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  • A request was received in December, 1951, from the Director of Ordnance and Underwater Weapons of the Department of the Navy for assistance in selecting an area suitable for the electrical balance testing of the pistol-firing rod unit of the torpedo. It was desired that this site should be at the R.A.N. Torpedo Establishment at Neutral Bay, Sydney, New South Wales. The only condition laid down in the relevant specification is that "the rod may be supported in a suitable wooden structure or in such other manner provided that the complete rod unit is not less than ten feet from any ferro-magnetic materials". In order to arrive at a more specific definition of the requirements for the testing site, the problem was discussed with the Chief Superintendent and officers of the Torpedo Establishment. The appropriate test specifications were consulted and a series of measurements were carried out to determine the actual requirements. The magnetic investigations described in this report were carried out in August, 1952, and the overall results and conclusions were communicated verbally at that time to the officers concerned.

  • These documents have been scanned by the GA Library. Please refer to the document for contents.

  • The Waterhouse uranium Prospect No. 4 is located 3.5 miles south of Batchelor siding on the North Australian Railway line, and was discovered by aerial scintillometer survey. A ground examination recommended radiometric gridding of the area. The Prospect is in lateritised rocks and is a broad area of twice the radiometric background count. Within this area are small local zones, rising to four times background, associated with quartz veins. The future of the Prospect is not encouraging.

  • Prion Lake on the plateau of Macquarie Island, is believed to be a result of the action of an ice-sheet moving over the surface of the land. It should, by the shape of its basin, indicate the direction of movement of the ice-sheet in this region. Elsewhere on the island there are several indications that the general movement was from the south-south-west but it has been suggested that near Prion Lake the movement was nearly at right angles to this. More recently this has been doubted and it was felt necessary to determine the shape of the lake's basin by soundings.

  • This report covers the results of the experimental electrical logging of eight bore holes in the Maitland Coalfields, New South Wales. The theory of the single point resistance and self-potential methods is outlined and the reactions of the coal and other formations are described. The experiments were inconclusive in deciding whether or not electrical logging can be used for correlation. Because there are many vertical and lateral gaps in the stratigraphical sequence of the coal measures it is considered unlikely that electrical logging could be used for correlation in the Maitland Coalfields. However, electrical logging has been recommended for adoption as a routine procedure in the drilling programme to check the recovery of cores in the coal zone. This procedure may results in a saving on drilling costs.

  • The features of the single-point resistance log, obtained in A.A.O. No. 2 Bore, Roma, are described. Single-point resistance, self-potential and geological logs of the lower section of the boreholes are shown. The results indicate that electrical logging can be effectively used for correlation problems and that salt water sands in the reservoir rocks can be detected with reasonable certainty.