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  • The cartographic collection of the Doc Fisher Geoscience Library consists of the maps and air photos created or acquired by agency staff since the formation of BMR in 1946. This includes maps produced by agencies which have merged with these over the years, such as AUSLIG. Maps held include: Australian geological map series (1:250,000, 1:100,000 and the 1 mile series); topographic maps produced by NATMAP and its predecessors (1:250,000, 1:100,000 and 1:50,000) - latest editions only; various Australian geochemical, geophysical and other thematic maps; geoscience map series from other countries acquired on an exchange basis, including some with accompanying explanatory notes; Non-series maps acquired by donation or exchange; atlases. The Air photos are predominantly those used for mapping Australia and, to a lesser extent, Papua New Guinea and Antarctica, by BMR/AGSO from the 1940s to the 1980s. Geographical coverage of the sets is not complete, but many individual photos are unique in that they have pin points, overlays or other markings made by teams in the field. The Papua New Guinea photographs in the collection may, in many cases, be the only existing copies. Flight diagrams are also held for many (but not all) sets of air photos. Some other related materials, such as montages of aerial photographs (orthophotos), are also represented in the collection.

  • The Forbes Geology GIS comprises a digital compilation of regional geological mapping of the Forbes 1:250,000 sheet by AGSO and the NSW DMR under the National Geoscience Mapping Accord from 1995 to 1999. The data package includes all mapping data from the 6 component 1:100,000 geological sheets; Parkes, Grenfell, Bogan Gate, Marsden, Condobolin and Wyalong. The GIS includes polygon and line layers depicting outcropping and buried rock types, structures, and regolith landforms. It also includes point layers depicting outcrop descriptions; mineral occurrences; geochemical, thin section and geochronological samples; georeferenced photographs; structural readings; and drill hole locations. Images of AGSO's airborne magnetic and radiometric data, and a depth to slightly weathered bedrock model are included.

  • This digital data package comprises all available 1:100 000 scale first edition and unpublished preliminary geological maps of the Mount Isa Inlier, Murphy Tectonic Ridge, South Nicholson Basin and southern McArthur Basin. It also includes parts of the Mount Drummond and Lawn Hill 1:250 000 sheets which have not been mapped at 1:100 000 scale. The complete data set covers 19 full, 5 combined and 4 part 100,000 scale map sheets. All faults within this area have been coded uniquely to facilitate metallogenic analysis. The data, currently version 2.1, can be downloaded and comprises either MapInfo or Arcinfo/Arcview formats. For Arcview, unique legends have been created for the geology layers of each individual dataset, uniform across the whole of the Mount Isa dataset.

  • High-resolution aeromagnetics, radiometrics and gravity data for the Innamincka and Strzelecki 1:250 000-scale map sheet areas in far northeast South Australia have been integrated with regional seismic profiles and extensive well intersections to reveal a geologically complex subsurface of several stacked basins above a basement of differing adjoining Proterozoic blocks.