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  • Tholeiitic intrusion-hosted nickel sulphide deposits are highly sort exploration targets due to their potential size and co-products platinum-group elements and copper. The Norilsk-Talnakh (Russia), Voisey's Bay (Canada) and Jinchuan (China) deposits are world class examples. Although Australia holds the largest economic resources of nickel in the world, its nickel resources are mainly sourced from komatiitic-hosted and lateritic deposits. Known resources of tholeiitic intrusion-hosted nickel sulphides are relatively small, with Nebo-Babel and Nova-Bollinger in Western Australia the most significant examples. Given the abundance of tholeiitic igneous rocks in Australia, this important deposit type seems to be under-represented when compared to other continents with similar geology. To support the discovery of world class nickel sulphide deposits in Australia, Geoscience Australia has recently undertaken a continental-scale GIS-based prospectivity analysis for tholeiitic intrusion-hosted deposits across Australia. This analysis exploits a suite of new relevant digital datasets recently released by Geoscience Australia. For example, the analysis utilises the Australian Mafic-Ultramafic Magmatic Events GIS Dataset which places mafic and ultramafic rocks across Australia into 74 coeval magmatic events based on geochronological data. Whole rock geochemistry of mafic and ultramafic rocks has been used to differentiate between magma series and discriminate between different magmatic events and units within those events. Other new datasets include crustal domain boundaries derived from both deep crustal seismic data and neodymium depleted mantle model age data as well as a coverage of the minimum thickness of mafic rocks in the crust derived from the Australian Seismogenic Reference Earth Model. This continental-scale GIS-based nickel sulphide prospectivity analysis uses a mineral systems approach to map the four essential components of ore-forming mineral systems; (1) sources of ore constituents, (2) crustal and mantle lithospheric architecture, (3) energy sources or drivers of the ore-forming system, and (4) gradients in ore depositional physico-chemical parameters. These four components are combined into a prospectivity map using weights-of-evidence GIS-based techniques, with the most prospective areas across the continent occurring where all components are present. The mineral systems approach allows for the identification of a much larger footprint than the deposit itself, and can be applied to greenfield and/or undercover areas. The results highlight areas that contain known tholeiitic intrusion-hosted nickel sulphide deposits, such as the Musgrave and Pilbara Provinces, as well as regions that do not contain any known deposits, such as the southern margin of the Arunta Province in the Northern Territory, the Mount Isa Province in Queensland and the Paterson Province in Western Australia.

  • Review of 2009 Acreage Release

  • Under the Australian Government's Energy Security Program, Geoscience Australia conducted a seismic survey and a marine reconnaissance survey to acquire new geophysical data and obtain geological samples in frontier basins along the southwest Australian continental margin. Specific areas of interest include the Mentelle Basin, northern Perth Basin, Wallaby Plateau and southern Carnarvon Basin. The regional seismic survey acquired 7300 km of industry-standard 2D reflection seismic data using an 8 km solid streamer and 12 second record length, together with gravity and magnetic data. These new geophysical datasets, together with over 7000 km of re-processed open-file seismic data, will facilitate more detailed mapping of the regional geology, determination of total sediment thickness, interpretation of the nature and thickness of crust beneath the major depocentres, modelling of the tectonic evolution, and an assessment of the petroleum prospectivity of frontier basins along the southwest margin. The scientific aim of the marine reconnaissance survey was to collect swath bathymetry, potential field data, geological samples and biophysical data. Together with the new seismic data, samples recovered from frontier basins will assist in understanding the geological setting and petroleum prospectivity of these underexplored areas.

  • Abstract for initial submission; see Geocat 71429 for conference paper version

  • Abstract for initial submission, pending acceptance by convention technical program committee.

  • Crustal magnetism is predominantly caused by the abundantly distributed ferrimagnetic mineral magnetite which posses the property of spontaneous magnetisation. Such magnetisation is dependent on temperature, which if high enough, will cause magnetite minerals to lose their magnetic property of spontaneous magnetisation and become paramagnetic. This temperature, known as the Curie point isotherm, occurs at ~580oC for magnetite. As temperature increases with depth in the crust, the Curie point can be taken as the depth at which the crustal magnetism ceases to be recorded. Using power spectral analysis of aeromagnetic data, we have generated a Curie point depth map for the Olympic Dam region in South Australia, host to the world's largest iron oxide-copper-gold-uranium deposit. The map shows an approximately 55 km long by 35 km wide and 40 km deep hemispherical depression in the Curie point depth beneath Olympic Dam, from a background average of around 20 km. Olympic Dam is notable for its large iron and uranium content, and it is located in a region of unusually high heat flow (av. 73 mWm-2). With such high heat flow one would expect the Curie point depth to be shallow. The paradox at Olympic Dam is that the Curie point depth is deep, raising questions about the geothermal gradient, depth-integrated abundance of heat-producing elements, and the source of the iron. A possible solution to the paradox is to interpret the deep Curie point depth as a giant hydrothermal alteration zone, where the heat-producing elements have been scavenged and concentrated into the upper crust, along with the gold and copper. The iron must have a significant mantle source as it is measured throughout the full crustal column. As iron is electrically conductive, such an interpretation is supported by the high conductivity measured deep beneath Olympic Dam.

  • At Whites Deposit, Rum Jungle, chalcopyrite-uraninite ore has been intersected in a cross-cut at a depth of 100 ft., and sampling shows a grade of 1.5 per cent. U3O8 and 4.6 per cent. Cu. over a distance along the cross-cut of 34ft; material containing an average of 0.94 per cent. U3O8 and 2.97 per cent. Cu extends over 60 ft. Uranium mineralization is known to occur over a length of 200 ft, but the average width and grade over this distance is unknown. The ore replaces flatly pitching drag-folded beds and the width of ore along the strike is expected to vary considerably. At Dysons Prospect, about 30,000 tons of autunite-bearing ore, perhaps containing 0.25 per cent. U3O8, has been indicated by drilling. Browns Prospect is similar in many ways to Whites, but no payable ore has yet been intersected. In the district as a whole leaching of copper and uranium has been extensive and favourable areas are, in many cases, covered by soil. Structural conditions are such that non-outcropping ore is likely to be found. To-date, 3,300 ft. of drilling and approximately 700 ft. of underground prospecting have been carried out in the area and the results obtained are considered highly encouraging. Extensive drilling and underground development are warranted.

  • During the 1952 field season a series of test traverses using magnetic and self-potential methods was carried out over the known radio-active deposits in the Rum Jungle area, to discover whether any definite anomalies were associated with surface showings of radio-active minerals. In the course of the magnetic work in Brown's area, a major magnetic anomaly was discovered south-west of the workings, and a reconnaissance magnetic survey was carried out in order to obtain information on its extent. [Technical details and the preliminary results of the survey are discussed in this report].

  • The area described in the report lies between latitudes 12°48' and 12°56' S., and longitudes 130°56' and 131°11'E. Most of the mapped region lies between the Stuart Highway and the North Australian Railway. The investigation of this area is still in the early stages and has consisted of general geological mapping, and detailed investigation (including drilling) of areas found to have been radioactive during airborne scintillometer surveys carried out in 1952. At Brodribb and Ella Creek superficial hematite-rich deposits have been found to be radioactive to the extent of up to ten times background, but drilling of this type of deposit at Brodribb has not yet proved the existence of payable primary ore. Further drilling is proceeding. A new discovery at Ella Creek in July this year gave high radioactivity over a length of about 300 ft. and two pits sunk to a depth of 3 ft. of this line have shown counts of 5,000 per minute and 10,000 per minute respectively. The field geologists recommend further testing here. In the Frazer area, laterite, which contains a belt of radioactivity up to eight times background, is known to exist, but, apart from limited trenching, has not yet been adequately tested.

  • Since 1949 a considerable amount of geological and geophysical investigation as well as diamond drilling and some underground development has been undertaken in the search for uranium ore in the Darwin-Katherine region, and in the course of this work information has been gained which, it is thought, may be of interest to prospectors and companies who are now beginning to pay considerable attention to the possibilities of the area, but have had little or no experience of prospecting for uranium in the Katherine-Darwin region. Investigations of the area by the Bureau, by private companies, and by prospectors [are] now proceeding more vigorously than ever, and without doubt a good deal more remains to be found out concerning the uranium deposits of this province. In these circumstances the notes supplied below are put forward tentatively as being some facts known to the present writer at this time (July, 1953) as well as some more controversial opinions. It is expected that more information will be made available as the investigation proceeds. (The following notes should be read in conjunction with Pamphlet No. 3 (Radioactive Mineral Deposits) of the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics and a copy of the Mineral Map (NT32B-4) would greatly aid in their understanding).