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  • This map is part of a series which comprises 50 maps which covers the whole of Australia at a scale of 1:1 000 000 (1cm on a map represents 10km on the ground). Each standard map covers an area of 6 degrees longitude by 4 degrees latitude or about 590 kilometres east to west and about 440 kilometres from north to south. These maps depict natural and constructed features including transport infrastructure (roads, railway airports), hydrography, contours, hypsometric and bathymetric layers, localities and some administrative boundaries, making this a useful general reference map.

  • The National Geochemical Survey of Australia: The Geochemical Atlas of Australia was published in July 2011. Released along with this publication was a digital copy of the geochemical dataset that included basic particle size data. This dataset includes extended particle size data for NGSA samples.

  • Currently there is no uniform methodology to estimate geological CO2 storage capacity. Each country or organization uses its own evaluation and estimation method. During 2011-2012, the International Energy Agency has convened a process among national geological survey organizations to recommend a common estimation method for countries to use. Such a method should describe a typical process for developing assessments of CO2 storage resources; recommend a sound methodology for arriving at a jurisdictional or national-scale CO2 storage resource assessment that could be applied globally; and recommend a way forward to bridge the gap between such a resource and a policy-makers aspiration to understand what proportion of the resource can be relied on and is likely to be technically accessible at any particular cost. This report will outline a 'roadmap' to address these recommendations in a way that jurisdictions can use extant methodologies or craft their own to assess their CO2 storage endowment in a manner consistent with other jurisdictions. In this way they may be able to fully utilize their endowment as well as make a contribution to the potential realization of a worldwide estimate of storage resource.

  • Promotional flyer describing the GA programme in national unconventional hydrocarbon prospectivity and resource assessment commenced in 2011 by the Onshore (Unconventional) Hydrocarbons Section, Basin Resources Group, Energy Division.

  • Collaboration between Geoscience Australia and the Attorney Generals Department. The map series depicts local government areas in NSW eligible for NDRRA assistance following natural disasters.

  • Double-sided A3 map showing Australia's major petroleum resources and pipelines (one side) and current onshore and offshore petroleum exploration licences plus the location of the proposed offshore 2012 acreage release areas (flip-side). This map is mainly used as a promotional tool for the international NAPE exhibition.

  • Many of the onshore sedimentary basins in Australia are underexplored with respect to hydrocarbons. With domestic oil production in steady decline, and increasing offshore exploration costs, the Onshore Energy Security Program was funded by the Australian Government over five years (2006-2011), for Geoscience Australia to provide precompetitive geoscience data and assessments of the potential for onshore energy resources. As part of the Onshore Energy Security Program, deep seismic reflection data have been acquired across several frontier sedimentary basins to stimulate petroleum exploration in onshore Australia. The basins studied in this project include the Arrowie Basin (South Australia) and the Burke River Structural Zone of the Georgina Basin (northwest Queensland). The interpretation of deep seismic reflection profiles from these onshore sedimentary basins focussed on the overall stratigraphic and structural architecture of the basins. Petroleum systems maturation modelling was also undertaken to increase the understanding of the petroleum potential of these basins.

  • Map showing the whole extent of Australia's Maritime Jurisdiction. Produced for the Australian Customs Service (Border Protection) with simplified legend showing 2012 confirmed CS and unconfirmed areas. Represented in LOSAMBA base products data as "simplified_maritime_jurisdiction_November2012.jpg" files. Also in directory for Border Protection - Task 661 - GeoCat73979. Also Refer to latest GeoCat 74928 (without SAR zone)

  • Economic analysis of natural hazards (wind, flood and storm surge) Australia wide. See more info in: