From 1 - 10 / 1597
  • The two versions of the printed Topographic Map Index are: - the 1:100,000 / 1:250,000 Topographic Map Index - the 1:50,000 Topographic Map Index Topographic map indexes are also available as digital data. Maps are listed by name on the back of the index. The 1:50,000 Index also lists availability of Orthophoto Map (OPM) and Topographic Line Map (TLM) for available 1:50,000 maps. Both indexes are available in printed form from your nearest topographic map retailer or from the Geoscience Australia Sales Centre. You can also download PDFs of each index. Note: To print these PDFs at 100% requires an A0 printer. They are best for viewing on-screen. For new maps which may have been released after these indexes were published, please refer to the new releases page or use the Product Search tool. Product Specifications Coverage: Australia Currency: 2004 (PDF); 2004 (data) Coordinates: Geographical Datum: GDA94 Format: ArcInfo Export, ArcView Shapefile and MapInfo mid/mif; PDF (maps only); Paper Map (maps only) Medium: GIS Data Free online, free folded map or CD-ROM (fee applies) Forward Program: Updated annually

  • The Geothermal Tenements of Australia dataset was developed by combining state geothermal tenement datasets downloaded from online mapping applications. Geothermal tenements are only available for Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania. Western Australia has recently released 495 geothermal acreage blocks for exploration with Northern Territory in process of developing a Geothermal Energy Bill. The dataset is constantly being maintained, updated and enhanced on an ongoing basis. Sources are listed in descending order of reliability. Geothermal Company websites

  • The pmd*CRC's Mineral Systems approach Barnicoat CRC science framework

  • Y3 Data base including data from St. Ives, Golden Mile, New Celebration and Hanons Lake

  • The Hough Transform is a mathematical device that allows the retrieval of parametric curve information from binary-pixelated data in the presence of noise. This slope-intercept transform maps each point in the image space S, into a straight line in parameter space P and has the very useful property that all points in S that lie along the same straight line map to the same number of straight lines in P with a common intersection point. Thus, with a suitable counting procedure, the problem of extended straight line detection in noisy pixelated data becomes one of local peak finding, a problem that may be substantially more tractable. In this study, an algorithm is described that utilizes the Hough Transform, as applied to the points of constant back-azimuth associated with infrasound, for the detection of signals in International Monitoring System style infrasonic array data. A system of synthetic signal implants is used to assess the performance of the detection algorithm by generating a set of pseudo Receiver Operator Characteristic curves. A feature of the detection algorithm is the ability to accommodate full three-dimensional array geometry.

  • 3D delivery methods 3D Technical Workshops May 2008

  • J.Walshe Comparative camp-scale studies in the Eastern Yilgarn Craton

  • A workflow for predictive discovery - thought processes, tools and target generation

  • Lecture MS4 Fluid Reservoirs

  • Lecture N4 RT models