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  • The main sedimentary basins of Western Australia are arranged peripherally to the pre-Cambrian shield which forms the greater part of the state. In 1948, the Commonwealth Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, by arrangement with the government of Western Australia, commenced detailed geological reconnaissance of the Fitzroy and North-West Basins. In 1948 and 1949, the R.A.A.F. carried out a programme of aerial photography of these basins and this air-photo survey has since been used as the basis for mapping in the field. In the course of this work several discoveries have been made and as only brief mention of them has been made elsewhere they are included in this summary. The main areas of Palaeozoic sedimentation in Western Australia at present known are the Ord Basin in the far north-east, the Fitzroy Basin, the North-West Basin stretching from Onslow to the Murchison River, and the Irwin-Perth Basin stretching from Geraldton to Busselton.

  • This report gives an overview of the bauxite resources of Tasmania. The report provides a summary of the work, investigation, and sampling conducted between 1941 and 1949. The mode of occurrence and types of bauxite are described. A description, which includes a statement of reserves, is given of each of the eleven individual deposits.

  • This report describes the results of a micropalaeontological examination of samples, collected from bores nos. Z.18, T.29, HH.57, and PP.59, in the Moorlands Coalfields.

  • Following a report by Mr. McDougall of the existence of sulphur deposits, possibly of large dimensions, on New Britain, deposits at Lolobau, Pangalu and Kasolali were examined in the early part of June, 1950, by the Chief Geologist, accompanied by A.K.M. Edwards, Senior Geologist, Port Moresby and G.A. Taylor, Vulcanologist, Rabaul. This report gives an account of the examination and its findings.

  • A survey of Australian resources and consumption of antimony, both as metal and antimonial lead, was started later in 1949. This survey had been nearly completed in August 1950, when the Defence Supply Planning Branch of the Department of Supply requested that a survey of the antimony position similar to that for "Graphite" be prepared on their behalf. As the production and marketing of antimony metal is undertaken by one company only in Australia, and of antimonial lead by another, statistics of post-war production, civil consumption and end uses have been readily available.

  • The Zeehan silver-lead-zinc field is in the West Coast Region of Tasmania. Following on the geophysical work carried out for Zeehan Explorations in 1947-1948, the Bureau was requested to carry out a survey on the Mariposa lease held by North Broken Hill Ltd. The purpose of the survey was to examine the Mariposa area for possible magnetic and gravity effects associated with the known mineralization and thence to determine the extent of this mineralization; and also to investigate the swamp covered limestone area for hidden mineralization. Further, it was considered that the results of the survey and behaviour of the instruments in the difficult terrain would serve as a guide to the usefulness of the magnetic and gravity methods in other similar prospecting areas in the Zeehan field. An account of the geophysical work and its results is given in this report.

  • The island of Timor has attracted the attention of geologists for more than one hundred years. The first geological investigations were carried out on behalf of the Government of the Netherlands East Indies as early as 1829. This report has been compiled using information obtained during previous geological investigations, and the data supplied in existing geological reports, and comprises notes on the stratigraphy and structure of the island, with reference to oil prospects.

  • At the request of the Defence Supply Planning Branch of the Department of Supply an investigation of the Australian graphite industry was undertaken early in 1950. The particular aspects to be considered in this investigation were listed by the Planning Branch as follows: the specific defence significance of graphite and an estimate of peace and probable wartime demands, the experiences during World War II where applicable, the present and future supple position, alternative methods of ensuring that demands are met in an emergency, and the method recommended to meet demands in an emergency. This report should be considered an interim report containing recommendations for early consideration by the Planning Branch.

  • No product available. Removed from website 25/01/2019

  • This palaeontological collection comprises 100,000+ locality based samples derived from BMR/AGSO/GA field survey programs, from external organisations (e.g. exploration companies, state geological surveys), or from donations or bequests by private collectors over the last 100 years. It also includes laboratory subsamples, residues and microscope slides and is often referred to as the F Collection or Bulk Fossil Collection.