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This series of samples from 650 down to 1262 feet from W.R. Johnston's Bore, near Bourke, is in continuation of that reported upon on 13th November, 1941. The samples are described in detail within the report.
The following notes accompany a plan of one of the areas tested at Moonta, namely, an area embracing sections of Elder's Main Lode and Elder's West lode between Warmington's and Taylor's shafts. The test surveys on which the plan and notes are based were made in March, 1942. The plan is intended to illustrate in a general way the nature of the potential gradient results of all the tests in the Moonta-Kadina area and it should not be accepted as a basis for assessing the value of the tests as a whole. A great number of tests were made embracing the use of potential gradient, electromagnetic, magnetic and self-potential methods, and the nature of the results varied considerably. Correlation between geophysical results and known geology was good in many cases, but indifferent in others. It will be appreciated therefore, that a decision to carry out routine surveys can only be based on a critical examination of the results as a whole.
A report on the Montana silver-lead mine, Zeehan, Tasmania.
The Chilcot mine orebody is a steeply dipping, well defined fissure zone of brecciated andesite, with chalcopyrite in shoots, averaging about 8 per cent copper. Other minerals are bornite, pyrite, hematite, magnetite, quartz and calcite. Pre-ore faults displace the lode channel and are associated with the mineralisation. The ore body is developed by two levels 160 feet in length at 104 and 178 feet depth, and ore is being extracted from a stope between the two levels northeast of the shaft. Water level is a little over 100 feet from the surface. The general pitch of the ore body is about 45 degrees to the northeast. Exploration is recommended of the probable northeast extension of the lode down the pitch, and geophysical investigation to attempt to locate further possible shoots of ore.
The following notes on the number of the mica mines in the Harts Range area were collected on a recent water survey. They are very incomplete but it is thought that they may be of interest in view of the possibility of stepping up production in this area. Complete data concerning production, etc. of the mines seems to be impossible to obtain.
King Island is situated at the western end of Bass Strait. The scheelite deposits at Grassy were discovered by Mr. T. Farrell about 1913. A new Company - King Island Scheelite N.L. was formed and commenced operations during 1938 and results of their operations to the 31st October, 1941 show: [see record for complete table]. The present production (based on 1941 figures) is 30,000 tons of ore per annum from which 200 tons of scheelite concentrate is obtained. Geology, mining operations, milling practice, and recommendations for testing and development are discussed.
The overburden (or non-scheelite bearing rocks overlying the ore-bearing rocks) at the mine of the King Scheelite N.L. at Grassy include: 1) A layer of windblown sand ranging in thickness up to 30 feet; 2) An irregular layer of non-mineralised rocks occurring in the north-western part of the present workings; 3) Non-mineralised rocks conformably overlying the lode in the southern part of the workings; 4) Overburden dumped on the southern side of the open cut. The problem of the dumping of the overburden is involved in that of the selection of a suitable site for the treatment plant. Under the proposed scheme to increase production a new site will have to be found for the treatment plant that is to be erected.
A preliminary report on these samples was forwarded on 19/2/'42, the final report being delayed until the results of a mineralogical examination of two rock types, prominent in samples from 1542 feet down to 1549 feet was available. The results of this examination are now available.
The Coorabin coalfield bore and shaft sites are listed. A short description is given of each site.
In company with Mr. L.A. Richardson an inspection was made of this deposit on Friday, December 4th. The workings were plotted and examined, though these sections off the main drives could not be inspected very thoroughly owing to having no lighting available except matches.