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  • As part of the Onshore Energy Systems Group’s program, late gas (methane) and compositional kinetics (1-, 2-, 4- and 14-component (phase) kinetics) were undertaken by GeoS4, Germany. The phase kinetics approach is outlined in Appendix 1. This report provides the data required to access the shale gas potential of source rocks from the Georgina Basin, Australia.

  • <p>Summary <p>Spring point locations compiled for the Nulla Basalt Province <p>A compilation of spring locations as identified through various methods, including existing Queensland Springs Database, topographic mapping, fieldwork visits, landholder citizen scientist mapping, and inspection for neighbouring similar features in Google Earth. This compilation has had locations adjusted through inspecting visible imagery and elevation data to identify the likely positions of springs at higher resolution.

  • Geoscience Australia has undertaken a regional seismic mapping study that extends into the frontier deep-water region of the offshore Otway Basin. This work builds on seismic mapping and petroleum systems modelling published in the 2021 Otway Basin Regional Study. Seismic interpretation spans over 18 000 line-km of new and reprocessed data collected in the 2020 Otway Basin seismic program and over 40 000 line-km of legacy 2D seismic data. Fault mapping has resulted in refinement and reinterpretation of regional structural elements, particularly in the deep-water areas. Structure surfaces and isochron maps highlight Shipwreck (Turonian–Santonian) and Sherbrook (Campanian–Maastrichtian) supersequence depocentres across the deep-water part of the basin. These observations will inform the characterisation of petroleum systems within the Upper Cretaceous succession, especially in the underexplored deep-water region. Presented at the 2022 Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA)

  • This map shows the location and status, as at 31 December 2021, of Australian operating mines, mines under development and mines under care and maintenance. Developing mines are deposits where the project has a positive feasibility study, development has commenced or all approvals have been received. Mines under care and maintenance have known resource estimations and may be mined or developed in the future.

  • Exploring for the Future (EFTF) is an ongoing multiyear initiative by the Australian Government, conducted by Geoscience Australia, in partnership with state and Northern Territory government agencies and other partner research institutes. The first phase of the EFTF program (2016-2020) aimed to improve Australia’s desirability for industry investment in resource exploration in frontier or ‘greenfield’ regions across northern Australia. As part of the program, Geoscience Australia employed a range of both established and innovative techniques to gather new precompetitive data and information to develop new insight into the energy, mineral and groundwater resource potential across northern Australia. To maximise impact and to stimulate industry exploration activity, Geoscience Australia focussed activities in greenfield areas where understanding of resource potential was limited. In order to address this overarching objective under the EFTF program, Geoscience Australia led acquisition of two deep crustal reflection seismic surveys in the South Nicholson region, an understudied area of little previous seismic data, straddling north-eastern Northern Territory and north-western Queensland. The first survey, L210 South Nicholson 2D Deep Crustal Seismic Survey acquired in 2017, consisted of five overlapping seismic lines (17GA-SN1 to SN5), totalling ~1100 line-km. Survey L210 linked directly into legacy Geoscience Australia seismic lines (06GA-M1 and 06GA-M2) in the vicinity of the world-class Pb-Zn Century Mine in Queensland. The results from survey L210 profoundly revised our geological understanding of the South Nicholson region, and led to the key discovery of an extensive sag basin, the Carrara Sub-basin, containing highly prospective late Paleoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic rocks with strong affinities with the adjacent Mount Isa Province and Lawn Hill Platform. To complement and expand on the outstanding success of the South Nicholson survey and to continue to explore the resource potential across the underexplored and mostly undercover South Nicholson and Barkly regions, a second seismic survey was acquired in late 2019, the Barkly 2D reflection survey (L212). The Barkly seismic survey comprises five intersecting lines (19GA-B1 to B5), totalling ~813 line-km, extending from the NT-QLD border in the south-east, near Camooweal, to the highly prospective Beetaloo Sub-basin in the north-west. The survey ties into the South Nicholson survey (L210), the recently acquired Camooweal 2D reflection seismic survey by the Geological Survey of Queensland and industry 2D seismic in the Beetaloo Sub-basin, leveraging on and maximising the scientific value and impact on all surveys. The Barkly reflection seismic data images the south-western margin of the Carrara Sub-basin and identified additional previously unrecognised, structurally-disrupted basins of Proterozoic strata, bounded by broadly northeast trending basement highs. Critically, the survey demonstrates the stratigraphic continuity of highly prospective Proterozoic strata from the Beetaloo Sub-basin into these newly discovered, but as yet unevaluated, concealed basins and into the Carrara Sub-basin, further attesting to the regions outstanding potential for mineral and hydrocarbon resources. This survey, in concert with the South Nicholson seismic survey and other complementary EFTF funded regional geochemical, geochronology and geophysical data acquisition surveys, significantly improves our understanding of the geological evolution, basin architecture and the resource potential of this previously sparsely studied region.

  • Geognostics OZ SEEBASE depth‐to‐economic basement model of Australia and ancillary datasets. In this update, basement is defined as the top of igneous or metamorphic crust at the base of undeformed sediments, regardless of age. Note that in deeper parts of some basins, such as the greater McArthur Basin, the deepest section may be metasedimentary. Data provided by Geognostics, 2021. OZ SEEBASE® 2021 (Version 1, May 2021). Geognostics Australia Pty Ltd,‐seebase‐2021. Web Map Service layers include: - Depth to Basement Image - Depth to Basement Grid - Sediment Thickness Grid - Derivative OZ SEEBASE Sediment Thickness Grid - Basement Thickness Grid Disclaimer: The conclusions and recommendations expressed in this Geognostics digital release represent the opinions of the authors based on the data available to them. No liability is accepted for the total accuracy of this report or related datasets, nor any commercial decisions or actions made resulting from this report.

  • This Surat Basin dataset contains descriptive attribute information for the areas bounded by the relevant spatial groundwater feature in the associated Hydrogeology Index map. Descriptive topics are grouped into the following themes: Location and administration; Demographics; Physical geography; Surface water; Geology; Hydrogeology; Groundwater; Groundwater management and use; Environment; Land use and industry types; and Scientific stimulus. The Surat Basin is a sedimentary basin with approximately 2500 m of clastic fluvial, estuarine, coastal plain, and shallow marine sedimentary rocks, including sandstone, siltstone, mudstone, and coal. Deposition occurred over six cycles from the Early Jurassic to the Cretaceous, influenced by eustatic sea-level changes. Each cycle lasted 10 to 20 million years, ending around the mid-Cretaceous. Bounded by the Auburn Arch to the northeast and the New England Orogen to the southeast, it connects to the Clarence-Moreton Basin through the Kumbarilla Ridge. The Central Fold Belt forms its southern edge, while Cenozoic uplift caused erosion in the north. The basin's architecture is influenced by pre-existing faults and folds in the underlying Bowen Basin and the nature of the basement rocks from underlying orogenic complexes. Notable features include the north-trending Mimosa Syncline and Boomi Trough, overlying the deeper Taroom Trough of the Bowen Basin and extending southwards. The Surat Basin overlies older Permian to Triassic sedimentary basins like the Bowen and Gunnedah Basins, unconformably resting on various older basement rock terranes, such as the Lachlan Orogen, New England Orogen, and Thomson Orogen. Several Palaeozoic basement highs mark its boundaries, including the Eulo-Nebine Ridge in the west and the Kumbarilla Ridge in the east. Paleogene to Neogene sediments, like those from the Glendower Formation, cover parts of the Surat Basin. Remnant pediments and Cenozoic palaeovalleys incised into the basin have added complexity to its geological history and may influence aquifer connections. Overall, the Surat Basin's geological history is characterized by millions of years of sedimentation, tectonic activity, and erosion, contributing to its geological diversity and economic significance as a source of natural resources, including coal and natural gas.

  • We present a new geological map of Warrumbungle Volcano created from volcanic facies field mapping, new geophysical, geochemical, and geochronological data as well as data from previous studies. Field mapping and petrography defined 19 volcanic and 2 mixed volcanic-sedimentary facies. Facies identification and distribution in conjunction with geochemical analyses indicate an early shield-forming phase of predominantly mafic and intermediate lavas and pyroclastic deposits, and minor felsic lavas deposited on an irregularly eroded basement of Surat and Gunnedah basin rocks. The shield was subsequently intruded by felsic intermediate to felsic magmas that formed dykes and other intrusions including possible cryptodomes, and also erupted as lava domes and block-and-ash-flow deposits. A radial dyke swarm cross-cuts most units, although is concentrated within basement sandstone surrounding the central area of the volcano, suggesting late inflation accompanied by dyke emplacement. Geochemistry indicates differentiation of a single although repeatedly recharged alkaline magmatic suite. Fractionation of olivine, Ti-magnetite and clinopyroxene occurred in mafic magmas, and after reaching 62 wt% SiO2 crystallisation of apatite and alkali feldspar took place. A new U-Pb zircon SHRIMP magmatic crystallisation age of 16.25 +/- 0.12 Ma on a felsic block-and-ash flow deposit is in agreement with the recalculated 40Ar/39Ar isochron dates of previous workers. Based on our mapping and the use of volcanic facies to define mappable units, we recommend the previous Warrumbungle Volcanics be elevated from formation to group status and renamed the Warrumbungle Volcanic Complex.

  • This Bowen Basin dataset contains descriptive attribute information for the areas bounded by the relevant spatial groundwater feature in the associated Hydrogeology Index map. Descriptive topics are grouped into the following themes: Location and administration; Demographics; Physical geography; Surface water; Geology; Hydrogeology; Groundwater; Groundwater management and use; Environment; Land use and industry types; and Scientific stimulus. The Bowen Basin is part of the Sydney–Gunnedah–Bowen basin system and contains up to 10,000 m of continental and shallow marine sedimentary rocks, including substantial deposits of black coal. The basin's evolution has been influenced by tectonic processes initiated by the New England Orogen, commencing with a phase of mechanical extension, and later evolving to a back-arc setting associated with a convergent plate margin. Three main phases of basin development have been identified; 1) Early Permian: Characterized by mechanical extension, half-graben development, thick volcanic units and fluvio-lacustrine sediments and coal deposits. 2) Mid Permian: A thermal relaxation event led to the deposition of marine and fluvio-deltaic sediments, ending with a regional unconformity. 3) Late Permian and Triassic: Foreland loading created a foreland basin setting with various depositional environments and sediment types, including included fluvial, marginal marine, deltaic and marine sediments along with some coal deposits in the late Permian, and fluvial and lacustrine sediments in the Triassic. Late Permian peat swamps led to the formation of extensive coal seams dominating the Blackwater Group. In the Triassic, fluvial and lacustrine deposition associated with foreland loading formed the Rewan Formation, Clematis Sandstone Group, and Moolayember Formation. The basin is a significant coal-bearing region with over 100 hydrocarbon accumulations, of which about one third are producing fields. The Surat Basin overlies the southern Bowen Basin and contains varied sedimentary assemblages hosting regional-scale aquifer systems. Cenozoic cover to the Bowen Basin includes a variety of sedimentary and volcanic rock units. Palaeogene and Neogene sediments mainly form discontinuous units across the basin. Three of these units are associated with small eponymous Cenozoic basins (the Duaringa, Emerald and Biloela basins). Unnamed sedimentary cover includes Quaternary alluvium, colluvium, lacustrine and estuarine deposits; Palaeogene-Neogene alluvium, sand plains, and duricrusts. There are also various Cenozoic intraplate volcanics across the Bowen Basin, including central volcanic- and lava-field provinces.

  • NDI Carrara 1 is a deep stratigraphic drill hole completed in 2020 as part of the MinEx CRC National Drilling Initiative (NDI) in collaboration with Geoscience Australia and the Northern Territory Geological Survey. It is the first test of the Carrara Sub-basin, a newly discovered Proterozoic depocentre in the South Nicholson region, based on interpretation from new seismic surveys (L210 in 2017 and L212 in 2019) acquired as part of the Exploring for the Future program. The drill hole intersected approximately 1120 m of Proterozoic sedimentary rocks unconformably overlain by 630 m of Cambrian Georgina Basin carbonates. Continuous cores recovered from 283 m to a total depth of 1751 m. Geoscience Australia conducted an extensive post-drilling analytical program that generated over 30 datasets which the interested reader can find under the EFTF webpage (under the "Data and publications" drop down menu) at This record links to the Exploring for the Future 'borehole completion report' for NDI Carrara 1 and access to all on-site downhole geophysical datasets.