Administrative Boundary
Type of resources
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Consolidated Maritime Boundaries between Australia & Indonesia Diagram AU/INDON-22 Refer previous GeoCat 70221 (Christmas Island inset)
This map shows the area of the Shark Gillnet and Shark Hook Sector 183m Depth Commonwealth Closure. Produced for the Australian Fisheries Management Authority.
Black and White version of Protection Zone map GeoCat 64837 (Aug 06) Produced for ACMA internal use.
Black and White version of Protection Zone map Geocat 64837 (Aug 06), using option 1 (Filled in PZs). Produced for internal ACMA use.
This map is produced for the Australian Fisheries Management Authority to assist their enforcement of Australia's Maritime Boundaries. It has lots of icons to explain to Indonesian fishermen where they can and cannot fish in the Timor and Arafura Seas. Originally produced using the Indonesian language. This version is an English translation. It is not for sale or public release by Geoscience Australia. Public release is thru DEH and AFMA.
This map is produced for the Australian Fisheries Management Authority to assist with their enforcement of Australia's Maritime Boundaries. On this side is an explanation of the applicable maritime boundaries and a list of their coordinates in the Timor and Arafura Seas. Originally produced using the Indonesian language. This version is an English translation. It is not for sale or public release by Geoscience Australia. Public release is thru DEH and AFMA.
Exclusive economic zone and continental shelf boundaries under Article 2 of the Treaty between the Government of Australia and the Government of New Zealand Establishing Certain Exclusive Economic Zone Boundaries and Continental Shelf Boundaries (2004) Diagram AU/NZ-01 Refer to Geocat 73162 Treaty text and coordinates can be found at:
Seabed boundary under Article 1 of the Treaty between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia Establishing an Exclusive Economic Zone Boundary and Certain Seabed Boundaries (1997) (Not yet in force) Diagram AU/INDON-09 Refer to GeoCat 73155 Treaty text and coordinates can be found at: Note that this is a signed text but has not yet entered into force
This map has been created to update the old Crimes at Sea maps produced in 2000. These maps have been checked & approved by the Attorney Generals Office April 2013. There are 13 maps in the series plus the main map showing all of the Australian Territory. The AAT maps have not been released to the public as yet. Located in M:\Products\Australias Crimes Act Offshore Areas\products
This map has been created to update the old Crimes at Sea maps produced in 2000. These maps have been checked & approved by the Attorney Generals Office April 2013. There are 13 maps in the series plus the main map showing all of the Australian Territory. The AAT maps have not been released to the public as yet. Located in M:\Products\Australias Crimes Act Offshore Areas\products