages of sponges and corals, and canyons that extend from the shelf edge to the continental slope and are potential biodiversity hotspots. We will show animations of larval movement near canyons within the Gascoyne CMR; larval dispersal probability clouds partitioned by depth and time; as well as matrices of connectivity values among features of interest. We demonstrate how the data can be used to identify connectivity corridors in marine environments, and how the matrices can be analysed to identify key connections within the network. Information from the model can be used to inform priorities for monitoring the performance of reserves through examining net contributions of different reserves (i.e. are they sources or sinks), and studying changes in connectivity structure through adding and removing reserve areas.

  • Submarine canyons have been recognised as areas of significant ecological and conservation value for their enhanced primary productivity, benthic biomass and biodiversity. In Australia, 753 submarine canyons were mapped on all margins of the continent by the Marine Biodiversity Hub through the Australian Government's National Environmental Research Program. An analysis of canyon geomorphic metrics provided the basis to objectively classify these canyons across a hierarchy of physical characteristics (e.g. volume, depth range, rugosity) separately for shelf-incising and slope-confined canyons (Huang et al., 2014). Here we extend this analysis to include oceanographic variables in presenting a first pass assessment of habitat quality for all canyons on the Australian margin, with a focus on their upper reaches. This study is based on the premise that habitat heterogeneity, productivity and disturbance are the three factors that potentially determine the quality of a canyon habitat. For each factor we derived a range of variables to inform the assessment of habitat quality (see Table). Habitat heterogeneity was measured using a selection of eight geomorphic metrics including canyon volume and rugosity that are considered likely to have a positive relationship with habitat heterogeneity. Canyon productivity was assessed from five variables including: distance to the shelf break as a proxy of nutrient inputs from land and the continental shelf; bottom current speed as an indicator of nutrient supply to benthic epifauna (derived from time-series re-analysis of the BLUElink oceanographic model and in-situ data), and; measures of the probability, frequency and intensity of upwelling (also from BLUElink data). The BLUElink variables have positive relationships with productivity whereas the relationship between distance to shelf and productivity is negative. Benthic disturbance was assessed from the maximum and range of bottom current speeds, and the frequency and intensity of tropical cyclones. According to these relationships, individual canyons were assigned habitat quality scores, first separately for each variable and then aggregated for the three habitat factors. The final scores were obtained by averaging the scores of the three habitat factors. The results show that many submarine canyons on the eastern Australian margin have high habitat quality scores (see Figure). This is interpreted to be mainly due to the influence of the upwelling-favourable East Australian Current which generates high productivity throughout the year. The Albany canyons on the south-western margin also offer high habitat quality for marine species due to complex geometrical and geophysical structures. They also benefit from the upwelling-favourable Flinders Current. In contrast, canyons on the northern and western margins have lower habitat quality. Many of these canyons receive little input from land and continental shelf. In addition, the downwelling- favourable Leeuwin Current, which flows along the western margin of the continent, hampers the supply of deep water nutrients from reaching the upper reaches of canyons, particularly canyon heads that intersect the euphotic zone. Overall, these results provide a framework for targeted studies of canyons aimed at testing and verifying the habitat potential identified here and for establishing monitoring priorities for the ongoing management of canyon ecosystems.

  • Population connectivity science involves investigating how populations are related to one another through biological dispersal. Here, we review tools, techniques and analyses used by connectivity researchers, and place them in the context of how they can be used by marine managers and policy-makers to enhance their decision-making capabilities. Specific examples of developing technologies include: advances in mark and recapture techniques, underwater imaging systems, population genetic analyses, as well as four-dimensional dispersal simulations (3D space x time). These data can then be analysed using a wide array of analyses, including matrix analysis, graph theory, and various GIS-based routines. The results can be used to identify key source and sink areas, critical linkages (keystones), natural clusters and groups, levels of accuracy, precision and variability, as well as areas of asymmetric exchange. In turn, this information can be used to help identify natural management units, to target critical conservation areas, to develop efficient sampling strategies through power analysis, and to negotiate equitable allocation of resources to upstream management in cases where downstream benefits are significant. Through a better understanding of how connectivity science can assist decision-making, we hope to encourage increased uptake of these kinds of information into institutional planning processes.

  • The datasets measure the K490 parameter (Downwelling diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm, a turbidity parameter) of Australian oceans. They are derived products from MODIS (aqua) images using NASA's SeaDAS image processing software. The extent of the datasets covers the entire Australian EEZ and surrounding waters (including the southern ocean). The spatial resolution of the datasets is 0.01 dd. The datasets contain 36 monthly k490 layers between 2009 and 2011. The unit of the datasets is 1/m.

  • The Petrel Sub-basin Marine Environmental Survey GA-0335, (SOL5463) was undertaken by the RV Solander during May 2012 as part of the Commonwealth Government's National Low Emission Coal Initiative (NLECI). The survey was undertaken as a collaboration between the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) and GA. The purpose was to acquire geophysical and biophysical data on shallow (less then 100m water depth) seabed environments within two targeted areas in the Petrel Sub-basin to support investigation for CO2 storage potential in these areas. This dataset comprises an interpreted geomorphic map. Interpreted local-scale geomorphic maps were produced for each survey area in the Petrel Sub-basin using multibeam bathymetry and backscatter grids at 2 m resolution and bathymetric derivatives (e.g. slope; 1-m contours). Five geomorphic units; bank, plain, ridge, terrace and valley, were identified and mapped using definitions suitable for interpretation at the local scale (nominally 1:10 000). Maps and polygons were manual digitised in ArcGIS using the spatial analyst and 3D analyst toolboxes.