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  • This record merely highlights that Geoscience Australia holds Bathymetric data of various types. GA has at least four sub types of Hydrographic data. (1) Multibeam bathymetry holdings - ANZCW0703009768, (2) Singlebeam bathymetry holdings - ANZCW0703010858, (3) Hydrographic Soundings - ANZCW0703010875, and (4) Derived Depth Data holdings ANZCW0703010876.

  • Australia marine surveys base map

  • This is a compilation of all the processed multibeam bathymetry data that are publicly available in Geoscience Australia's data holding for the Macquarie Ridge.

  • Geoscience Australia carried out a marine survey on Lord Howe Island shelf (NSW) in 2008 (SS062008) to map seabed bathymetry and characterise benthic environments through colocated sampling of surface sediments and infauna, rock coring, observation of benthic habitats using underwater towed video, and measurement of ocean tides and wavegenerated currents. Subbottom profile data was also collected to map sediment thickness and shelf stratigraphy. Data and samples were acquired using the National Facility Research Vessel Southern Surveyor. Bathymetric data from this survey was merged with other preexisting bathymetric data (including LADS) to generate a grid covering 1034 sq km. As part of a separate Geoscience Australia survey in 2007 (TAN0713), an oceanographic mooring was deployed on the northern edge of Lord Howe Island shelf. The mooring was recovered during the 2008 survey following a 6 month deployment. lh_4m is an ArcInfo grid of the Lord Howe survey area produced from the processed EM300 bathymetry data of the survey area using the CARIS HIPS and SIPS software.

  • Topographic Slope grid represents the slope angle (in degree) of an area of seabed. It was created from the bathymetry grid obtained from the survey onboard the Mattew Flinders in 2011. Please see the metadata of the bathymetry grid for details (GeoCat no: 74915).

  • The local Moran I grid calculates local autocorrelation of the bathymetry grid. It indicates local heterogeneity. The large and positive values represent positive autocorrelation or clumped pattern; the large negative values represent negative autocorrelation or checkerboard pattern; the values close to zero represent random local pattern. The grid was created from the bathymetry grid of Darwin Harbour. Please see the metadata of the bathymetry grid for details (GeoCat no: 74915).

  • The ArcINFO grid is one of the outputs of a finescale hydrodynamic model, the Simulating WAves Nearshore (SWAN) model (Booij et al., 1999; Ris et al., 1999).The grid describes the modelled maximum orbital velocity (m/s) which can be used as estimation of seabed exposure on the Carnarvon Shelf.

  • Geoscience Australia carried out a marine survey on Lord Howe Island shelf (NSW) in 2008 (SS06_2008) to map seabed bathymetry and characterise benthic environments through colocated sampling of surface sediments and infauna, rock coring, observation of benthic habitats using underwater towed video, and measurement of ocean tides and wave generated currents. Subbottom profile data was also collected to map sediment thickness and shelf stratigraphy. Data and samples were acquired using the National Facility Research Vessel Southern Surveyor. Bathymetric data from this survey was merged with other preexisting bathymetric data (including LADS) to generate a grid covering 1034 sq km. As part of a separate Geoscience Australia survey in 2007 (TAN0713), an oceanographic mooring was deployed on the northern edge of Lord Howe Island shelf. The mooring was recovered during the 2008 survey following a 6 month deployment. Sample diversity indices calculated in PRIMER (version 6) using the species level data from LHI_Infauna_species (27Oct10).csv

  • This dataset contains profile curvature data from seabed mapping surveys on the Van Diemen Rise in the eastern Joseph Bonaparte Gulf of the Timor Sea. The survey was conducted under a Memorandum of Understanding between Geoscience Australia (GA) and the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) in two consecutive years 2009 (GA survey number GA-0322 and AIMS survey number SOL4934) and 2010 (GA survey number GA-0325 and AIMS survey number SOL5117). The surveys obtained detailed geological (sedimentological, geochemical, geophysical) and biological data (macro-benthic and infaunal diversity, community structure) for the banks, channels and plains to investigate relationships between the physical environment and associated biota for biodiversity prediction. The surveys also provide Arafura-Timor Sea, and wider northern Australian marine region context for the benthic biodiversity of the Van Diemen Rise. Four study areas were investigated across the outer to inner shelf. Refer to the GA record 'Methodologies for seabed substrate characterisation using multibeam bathymetry, backscatter, and video data: A case study for the Eastern Joseph Bonaparte Gulf, Northern Australia' for further information on processing techniques applied (GeoCat: 74092; GA Record: 2013/11).